World walk for prayer reflection peace nos i rut lit lis lliiv slip children will an piilun lilltrs ii ihiltlrcn in minims ihi world in intuiH 1 ft ilk is planned IhrousJi downtown J fir people of with piusos for refkr mil on the Dun hunger ipiriheiii the world Walkers iimIi Hills Kinder is jld tin nip of mi lust Ik Ion big One young of llu Door minion Seed so in ins squish or this done in unknown pirtiier 1 short ilion on rld luiiir wilkcrs mil pruned Mini Mm I lo pumusworih i suit ilk pot idmg mil chililrin to Ittmirn Park lo p nisi for a v ill on Ik imilnl Sinn i glint of support llishop Tutu Tin Walk will end outside the il w full chorus I in tin World ollKr Inl t tin Milium Lome Scots reunion time Iripi walk jihtr ind ilaltw i pl tin ilk and i tin Hi of llu I Uniterm Uresis Laura Secord Easier Eggs with the yellow yolk centres Delicious lb If j Easier Candies from uuiMxyc vounci PHDRfflACVlTD 8772761 For Cards Gifts and Plush Toys Especially for Easter The Store With Style OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 98BMamSt S Georgetown 8731300 iff Ml lWC Second weddings popular with Dutch Ik i sun second weddings in hi October 12 oorgctown resident Kircn Sicklcr lob Jr were with just such wedding in the Netherlands igt in Ihc requires ceremony like place first in the town hall then second lime the To be must Ik performed in this f According In tradition Ihc i inn to bridal rmde up of rid roses breath liolh and tht room wort small cordages match mg bouquet Undo and room were driven to Town Hill in their whilt Volvo decorated while flowtrs insult and out was perform major tin dir in both and Dutch Witnesses fur the were Helen s mother of mdiRo mi a friend liht miuvc dnssoctuiltdbj of flit for ho room wire innis faihirof the Groom the Grooms Brick was given in b and Joseph 1imliert double ring The and their iiitsts then proticikd to the Great ivhtre it J a tertmonj was ptrformed and English at this service was the Simon of the Dutch congregation at the Great The Brian of thi Church of ngland Tlnro were two receptions follow wedding The first in the of the Hotel in In the early evening and guests a dinner reception the Motel Katwoude hosted the Bride s pi rents The Bride and Groom honeymoon id bj through Belgium and I meeting up with Mr and Mrs Lambert for a few in I before returning to Karen s new home in fcdam Karen and Johannes wish to thank all those who attended the nodding as well us those who remembtred through cards tele prams and phone ills on this side of tin Atlantic was In Gcorroun last week when she dropp ed lids belated wedding story She now resides In 1 dam reunion needs help with yearbook The Centennial Com would like to and information about the following 1 Vnledictornns Student Presidents Vice pnncipils AM Baxter Award Winners J Lambert Award Winners Editors of the Challenge and Rebels- Former teachers Memorable events 10 Copies of Georgetown IIS News mimeographed sheets When the pictures are forwarded contributors arc asked to state the name then and now the year it was taken present address and a short account of the occasion Many former students have made contributions lo society in one form or the other would lie most an propria to to include such people in the Centennial Yearbook Tiic Com mittec would appreciate the names the pictures and areas of excellence these be In the field of n profession sports politics community activities etc Send the above items to Tom the high school