Soccer Bob Davidson assuming position Georgetown was a busy day last Saturday with the Soccer Clubs youth under to S years registrations not lo mention baseball and Acton soccer and ball hockey In places Some reglstra tlons were taken at the recent Open House success at GDHS and by the first hour of Saturday an estimated were signed up At the close of the day had put pen to paper There was plenty going on to keep people Interested whilst waiting for their turn to register George Barnes Informative and colourful coaches comer and Luc referee able The usual helpers were there from previous years along with some new faces and club registrar was quick to thank everyone for their assistance disappointing note was the number of coaches managers and rtferee as usual Unless these helpers arc forthcoming a fair sized burdenabtc headache is put upon the organizers to ac commodate the players who could be your very own children Correcting an error is not unusual for this writer already 1 am correcting an error with the rep teams The Under are definitely going ahead and their entry has been accepted by Peel Halt on as are the Juniors and Bon tarns The and Mosquitos ill be In the Mid Ontario league The club will continue with the house league under for boys and yes girls the club will try to accommodate girls under numbers will deter mine the results If the are there a division will be formed no doubt There is a rule modification to the goalkeeper step law and it is firstly easier to explain in person than cold print Basically the goalie is allowed four steps within which to release he ball Into play by a player of the same or other team However there is a in how and when and where the goalie is allotted to next play the ball Why don I you come along to the first rercrec session on rules of the game on Tuesday 13th May at GDHS gym at 30 p m The rules session is being designed for budding and existing refs coaches ana managers and anyone else Interested Our refs will be In forming and advising and lads and lasses be ready lo do your hit This Is a critical shortage area in the game today as you may recall from the past few years referee numbers have been dwindling and older ones cannot go on forever Last weeks coaching Up was on passing This week here is a general overview of what coaching is all about Teaching is a word I prefer to use when looking at players Coaching cornea The game is made up of fitness running jumping skills controlling the ball with feel body head laws of the Same offside fouls and ucts slops and starts tactics and strategy defence ant attack These can all be taught to players at all stages of their career Practices should be kept in teres ting and changing remember the younger the player the less time of concentration the player has The younger player trallon span may only be minutes compared with an IB year old player longer span Each prac tice should begin with a warm up period continue with skills development and conclude with a game scrimmage Coaches should be enthusiastic and positive with praise and en Give players time to leam be patient Try to increase each activity with a graduating degree of difficulty player 1 player 1 v etc decrease he working space Game like situations should he in traduced at all sessions Most of all have fun whilst play and practising Not clowning around not being a buffoon enjoy ing the game or practice Teach the skills develop Ihe techniques coach the strategies encourage the players practise what you preach to put Into actual games the things which you tiseand again have fun This introduction was taken mostly from the coaching program developed by the York University students under the tuition and guidance of our own Bobbins for the then youlh soccer club Referee hints this week take a similar form Turn up before game time In uniform with whistle timepiece notebook and writing implement should inspect the field Is it playable are the lines properly marked are the goal nets there and intact are there comer flags are the respective teams and coaches and managers ready are the leam sheets ready if necessary Pre game duties are more Important for game officials than most people realize I have not forgotten the lines officials for they have to be Instructed by the ref as to what will be required of them in the game They also should be In uniform and with the necessary equipment NEWUSED Cars and Trucks THE NEW 1987s ARE IN STOCK NOWl Martin St Milton Mill NOBTHEHD NISSAN Glen Specters pick new skipper Spect Inter County Fastball League have decided on who will assume coaching duties for the 1B06 season Milton resident Bob Davidson will succeed Ted Wilkes as team manager Wilkes stepped down from the post recently saying he wanted Basketball loop starts playoffs The Georgetown Ladies Basket ball League has begun its round robin playoff with the top two clubs recording opening victories Top place Mustangs defeated Tro jans while second place Cougars got past In the first game Sue led the way with points for the winners Anita Stankus had points while Diane had ID poinls for Trojans Kristcnscn Irvine had points while Lawrence had 14 points Rebecca Cavcrly led the way in the second game for Cougars with IB points while Chung Kim had 17 points and Dlaga chipped in with points had points for Caprlcoms while Kerry chipped in with points In the final league games of the regular season Mustangs got by Cougars and Capncorns defeated Trojans Tesar led the way In Ihe first game with 18 points for the winners Lor raine Brown chipped in with 13 points for Cougars in a losing cause while Mary Kelly and Chung Kim both had 10 points each In the second game Mary Smith ted the way with 18 points while 0 had 1G points and Muarcen chipped in points Lawrence had 14 points for Trojans while Knstcnseii Irvine had 11 and Jane Power Selects win two contests The Georgetown Herald yearold Selects had a bus wctk winning two of three games The Selects met Brampton first in an exciting closely matched game Georgetown opened the scoring in the second period on unassisted tally from Ryan Taylor The action wenl back and forth wilh many shots on both nets continuing throughout The final frame Curtis scoring with an assist going to Tim Van Brampton managed to Set on the scoreboard but fell 2 1 to The second against Milton saw the locals playing a frustrating game The boys t get into flow of the game and dropped a 1 decision Van scored Taylor assisting The game with Strcctsville was a better one and played at a tempo by the local Georgetown won as Van scored the first goal in the first period then added in the se cond period Peter Mashintcr and Chns had assists Nath in Milne also had a goal and assist and he locals final goal came when Cor ncy tipped one in on an assist from McNiven Pee wees shortcircuit Playing Nelson Arena In Burl on Saturday the Electric major dropping the match as time ran out on the clock Georgetown to spend his summer timi doing more summer activities Davidson comes in having seven years coaching fastball in Strcctsville where his teams won 15 tournaments and made it the pro vincial semi finals four times After Davidson coached fastball in Hornby thin coached in Millon for four years The two seasons Davidson has been out of ball because he said he have The thought of getting back into competitive fastball is one that Davidson is looking forward to It should an exciting jear he said I m definitely looking for I knou a lot of the gus on the team and I know they have a good team added Besides I been out ball for two years and wanted to into it With Ihe spring temperatures starting to warm up Davidson said he b looking start the Specters training In the two or three weeks Davidson said he looking lo a Glen turn that will both com pelitivt and I want to make nut i good show on and to as can The cor gel own Howl boy to i medal the On champ unships in Toronto this weekend Charles We a the a It He iiiKIrd hint hi the mi or competitor Willi his It rati Theie Bowl Junior girls placed second In the bowling championships in Toronto this Seen here a right Snow Kelly Balky back to right Knthy Miller Coach Andy Parent and Tracy Ball finished second with a Ihrre of Sherwood Centre of Hamilton was first with a score Herald photo Hie hauler wore a loanunui March 1G loke Trent left had the high triple of CIO front received her trophy far bottling Ihe most plus In three panics hi I 1DN pins In the back row are master tournament who will be going on to the proline ships in Scarborough j They are left In bantam master Shirts C I bantam I King tllrrald photo central Ontario region champions and are off to bowl the National Classified Tournament In Oshavta April 12 Seen here are from led to right Larry Kirk back left to right Chaplin and Bill Missing is Victor Jakow lew TRIO SERVICE PHOTO FINISHING Hilton HUH Pirk North down by three by goals when Sill McDonald tallied the first marker for locals from the slot on a pass from defenceman Mike McElroy Andy made It 32 on an unassisted effort beating the blue and orange goalie low on the short side Burlington counted again for a 42 spread and again early in the final frame to lead by McCauIcy flicked the puck over the downed goalie scoring from an almost Impossible angle on an unassisted effort with less than minutes left in game Wilh seconds left Bill McDonald notched his second goal of the game on passes from and Chad Bailey It was a nice comeback for the locals but loo late as Burlington nipped he Hon man squad 51 This team continues the Trl 10 Place Georgetown was the winner of In the Hanman squad Nova Scotia Bound draw fundraiser Thanks lo all who supported our efforts The team departs for Dartmouth S on April for five days Good service good coverage good price- ThaVs State Farm insurance ROBERT ft INS AGENCY LTD Gualph St Georgetown 4814 Like a goad neighbor State Farm 15 there STATE FARM INSURANCE GEORGETOWN MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION SPRING REGISTRATION GORDON MEMORIAL ARENA Saturday April 5 Sunday April 13pm 13pm BASIC REGISTRATION 1 family mombor 40 I am I members family mombora child loto registration surcharge SB on all cheques Proof of birth required GEORGETOWN J A YCEES PRESENT THE CRAZY BOAT RACE SATURDAY APRIL 19th Registration 10th Line Bridge Canoe Start Cheltenham Bridge Crazy Boat Start 1 0th Line Bridge Victory Dance Holy Cross Auditorium Uve J 5 per person Awards Presentation Information Dance Tickets 8771012 IN AID OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS c RITERION ARPETRUGCO LTD CARPETS ft Complete Wan to Wal Vinyl Flooring Insurance repairs and replacements SALES SERVICE GEORGETOWN 126 St Georgetown HARDING