the HERALD Soviets try hardsell tactics Home Newspaper Hills Establshed A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Guelph Street Georgetown 3Z6 Ontario GARNET Publisher and General Manager J STEVEN FOREMAN Advertising Manager DAVE ROWNEY Number DM Page SFCT1QNA Wednesday Ju 1980 Put in the signs Rural road hazards we all know about them and we all had close calls But nothing hits home with as much force as when a member of our community dies in a car accident March two women died in a collision at the in tersection of Sideroad and the Fifth Line A coroner s inquest recommended that rural stop signs near intersections with partially obstructed views be sup plemcnted with a warning sign We think that makes sense and we hope Halton Region will act on the recommendation Rural roads are usually not maintained to standards ex peeled in more travelled areas The road surfaces in rural areas can be anywhere from smooth asphalt tar and crushed stone to loose gravel Not all dangerous curves have been smoothed away and cars do not always obey the speed limits Stopping does not come easy for a driver on a country road with a poor surface underneath A stop warning sign can only help to prevent the type of tragic accident which resulted in the deaths of Christine Wilcox and Mary Robertson It is an unhappy moment for everyone in the community to learn of an accident which claims the lives of two talented people Our memory of them can best be served by doing something to help prevent the same type or accident Tide has turned A yearold girl didn have any luck fighting the staid attitudes of the Ontario Hockey Association That is until her case went to the Supreme Court of Canada Justine Blarney is within her constitutional rights to try out for the all boys Metro Olympics hockey team the court ruled last week Ms Blarney victory is a victory for us all The tide turned long ago over questions of sex discrimination It can no longer be tolerated in a society so involved with human rights Justine is a symbol that women can compete alongside of men in a variety of maledominated jobs It s a shallow excuse to say women don t belong playing hockey with men If they have the ability to make the team they should be allowed to play No legal status There is a dramatic change in the way the Russians are conducting their business in Ottawa And while it too early to tell whether it will drastically alter the Soviet Union image in Canada it is certainly shaking up Embassy Row Suddenly Soviet diplomats hove become hard sell salespeople No more vodka back slapping and hockey talk Presenting the Soviet side of International events has become a very It used to be hat one could go lo Russian embassy affairs with nothing higher In mind than the food and drink Whatever these diplomats did In their working hours never seemed to spill over In to social occasions When the Soviet ambassador invited you to lunch it was a signal to take the afternoon off and enjoy the No more The Russians In Ottawa now seem to have a single- minded determination to get their message across And if you re going lo lunch with the It best lo read up on current affairs par tlculnrly disarmament been very bad said one embassy official the other day We are Irylng lo correct that They sure are Against the odds PAT the past six month period the Advocacy Resource Centre or the Handicapped ARCH has won several charter cases The first involved a young woman who had a brain tumor years ago She and other family members were denied the right to become residents of Canada because it was considered that the woman who was mentally handicapped would become a burden on the social vices system if the family ties broke down Although a relative had of fercd lo sponsor them the whole family was denied legal immigrant status as the woman was deemed The sponsor appealed the refusal ARCH presented Charter arguments against the section dealing with this mailer The Board decided in favor of the family It was decided by the federal court of Canada that a man who is a ecus of mischief and damage to pro perly under the criminal code and who was remanded to a sixty day assessment at the Mental Health Centre could still col his unemploymet Insurance benefits The centre is not a prison and the court deemed thai he should not be d hen titled as a prisoner under the act As he was unable to work due to Illness he was for benefits For mentally disabled pesons or Ihose thought to be mentally ho are brought before criminal courts this means they will not became disentitled under the Unemployment Insurance Act If they are sent a mental for meal cut assessment Multiple sclerosis affects the myelin sheath suroundmg Ihe nerves and causes scar tissue which can prevent Ihe transfer of There is no confirmed cause for this sometimes debilitating condition which is known for its episodic ex acerballons Diannc fisher a Milton resident speaks candidly about her experiences in living with MS Cable Against the Odds has as their guest on Wednesday July at and July 17 at Osteoporosis Is estimated to cause suffering to over Canadian women While they make up the ma jonty men and youth are not im munc to brittle bones Its slow progress often prevents early detec lion delaying changes in diet and other preventive treatment measures Sulking the Silent Thief Is a film thai discusses Ihe physical and psychological systems of osteoporosis how It can limit lifestyle treatment and prevention For information contact the Osteoporosis Society of Canada at Six or seven of us were invited to the ambassador residence for lunch and the new approach was ob vious the moment a maid opened the door In hand was a tray offering a choice of tomato juice orange juice or cranberry juice Seating In the lounge was careful arranged so lhat journalists and an equal number of Soviet diplomats could face the am Alexev Ottawa Report sincere In seeking disarmament the AmLricuns are not Their latest pro posals represent a genuine desire for weapon reduction the American counter proposals on the hand arc slatting tactics And so on E TALK Moving to Ihe dining room things didn lighten up In the mind of the western press said one of he diplomats there Is an Iron curiam And that about as close as we tame o a Nuclear very important said ihc on The question is lo be not to be It simple And in a 10mlnute period that would normally be devoted to small talk the ambassador read i prepared statement nil about Hus sion efforts to reach an on Then he turned things over lo a Russian military Inch who provided all details It was fairly predictable The perhaps not unlike the Americans tend lo see things In black and white Insist they are HACK Search for a welcome Clergy Comment Now lhat were definitely into the summer season schools closed vacations planned usually ex a more relaxed world one where we seem lo have more choice over our weekly routine more lime for famil occasions for recreation for just being laiv Those who choose lo travel this summer will be looking for a warm welcome wherever they go Whether it the hotel clerk the campground supervisor the waiter in the restaurant or Ihc store clerk what difference a smile and a cheerful phrase make One feels good inside tolly is likely spend more when one feels welcome Often employees are specially trained and lo welcome customers and make them feel comfortable in the denlist when one is fearing the worst that greeting docs so much lo allay fears and pro vide a sense of relaxation It was Abraham long ago and Sarah who welcomed three strangers as they passed They brought some water to wash their feet some bread and a feast as well Then as they left Abraham gave them directions for their jaumcy to Sodom In return for their ty Sarah and Abraham were bless eel by God We recall Jesus too who regular ly met with all kinds of disreputable people even lepers ate with them made them feel welcome in his presence Each week in our Liturgy say God welcomes sinners and invites Ihem to his able A hallmark of the J Christian tradition is the provtsion of in our churches Often a is described to me as being cold uncaring What an irony Here in the very place where the love of Christ is proclaimed the I pic ire often experienced as less friendly than the clerks waiters receptionists and manj others who are encountered in every day life I when I hear this report about a church sometimes even my own I wonder whether it an un fortunate first impression but 1 fear thai even first impressions have a listing effect on people s assess menl and decision ibout church The Director for Evingelism of the Episcopal Church in the United Stales his written People in the com muni need repented assurances I he ire welcome and wanted This principle must be behind other efforts to proclaim the faith Without hospitality words are Ij and ineffective This summer be aware of ihe receive from those meet Think them On Sunday seek out a church on jour travels let the people welcome and return home to do piri in welcoming Good returns In retirement I did ml the f relaxation and for Vilnius rt is ins Someone I span a few hours in volunteer Some experience in were mv I iclitr Cross Sen ml This lei is my nit ins of III tin iff and pupils i wonderful ir love and affection sickness d I wis returned An Id Thank you all tire Hill I here is no to the rhetorical of the administration that the Svitt Union has violated the terms f the T II Ire said am I issarlor Our behavior is above rcproueh We are not good at telling our story We arc going lo try be it this Halton s History from our files But most of the subsequent com ments represented an attack on the Americans Over a twohour period there was not one acknowledgment of a possible Russian shortcoming In the search for peace Questions about the alleged use of chemical weapons in Afghanistan were countered with proven cases of Americans using chemical weapons in Vietnam Wc also want to ask you lions said the ambassador But few were asked was mainly a briefing and a rather heavy one at that Two days after we left the am s residence awash In soda water an embassy employee the to ask whether they had written or to write anything Shall I mark it yes she asked In a business like voice Not a bit like ihe old days when one thoughts were not expected to go beyond the next course As for tne admission that the sians have been poor propagandists and at Ihc risk of appearing of their hospitality I would offer the view that they still haven quite got the hang of it Glen Williams came first In Ihe Georgetown Area Junior Track and Held meet David Pierce accepted the trophy from Hilda Clark physical Education Consul Ian I for the Board of Education Norm is coming to Georgetown at the request of Peter whose sports store Mr will be visiting The Toronto Maple Leaf will be greeting locals on Ihe street in front of the store as part of the Western Days promotion 30 years ago 10 rhne Mill home on CBC TV while Joe interviewed Mr Heslop He was described as a construction millionaire who builds whole cities Gordon Preston who recently escaped a Midland truck accident won Si in he Lions Club monster bingo a I the Georgetown arena lions Jim Jones presented the cheque to the Glen Williams resident Six Georgetown students received Silver memorial awards from Silver who presented the awards in honor of his father Chapel Street principal Harold Henry present Id ihe awards to Dorothy Thomson Joan Craig and Hank Wngglcsworlh principal William presented awards to Karen Norton Lois and Francis Ernew em Seven Georgetown boys are off to amp Ippcrwash for seven weeks of cadet training The boys are Doug Tom Barber Earl Little Roger Shaw Peter Herb Ford and Fred Young All are members of the Georgetown High corps 15 years ago Deborah Wilson of Moore Park passed her Royal Academy Dancing Exam with a mark of Highly Commended It is the second exam ihc student of the Vicki Lay School of Dancing achieved this murk Bishop John Bolhwell ihe elected Co adjulor Bishop of Niagara made his first official visit to Georgetown He officiated at the induction service of Rev Robert Gallagher Letter to the editor Chris Milne won the Invitational contest of the Dairy Bar Old Time Ice Cream baling Contest He polished off a three scoop banana split in 32 seconds Sam Holmes equaled the time Chris showed he was champ by finishing a cone in seconds Kelly Murumels won the Prin Award for achieving an above average at Centennlaf Mid die School Ron Chat ten Is the pal The North Golf and try Club celebrated their expansion Councillor Hyde helped club members Ted Evans Bill McNatly and club manager Manan Faulkner with the opening ceremonies years ago Otto and Peter were among those who toasted Ron at a banquet at the Acton Curling Club Mr was Ac ton Citizen of the Year After 40 years of teaching Marian Cleave retired The students of Joseph Gibbons said goodbye to Ihe kindergarten teacher who has lived most of her life In Georgetown Speyside Public School caretaker John Muir and secretary receptionist Irene Murphy were overwhelmed by the affection of the 170 children of the school Students presented them with poems posters songs and cards to show their thelwo Harrison Public School students bid farewell to principal Allen Mr Allen who has taught at Harrison for the last six years received a 30- foot long farewell card Acton is where Mr Allen will be principal next Redefine porn Hon JohnCrosbie Minister of Justice Dear Mr Hiving worked on the problem of pornography for over five ins our past correspondence with you would we meet your pro posed legislation with mixed views We support proposals the making distribution and possession of child pornography wholeheartedly We feel thai the tabled legislation with adult pornogrophj goes too The phriso other sexual tiv it is too vague and has the potential to restrict or other examples of health human scxuali ty Those of us who initially raised concerns about the of the Obscenity Section of the Code of Canada believe violence and degradation were the two main features of por not being dealt with We have never objected to because of its portrayal of sex but because of the abusive de meaning sexuality it promotes These two facets degradation and violence are your legislation must deal with now Those who object to any sexual representation overlook the op to counterbalance the negative effects of pornography with Ihe positive influence Of the consent and mutuality of healthy adult erotica Your child porno tion is to be applauded We en courage you to refine definition of pornography Yours truly Gall Rutherford Chairman Citizens Against Violent Por Path to personal grief the fatal mistake Grade 13 student Janet has captured top honors In The Herald a essay contest on drunk driving In bid to heighten the old and young people alike to dangers of drunk driving The Herald Invited essay submissions from students asking about Impaired drivers and the threat they pose toothers Janet won a scholarship lo further her education at York for her winning entry She is seen here with Herald Publisher Garnet accepting her The Herald has also agreed to publish Janel a Yesterday is the past a lime captured forever within em brace of history II can not be relived or changed reilm of film or memory Yesterday a man or a woman or a child was killed or maimed in an alcohol related dent That is a fact which can not be changed However is ours wilhin it lays the opportunity lo alleviate one facet of mankinds oldest and most deplorable trait man inhumanity lo man And drunk driving is inhumane Sochlly and legally drunk driving must be regarded and defined as a vicious act against humanity Drunk driving is not unique to any one country however It is a pilnful 111 the world suffers from Indeed driving drunk Is an act of violence against innocent bystanders and a socially accepted form of homicide Although alcohol related accidents of ten provoke fatal results in the post the law has allowed repeat of fenders to walk iway with only i the wrist Why One must understand society position with respect alcohol Alcohol has lived through the ages Indeed drinking is an act steeped in ivtnlhiiiL Communion Id In riles J manhood Thus iikilxl is svihIk 1 of In a lighter sense tin town ilrui as purl raved in dims his been a harmless oil fellow is In society his in rather linn condemned Ihc drinker This altitude has ex into the realm drunk dnver Unfortunililv difficult of attitude of generations has become nctessarj to regulate Ihe loo mix of alcohol and motor vehicles From a legal perspective laws have not the times The invention of the automobile did not inspire laws covering drinking ind driving Society was first fated the debris of the problem Fven so laws were ineffectual at beat regulations making reft rente to impaired driver Unfortunate n saw fit lo conclusively define Thus progress was made until ligilly impaired alcohol livel was fined and the law I isl few tin sis with ileiliil li tint in question Wht n in rs the motional tin of Hit tin is boundless Ihe Victims mus the fact Out parent child sililinc died without juslifnble hisher life Iridic ll is led stitv for the soci smites Hit drunk driver has inuirred aid supplies funds I eh tint ire working to mhit drunk At stmt time if innn power are a result the dnnkmj driving problem hospital staff to ex in id in in spent timet tin dimigi or prevent future horrors Hie cost is infinite Thi deadly iron of drunk limine is thai the fatal consequent have been proven and vet people drink ana drive might call drinking ind driving iddittion How else tin an individtul justif heavily if hi plans drive lines a tin nous decision to drunk is inhumane violent oilier Individuals The person thai drunk driver volved in the deci sion the outcome the public and ing support agnnsl drinking driving is the goal of such groups as Mothers Drunk Drivers and SADD Students Drunk Dnvcrsi The Rldt in Ontario has proved to be an effective too in deterring the drinking driver Also the designated driver pro has provided results However the wide scale support of public opinion Is demanded and necessary lo truly drunk driving The belief lhat driving is not a right must be tercel a driver must be aware that he is responsible for both himself and others Society must learn lhat ignoring the problem of drunk driving will not make It disappear of us are potential victims As an individual one fices risks loo many count by controlling the drink and driving problem society can lessen risk To willingly be victimized by in dividuals too inconsldente and responsible to care is not the road to sainthood and martyrdom merely a rather dim painful palh toward personal grief