St tTIOM HE March I Herald picture parade The rulers Mere weather K h Street In Islanders Is Jimlr on liciid The boys photo the spring been here distributing the In Works Superintend formation are Richard Spears from IubyriRht Hi raid photo the work department anil Jeff is Bitton by a sports bug 11 lltraldSpfdi Jiff Hilton tins of In ILt ttll lit to disk it is irk tit thinks ilxut mil rtirtihan huts Ins job Jiff Hilton for tin li is been in to it him umpiring rtferccing ictiutiis Now at the of Mr is still in sports ind reirt lion mil enjoying it school Mr ilion Dcccc it i is well is of in Sociology Hi thi mill on work r public scr me in whin In wis liv Mil tilt working for Mr Bit Inn Ins worked with the Depart mint in Minor projrims ami hi Id the lion of supervisor for the liumil Municipality of is convenor for Minor m kitchener Tit is nui Mr HUM irk His his work instnnlion luring s iff with profrnns ind nulls Mo Ifl by lie linn ition ills job is to work lis with lb minimum ml 1 1n diffirinl roups within mm Kitting ixpUims I in ill if job s li illiiK with Hit Hesicks sihfdulmj fairs tints sports spun Hint pirk bins ore imm mil for nil of Hilton Hills Mr Hilt his issisltd wilb i of is will tin rui lit Iousi organized by Mr who found tin project fun in twisting to gel different groups to come together lo accomplish out I njoy whin groups tome push il despite dif finned Mr My ire to to improve the scheduling develop tliiSLrvicisiviiliibi I m Interested in involved in the of llalton Hills and to Ihi Georgetown is an town Leisure unit bis limited for Mr of his busy job situ dull whin hi docs git some linn hi enjoys trying Mr is shirts oriented but hi ills llkts to do i lot of tamp- mil Ioiij walks or hikes Also pet lover Mr owns a ill g two He Ins ilitldhood swiitbiirt ihlliiB wbm be wis r of age His wife Hi bin works it ir fh all rsblp in town Mr Hilton his here is In Itally a Icirning to set mistakes from years and set when improvements art need would like fill in in v i m some intinctlon m We ill mi outlet rib in up physically invoKwl Mr liitlon ijs Hit key word is fun IN THE HILLS Maxwells teeth Members of the Nor Women Institu and friends were invited to the home of Hardy and March at I 30 Tape recordings of the March Historical meeting were enjoyed with many chuckles and laughs person also displayed and told about an article of yester year Included in the show and tell was a Slate of teeth set in silver Ihnt Maxwells father plowed up many years ago Also ftatured were beautiful igh bells old pictures of the member choral society in the Nor Presbyterian and Ihe month long short course for both young men and women Both sere m IBM and and aught household and animal husbandry skills Lunch was Ml by the hostess and Noretn Von the for the lovely Study in jeopardy A study of the gaps in service in both Hills and Burlington has been pul in jeopardy by legion Last week regional councillors vetoed a request for Jo by the Planning Council to undertake a community needs assessment in the two munlcipillties The Planning Council wanted the money lo a community plan on nine contract The job would enlml current statistics on use of data comparing results with other municipalities in the region and preparing final reports tor Hills this data identify gaps in social services what needs there arc for Ihe United Way lo try and met Meals donation Lucie Hens president opened the Catholic Women s League March meeting with a prayer Secretary Pat McCarthy read minutes of February meeting A donation was made to Mcalson Wheels We received an invitation to an open house from the Board of ihe of the Shepherd regarding the addition to their building in Hamilton Thank you note was received from Wlnslon Robin on for a gift received at tint appreciation night A thank you letter was read from a family In Southern India for sup port through Family pro gram Also a thank you note from Development ind for money raised from our recent rich poor Report of expenses was given by treasurer Barb Lavoic Spiritual reading was given by Million Meeting was closed with prayer and coffee and dessert was Adapt goes beyond just the drinker in rehabilitation CAS booklet for childrens rights i This Mount SI Helms II a made the volcano for the Centennial scientific eruption controlled and Public School Science air Student In completely tut when It erupt It does create quite a commotion In the made over Centennial Public School half of which were on display Peter left and Paul Herald photo Mbc child is of tin confused wbv he s rimmed from and frits wb il will The litem is long been con about this difficult tionnl in a child lid and hopes the and confusion in with tin help of a bright yellow booklet entitled Itighls and In are of the llalton children FREEZER FRENZY Opmn 7 Days Meal and Sealoo 8530101 Mi SI FmOeiveiy ACTON and ited by social worker Ihe 1 page booklet to make children feel more secure wlen they into scire The first cop the booklet at on 1 There are presently ibout children in tire Morrison ill of Ihcm will have a copy of the booklet by the end of March Work on the book began last November after the Child rami ly Services Act Hill was passed stating children must be in formed upon admission to of their rights and responsibilities while in ire colleen Clothing Special is an alcohol and drug program that offers an ilternativc to people in who feci reluctant to admit themselves as a resident of a rehabilitation program The program which operates out of the Public Health Unit on Main St in Georgetown and the Acton Town Hall offers assessment counselling and group therapy lo people with a drug addiction or drinking problem But goes beyond direct contact with Hie abuser Alcohol affects not only he drinker but also person close to the problem in an equal way said Ian Stewart director of the Adapt pro Counsellors at Adapt often work with wit and husbands of abusers In hypothetical case where a wife of an Mr Stewart described the type of help she would rctihc We would not want her to tike responsibility for the actions of s and don ts to her Mr Stewart said He explained that counsellors help the person to establish health relationships outside of the his counsellors from variety of backgrounds Mr Stewart said Most have degrees in social work but counsellors are avail able with occupational therapy and criminology backgrounds Upon entering the program a client is first assessed to determine the Assessment Is then followed by different types of counselling which may include group therapy Sharing one s feelings with people who have the same problems is extremely thera Mr Stewartsaid explained that confrontation sessions help to talk about problems that are being created as opposed to the head in the sand approach All that needed for the drinker is to stop for a minute and took objectively about their drinking It is no uncommon for a drinker to arrange an appointment with us after a Mr Stewartsaid Clients often remain with Adapt for six to nine months But counsellors always follow up with an IB month check up program It takes a long time to make all the lifestyle changes to minimize the chance ore relapse he said About ten per cent of Adapt a 700 clients arc from the Halton area Mr Stewart said that about two thirds of the clients show some Improvement upon completion of the program There is no evidence that residen programs are any belter explain Stewart Currently there are no group sessions in the Georgetown Acton area but Mr Stewart hopes to provide that service soon There will also be a new youth group therapy program opening soon in the area but Mr Stewart la not sure where It will be located A large percentage of our clients are Wherever it is it will be open to of his or her particular needs youths from Georgetown and Acton he said Qoogolown 8779896 Bridal B idlkHf 1P Social Catering Lid DECEPTION HALLS AVAILABLE A Beautiful Beginning Can Be Enhanced By Good Planning Ttwollowmg Advertisers Will Pay Persoridl Attention To All Your Wedding Needs IIIMHMVJ Getting Married GEORGETOWN WELCOME WAGON PRESENTS Bridal Fashion Show 86 TO BE HELD AT THe HOIS CENTRE Sunday March Show f FMFHEE TICKETS MIL KMtMrJJiH JH PHOTOGRAPHY KING STREET 8772322 BRIDAL FLATWARE GIFT ITEMS MAIN ST MILTON 8780050 FEED A FAMILY OF THREE FOR 1000 THRIFT BOX pieces of chicken TRIPLE BOX OF FRIES 500 mL SALAD FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MARCH Kentucky Fried Chicken 18A ST GEORGETOWN