TllHiml MM It Has hard to tell whether the lathers or Ihp more tun at North Kub llalh eh at Knox tin slopped the pit stop to oil wheel of Jmori They arc from the tub Win of rally go on In the regional Herald as best designed the North r Hall Doris Is seen here tlnn a cheque lo Drug Mime lommltlre Martin Doris member of Ihe Mrs service club which raised the in the to help the committer druR abuse photo Lucky Brad Burnett will never hate to en another cold turkey sandwich lie won microwave courtesy of the hardware and furniture presented Brad with after he picked the right number In the Georgetown Hockey Moms you pull of and Tom received trophies Herald photo Day of Prayer On March Church Women of will join with Christian women world lo Ihe Mill World Day Pnyor Tilt World of is sored in Cin ihc Inter Church Council of tun id which represents of Ihe major el mi ml ions in injclu works in conjunction with the ntimalionil World Day of Committee which is mode up of representatives from 170 countries The was printed in English and French with special edition in large print Japanese Chinese Braille Twelve congregations in area will be participating offerings from the services are applied lo cost of printing with the surplus be ing used to help on work of WICt As well to the a and to women project Canada and the La i in Dibit Society The World Day of Service will be held in Ihisarea St John s United Church Georgetown March 30 SAME DAY TAX RETURNS Gulph SI 8772217 MOUNTAINV1EW PLAZA BULK FOODS 10MOUNTAINVIEWRDS GEORGETOWN FROZEN FOODS INTRODUCTORY Sticks or Cod Buttered 20 Chicken Nuggets 1800 Shopsys Frankfurters Bacon Wrapped Tenderloin 2 Cm Radon Cabbage Rolls Shepherd pie Macaroni Bib Tray or Case Sin a STORE HOURS Tues Wed iJL Thurs Frt 900 900am 6 TOWN OF HALTON HILLS GEORGETOWN APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE AND DRIVING The Corporation of Town of Hills is inviting citizen ilions lor to the liking and Commitlcc which contain your name address telephone number short slalemcnl of why you arc nlcrcskd in on will be until Council Is seeking five more he general public sit on this The Committee meets monthly to He to Council For morn Information the Committee c Clerk Town of Hilton Hills Box Hilton lis Get ijctown apply in writing to Boathouse costs rise when extras added Monday night town councillors not only went for the cedar shakes shingles but thty also roof over the deck for in alarm These added up to make Ihe project or Prospect I irk In a recorded voted all but one favor of the ntw recrejlionil facility for Ac ton Jot Hewitt wjs sole opponent Ham Sheldon Mayor Miller were absent At last weeks general committee meet Inc an agreement was reached to the functional and cheaper shingles with cedar to enhance appeal durability of the Monday night Cuun Johnston willed tht boith to over the deck Issue brings smiles frowns One was the other was delighted The two school board chairmen in reacted Friday to the Ontario Court of Appeal decision statin full funding is not unconstitutional The court decision in support of full funding was given Inst Tuesday Bruce Chairman of the Board of said she was dismayed by the decision A split docs not make it any more acceptable lo Ihc public There arc still some problems to with as before she said A delighted Bill I law ken Chair man of the toman Catholic Separate School Board is satisfied with the 32 decision The close volt Is not point he feels The Minister of showed a majority decision is the tht he said Bruce does not believe the dec on is consistent with con Religious teaching does not have a place In public system because there are so many religions Who is to say one should be taught ovir another she said Using public funds to support the Roman Catholic separate school and not other separate school systems unconstitutional Chairman Bruce explained She fears the public system will be hurt by extended funding and that fun ding could lead to other separate systems getting funding All this would take money from the public system she said Chairman Bill believes that full funding would not create in equality but on the contrary it would correct an Inequality between the public school ssttm and the Roman Catholic school system has existed since the last century Mr is referring to the educational rights given to Horn an Catholics in Ontario lion Those rights were the major reason the courts approved extend won support Hewitt out there for the the been moved and she was concerned about the building during the vacant dark hours and winter months Mr said the alarm system was priced at SI by the general contractor and suggested he be allowed to negotiate a better price in the local market instead Tendered at with a pro posed limit set by previous of the bo house was trimmed by Mr Shcpard to 112 to keep it within the town budget Instead of an anticipated per cent gnnt from province Mr was able to only wangle COO under a little known Marina and Boating Facilities program making the towns share of lhe pro ject heftier Workers faced with longer drive About GO Hills employee will have longer drive in to work if they choose to stay with Koelik Canada Inc The Kodak plant on McLiucJilm Road in Brampton is scheduled to close by hie 1987 In a press rele issued Thursday the it is closing lhe Brampton plinl is part of a million program con solidatc its activities il its Toron plan on The pi ml our buildings located rcntly employs people most of them from Brampton Corporate Communications Supervisor Anne said almost all of the staff will lie of tired employment Iht We intend to our employ mint levels with tic business op portunities we fat stales the com s press rele ise Kodak Canada in hi manufacturing marketing and distribution of a broad range of im products for use profes commercial and amateur photographers Of s 1 GOO workat the silt Established in Toronto in 1B99 the is e subsidiary of Eastman Kodak Co in Rochester New York Recently lhe Roc ester Co an its intentions lay off 10 per of Kodak staff world wide That works out to 13 employees acewdingloMrs Klar We feel this consolidation will meet lhe objectives of Rochester to get lean and mean she said We feel it far more cost effective to manufacture out of one location Before he Brampton plant can close the company still has to add to the 18 buildings at its 23 hectare office in Toronto It an to take 20 months to com plcte the renovations and additional construction required retirement and separation packages arc ban goffered to staff Bridal Beginnings Jeffrey L Eason Barrister Solicitor Re Location of Office Wo I locited 116GulphS1raat JH PHOTOGRAPHY 65 KING STREET 8772322 Social Caloimg Ltd RECEPTION HALLS AVAILABLE BRIDAL BOUTIQUE By appointment Wear Bridal 877 n 60 Main St S Georgetown ibridal show Getting Married GEORGETOWN WELCOME WAGON PRESENTS Bridal Fashion Show 86 HALTON CULTURAL CENTRE 3 CHURCH ST Sunday March Bio ling Show A 8779896 COMING Good service good coverage good price Thats State Farm insurance ROBERT TAIT LTD SI 877 6148 Like a good neighbor State Farm is there STATE FARM INSURANCE FREE MEMBERSHIP The Biggest and Best VHS Movie Specialists in Georgetown Now Offer You Free Membership Never Again Will You Have To Pay A Membership Fee At Our Store To Rent Movies COMING THIS WEEK RETURN OF THE JEDI DOWNTOWN VIDEO Your Specialists The Only Video Store In Georgetown To Offer Free Membership 98A Main St S Georgetown 8770935 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK