MX I dries Mini IJK I Pipeline expensive linvestment The Plant Manager or Sales Mills stand by on his product The hot tap and stopple he is standing on Is used a repair lest and expand pipelines TDW Sales one of two companies Id Canada which make this kind of hot Up ami stopple Herald photo From a po of 8174 By MacLeod Herald Special Sales and Service on Arms Avenue moved into Georgetown 27 years ago and they have been a successful part of local industry ever TDW make pipeline fittings and Pipelint cleaning equipment one of the only companies n Canada to do so From their offices in Georgetown and the company vices the entire country Barry Mills Manager of the company an employee for ten years saidTDW moved to Georgetown in IK9 because they were renting facilities In Brampton and they dec id to buy their own property Prices in Georgetown were cheaper he said The company purchased j acres of land that year for That land is now worth an acre according to Mr Mills The company had a successful in Georgetown but then came the recession of the seventies and the number of employees at the company declined from to as low as 11 as business declined But business is now booming according to Mr Mills With people employed and some work contracted out is on sat- financial ground We have a captive audience There is not loo much competition and It is expensive to invest in the Industry Mr Mills said We are riding a wave right now and I expect the wave to stay high tor the next couple of years and then drop We deal with local people as often as possible and as much as possille believe In that Mr Mills said Along with business in Georgetown TDW has many big customers such as Consumers Gas the result is thil any new companies attempting to break into the business would meet with stiff competition from the Georgetown company Mr Mills sees a blight future in his company Industry for at least the next couple of years I personally think the oil and gas industry Is a good place to be at the moment he said Two more years of jobs s com mi I tec approved an additional HO for tin regions Employment Opportunities Program to carry It into 1987 The program is so til committee numbers were told it is showing a per ecnl rate In employment for ils clients Original estimates looked for a 10 per cent success rale Social services director Debbie Oakley said per cent of the people enrolled in the program are in retraining or upgrading programs various schools a fact which helps their placement rate Since the Ministry of Community and Social Services funding opt riles on an April 1 to March fiscal year the department wanted to add the region portion of the funding to the budget in anticipation of the con later In tht b the This will ensure iht progr ites for two ycirs The commit lee was told is one of four municipalities to In chosen for a provincial film on tin program Since many those involved with the program are single try join the work there is need for day care The tost of the additional ijo spaces is for the same period to round out the full As Georgetowns grown so has Standard Products Georgetown Division of Stan Products Ltd commenced in when Georgetown had a population of fl 174 The com joined a select industrial group composed of Smith and Stone Pro- and Papers The first machinery and was transferred from the Windsor location and as the developed and production in reaped new equipment Our building at Street tas erected in 1956 containing feet An addition of feet was added In 1963 giving is our present square feet of square feet is office In 19G0 Plant Employees formed jocal of the International Union Jniled Automobile Aerospice and Implement Workers of U A W Gerry Klatt was letted the first and only President In spile of the difficulties and jncerlainties in the economy Georgetown Division is optimistic about the future of the car industry We are proud to have been a part of Ihc community and shared in the growth of Georgetown during the past years Today we are a bustling and pro ductive company having purchased new equipment and tooling totalling over 1 million dollars during the past In 1Jj2 the parent company was in its having been founded in 1J27 by Jomes S M D a whose preference for Invention rather than medicine led him to develop the auto industry first flex ible window channel and weatherstrips Reid had his medical degree from the University of Louisville before World War I Dr Held died in 1981 at age 87 He was granted and assigned to the company more than 100 patents the years including 17 alter the of 70 He had retired as Chief ecutive of the company in 1958 but continued to serve as chairman of the board and maintained Interest in the company activities until his death Since 1962 his son James S Held Jr has been president he also bee in 1982 Since 1J5D Standard Products has produced a number of products in eluding Vent and Passenger Windows Drop Windows ford Truck and Passenger Car Vents Ford Scuff Plates Truck and Passenger Vents Scuff Plates Door Frames Various Weatherstrips Section Lace Weatherstrip various Stamping and Plastic Mouldings Recently the company has specialized in Belt Line Weatherstrip and Flock Glass Run Channel production Georgetown Division over the years Mac Parish Walt Nagorsen Sid Sufficld Jack Hamilton Bert Adams Norm Moore John McNal Mike Dick Motyl Bruno Ted Jim Dalton Henry Vanderburgh Stewart Hot tomley Harold Hut chins Standard engineers and quality control work closely with the major automobile manufacturers in designing products to fit today more sophisticated vehicles Con emphasis on quality produc and cost controls are the keys to the company success in obtain an Increasing amount of business each year and continued to provide employment for its people The Georgetown plant is one of the oldest plants still operating in our town The earnings of the plant 140 hourly and salaried people In the past year amounted to almost million dollars and much of this come was pumped directly into the area s growing economy Operating a plant this size on a three shift five day a week basis is costly In 1983 the plant used worth of natural gas for heating and reduction purposes paid lo keep its machines rolling The telephone bill came to nearly a tribute to the need to maintain close and frequent contact with customers suppliers and other company operations The water bill was in the past year Fringe benefit cost for employees and retirees amounted to 803 In the past year Standard Products is proud of its role In the growth and development of Georgetown and of its people who have supported the company Molten plastic turned into success story Mold Misters Limited was form in as a custom injection moulder loeuted in Toronto During the next ten the custom mouldim business ercw rapidly utilizing intern developed sophistic tied technology By 1973 sales to such an extent tint the required larger premises and moved to their current site on Armstrong Avenue In tin oil crisis pushed resin I nets the plastics industry out every processing ey Mold Masters was one of Hie irly pioneers of a system that tht molten plastic directly into the mould cavity The system tht scrap with older methods by providing a con linuously heated conveying system for Iht molten plastic or melt These so tilled hot runner melt convey systems were drat introduced for salt whin Hit company moved to Georgetown Mold systems are now marketed vounci ITD Downtown Georgetown FOR 30 YEARS awns I J WE HAVE DELIVERED youngs pharmacy limited medical centre pharmacy 8772761 Georgetown 8772100 worldwide The company is world leader in plastics ethnology holding these systems has brought about a fundamental change in Mold Masters business Thus although still a custom moulder the company s primary thrust Is as a high tech maehlne tool turcr serving injection moulding markets around the world Mold Masters designs and manufacturers high quality close tolerance composite castings and manifolds both with Integral heaters These products are engineered and designed through system computer graphics augmented design and manufacturing The manufacturing of the melt conveying systems which continues entirely in Georgetown can best be described as a high technology machining casting neat treating and assembly operation Manufac luring utilizes computer controlled milling machines lathes gun drills and laser welding THE TECHNOLOGY THAT BROUGHT YOU THE SHUTTLE BRINGS YOU TELECOMMUNICATIONS AT WESCOM CANADA We supply telecommunications equipment across Canada United States and Dotted Klrtfiflom SINCLAIR AVENUE GEORGETOWN