Knightly news Obviously these children hove had program where ihej were lou of experience building sand paper castles on the beach probably the helped them when it came lo a ensile Georgetown library March Break hp library lrlday llctt I Won ttlllUms I ml Morgan I Paul Juhnsuii j Tan my lory Melissa llrndrj Herald Power works for GDHS club The grade 12 marketing club has begun to carry out lis tivlties for this semester The marketing club Is a member of the Marketing Education Clubs of Canada Association MECCA which Is an affiliate of the Distributive Education Clubs of America IDECCA The committee this eludes Pete Brent icepresident lamer secretary Mike Hurley treasurer Cindy Baku parliamen and Rich reporter president dials with doing developing your individual self The is Developing Leaders for Marketing and tion The is Power works with else weakness con The colours art blue and gold suggesting sincerity and crowing success which irancb lo one who hies useful lyjnd wisely The goals art leadership develop ment social intelligence vocational undersi indinfi and civic con These deal with learning how to be a leader and a follower gaining a basic knowledge of poise and social needed in our society acquiring a first hand knowledge of merchandising salesmanship and the opportunities available in chosen and recognizing their to live Activities for this semester in elude Hie magazine The Iheme this jtar is to Ihe Spirit Mirketitig will be creating posters mid such around ihis theme The students and their icher Mr Charles are also plans for d event with students from New which is part of the MEXCA promotion The MECC and students will travel together and spend weekend of white ater rifting The market i elub wjs also a of niLht held scleral weeks the liifji school Th the start of thines or the 12 marketing students this semester At the end of the term I II report on these events as well as others Until then jDILS students MECCA Is a student organization designed to develop programs of leadership and personal develop ment ana like all clubs and tlons MECCA has its own creed tagllne motto colours and goals The creed is a lengthy one each student Is required to learn It CAS conflict for Society volunteers foster parents adoptive parents and staff members that was scheduled for April has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict The annual meeting of the CAS will take place at The Centre beginning at p April The next orientation meeting will take place at the Halton CAS offices at 7 Road Oakville from lo May Anyone Interested in learn more about the agency is w el come to attend the session DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC J Kohari DT 122 St onHwy 7 GEORGETOWN phone 8778974 HOLLY ARNTZEN JOHN ELLIOTT THEATRE SATURDAY APRIL 1986 FOR SHEER RANGE YOU CANT BEAT HOLLY ELECTRIC SOULFUL DIVERSE ONE GREAT SINGER I I I IO IHr I ION Tickets 200 TICKETS AT ENSIGN FLAGS ROTARY CLUB OF GEORGETOWN Celebrating Years Rotary In Georgetown PHONE 8730100 or MMsHM Social Catering Ltd RECEPTION HALLS A Beautiful Beginning Can Be Enhanced By Good Planning The Following Advertisers Will Pay Personal Attention To All Your Wedding Needs GEORGETOWN WELCOME WAGON PRESENTS Bridal Fashion Show 86 TO BE HELD AT THE CULTURAL CENTRE 9 CHURCH ST Sunday March 23 1 m show FOR FREE TICKETS CALL liMftMrjjim JHRSHBACK PHOTOGRAPHY KING STREET 8772322 BRIDAL REGISTRY FLATWARE GIFT ITEMS MAIN ST MILTON 8780050 Hills Arts Council SI- Wednesday March IB IBM polity under was thwarted by the town Councillors set Arts Council in direction Local helping out an agency in Hoi lon Hills The will be holding art May at Holy Cross ehureh auditorium Organizer Jane frugal has been ranging for such Carol Black and Grace Knight to put up their works for it a count ed price Look for more in formation soon about the auction and these in column Tickets for the auction mailable it the office in Hand South or phone the office at B77 int such polity They invited tountill rs and numbers of tin community to in at Hit Cultural ry liurth in curvet nun bet ween m request for by the Haiti fills Co inul list i to I by heir budget the Up The Trouble Is is i Children Aid is hosting this lliought provuking il on the transition from childhood to adulthood in April Originally staged at John I- limit in Georgetown r ly this year the multi media show will be The Centre with The James Company Jim Victor and are are by purchase only from the Children Aid Society it The lime in exhibition strips up at the show would you polity for thi tow ol ml help fininti survey for town last month Ihe is also isk mi the to lonlnbute equal ly tow tost of Ihis and is pelt f up the remaining third coffers are not unite sure really v it sueh a survey invokes and whilhtr our in tirprctation will be lo the town Arts member It ilphUrsil list week lie s hopnif discussions with the dipirtment and will mike th it eltar An outside consultant is to to undertake is will give lo it Mr of find i eonsultint is aire idy begun The needs survey is first step in lishmt an polity for Hills it Mr was asked if the I was happy about going with the needs assessment survey by Covin I think so We were a llttlt pointed atwul not having a citizens do a lut of the digging without having to get an outside con but I Hunk we II arrive at point Mr replied the Hills Something for the professional and amateur artist CraflworkH Be May Arts Council s Third An Juried Exhibition Open to or lists in Wellington Waterloo Went worth and counties fee For Info and applications contact 519 Deadline for application April 15th Eestlvnl of and Crafts July 13 I- or Info contact Elizabeth Simp son Waterloo St S Stratford Nj4A6 Deadline April 15 develop arts r dtvelop I FROZEN FOODS BULK FOODS NEW USED Cars and Trucks THE NEW 1987s ARE IN STOCK NOW 610 Martin St Milton iMIss 821 NORTHEND feliltaJU Good service I coverage price goodc goodf Thats State Farm insurance ROBERT TAIT AGENCY LTD 174GuelphSI Goorastowr 877 Like a good neighbor State Farm is there STATE FARM INSURANCE University of Spring Course in Georgetown en son Ihe Un Walerloo a course at Sepinle School jtd ly defjiet iloi eRensonCt for the halt course For mo I the Halton H Us on and Pa at or Ihe pan me oil at Apr I June Prereq tonsu Mr Tom Brenner course w cooperat on Halton H Recreat on and Give a student that first big break Give them a summer job Every summer students provide a wealth of talent knowledge and ingenuity that every em can tap As an employer you will benefit from the energy and enthusiasm students to their summer jobs The students in turn will gain the expenence so valuable to the working world Of course students are Willi to do just about any sort of work available but ideally they would like to find employment related to their field of study This would help ease the transition from school to work and help eliminate the no expenenceno job bias that they may face when seeking full time employment students makes good business sense For every type of job you can offer there a student more than willing to work Employment and Immigration Canada Immigration Canada Canada 86