For 30 Years We Have Delivered the HERALD HAZEN LAWN a CYCLE SALES ft SERVICE DAY LAWNS GARDEN EQUIPMENT SNOWBLOWER9 CHAINSAWS MOTORCYCLES SNOWMOBILES SERVICE DEALER FOR BRIGQSfi TECUMSEHMTDHOMELITECANAD1ANA Derbies take long vacation By UAL Ill llrrnldSporUFdlKr The Ontario Hockey Associ ition Board of Director Ins dttitl nol to renew Streelsville Derbies membership into il On Junior llocktv this season The upheld its ongiml deti of May 14 despite tin both tht Derbies organization is well as lilt Central 1 While the team wont be pi lying in Hit league this ill Derbies players will be agents go to any other rem Ccntralelubs i Derbies re or entry into tin league for the season those former Streelsville who in still eligible will become protected The Derbies organization offered to sacrifice some players loathing staff or executives to ensure par tlcipation In the coming it a meeting with the last week However OHA president Brent said in a prepared the Board felt the Derbies need a year to and with a different perspective Senior A Shipbuilders sink Shipbuilders have from Ontario Senior A Hockey League Tht decision was rtnde it a Mini night meeting of txtiutivi Iheir not it t to the night Tin Shipbuilders w int to play In this ir If into the league thin there will lit no hotkey Sly Bo ml outlined lint he culture of the its perception is will is its own inter objectives hive to examined te executive in 1 could not done overnight Nor could releasing of i few piivtrs or executives cure the pro Mem whith ippearcd to In worse instead of belter The decision supported Georgetown Gtninii general manager Jules I m not too happy said Tht might he in what it doing hut if they rt to something this seven mivbt they could give i warning first I think all teams should Mi by the rules set forlh by the but maybe is a severe lie said said the Gemini ire in tcrcsted in three or four Derbies players the Gemini will first off before even going ptrspeetut players If any Sireetsvilli plivtrs do call said the Gemini Will welcome them to Irs out jus other interested Were not going to lei feel like were players behind their back said to be upfront and eo through the organization Wove had goo relations in the past and don ml to jeopardize those relations siani added never know just might need them in slowly but surely letruiling ilent for their upcoming main training tumps itk from Me Mane recent Ij has at least three hopefuls down for rookie camp This said he be stressing quality rather than quantity the Gemini camps We want In make it hard for the coaching staff to m ike decisions he I don I want Just a bunch of names at imp I want There ire minus hat maybe Vaufjim might not be in league this year If so the six rt teams might look at in interlocking schedule with tin Met loop said The team is preparing letter isk in for late tnlry into lnitrmtdi ite By August the it should know if their request is The main rtason for folding team is tost of running it said Turn sources tin tost over and tie fitultv in players to play in the It im s demise week Gerry the Ship builders president told The the budget was about the amount needed lo run Senior club was around The Georgetown Chrysler were s lirgtsl driw ind team closest hern Sly Tht Hinders ment tint they pi ly Senior hurl he said Also the Shipbuilders sent out ibout letters to major torpor lions isking them if they were in m m ijor sor- for the one response taint back and tint one was I Raiders in Dundas Ileal McCoys will be back to play in the Ontario Senior A Hockey League this year but with a Georgetown Chrysler Balder flavor Team general Carl said last week his club would be interested In acquiring the ser vices of up to seven players who last season played for Georgetown All Georgetown play en are free agents now that the Haiders have taken a leave of absence from the senior loop Included in thai group are three Haiders who helped Dundas win the Hardy Cup this year Those players were Doug Fry Tom Gibson and Jim The others is interested in are John Gibson Paul Gillagher Leo and Jim I lie has also talked with former Haiders coach general manager Gil Eyre about joining their executive but tyre decided on his hockey future as of in Intermediate It will be better for Coll slid There ire in tin Sis believes lie will he ible to keep from the turn who live in ood of s seonrs will pro not tlitjble to pi iv for loll Him they from out of town lies willidnwl from the It is Hit fourth lime beginning of 1 1st tli it i dub is lefl or folded opentioiis Not present for the i ison will lie i tin while ml ford forme rh lain an still plimimg to ri m in Sum rhotkev the is working on getting at least three mort new entries for the Senior loop in time for Hit st of the seison dent lit mil with officials his been interest expressed nut of and there a Thunder Bay will elect to join the league In time for Last year Thunder Bay played in the Canadian amateur Senior Hockey loop CASH which is based in This year he CASH league wants to adopt local for mat and has Thunder Bay if it wants competitive league tint the OHA loop might pro- be its best bet also con by the OHA is last year In termediate champion squad from We re trying to concentrate on keeping the travel down to a minimum Ladds said We ve still got a few aces up our sleeves Hockey- Midgets tryout for Cents 79 s I So long ball lcorgetown midget I- Maurice Kcslcr this boll but he had an fugle when he In tenth Inning to I team to victory lour of thrir lull sin games lite Georgetown won winning two games all luj Hi raid photo The fnnhs Local ski writers career peaks I Two Georgetown deftneemen are competing for two jobs on the North Bays Junior A Ctnttnnials blue Mark Dunning and CraiR attended a mini camp this weekend in North And each will be train ing for a final chance to mike team August i when he camp reopens Six or seven ined out at the mini camp and there will be more in August Murks id of out of the Georgetown players miking team seems good is each is eonfi dent thev have the skills Thi were veterans of the Centennials it Ihe camp who pretty good oul of rookies I sec too many players Craig sud Neither player is or their present skills ind so insure possible hive prepired disciplined workouts for thcmsilv is Mark is working on putting on muscle and improving his wind lifting weights running Three limes a week he m i junior pro league in Meadow I to work on moviiif tin 1 lo more on the ice Mark Mirk with the Georeetowi midget rip turn last veir Craig is upgrading his weight pro grim so he tan gun weight Getting harder shot i quicker rtltise is part of the summer project of midget ho in Pee Wees keep rolling July 1st Georgetown Pec Wees were at home to Milton Georgetown came from behind to win After coming off from a successful tournament in Georgetown the local boys were off for a week and a half because of bad weather It showed up in the first inning as they gave up six unearned runs Coming back the boys settled down and played good baseball the rest of the game Adam Hagcn and Bobby pitched a strong game backed up by good hitting by Dave Radar Lawrence Mike Mowatt and Kevin July 2nd the team travelled to Brampton and came away with a ex Ira Inning tie as the game was called by curfew It was an extremely well played errorless game by both teams Strong pitching performances by Jeff Wright Jay and John Butler backed up by timely hitting by Steve Wright and Derek The boys are off to a busy week playing three games from the regular schedule They are off to a tournament on the weekend with a possibility of five games days ikirniu hi virtuous person I- 17 U resident is w rked hid His Will Im this fill when mad Ins Guide ross iiintiv Its funny sud in in I it will prohibit set I iter when link is rile hud in jump up two of Irvine to get the book published just hours put it first tin I of I book if ill which slid if wit was do si mt hid lies do so on i subjitl In knew lot spent tin past of his life in skiing id wnliill si iom jumping cross figured on Hit suhjttt would So he sit writing fin illv finished i ind vim 1 00 hours it didn I iniludi 111 lime spent on rtvisine die manuscript rcsi itl part wis indue i publishing eompjnv A first itlimpled do so on his own di ilmg with initiillj Pi ikir in aeiil who is experienced in the writing field hid Die contacts needed he didn Tht igcnt contacted Doubleday us well is two other publishing firms in J of this wis who detideil publish book However tin manuscript hid loin aid so mil r wuil tin 1 fu dine iht si mil ml rm iti ami louthint up the llpltet When tin hits tin shelf I his Iktitir it Ik in glil now future p in this hut of 1 illusiritiois eopts will ill id will fir 1 s iffirts Iiki pud tin 0 mil ieettmi Hi per ctnl com pletun well ikir will rov li iswl c r of hooks sold Tin will eoier topics is equipment when lo ski in Out in i sknnj fir Seniors tin of it ions inidi mil on equipment It will sold for J iker is pit lint ill tin work is He there times whin lit n wondired il tin not re ills suri how I m iniettl in slick with it lit said Holt in hi look if il or her I m sun I would This is in tint just Hurt in shrits whit its it in like I dtcided to writt k bet in st I md I illv spnrl 1 w intttl In piss it in to in In pi Ihiv dtrivi tin same pie said It sud the lluit he could In molhti on skiing it In the Ihnltd Mitts lit might interested mwrilu ii oilier book It big thrill Ik inns doors mv future ip rlumlies in Hit wntine fit Id fins future apt 11 bund 1 r triij is ore at oul it Mlssissaut Blue I School t on him enough for Hit Mew book three John will get his on cross llir truss Skiing In numb will lie in Hi raid phi lo minds of both If opportunity comes up that is whit I in looking for I won I drop out of school to I something fall back on rug said shown in in him Although he been asked to play for Craig would also wearing Gemini sweater next Other tonus in interested in tin Iwo but ire of the Junior A Having another pi Georgetown try for mats w is tomforl nil said They also found North Bay and its kind people madi that more There is the that Mark and raig will twill make North Hay their home in pail AND YOULL MAKE YOUR DEAL HERE EXCEL STELLAR JK3 MlchollnAJI Season Sleel Radial Tires Including Spare Sealed Beam Quartz Halogen HoodUghts Day and Night Mirror Front Side Window Demlatoia Trip Odometer Rear Window Defroster With Timor Interior Installed Fuse Box Tank Door Aluminum Coated Mud Flaps Front and Boar Corns Throughout Front InnorFendor Ch Id proof Boor Door Locks Inslrumonl Panel Inloimittonl Special Pro toe 1 iv Colour Coordinated Sea Bells With Warn ng Chime 8731694 HYUNDAI COUNTRY 318 GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN COMPLETE PARTS AND SERVICE 8466858