Salute to graduates Heller industry- helps YES grad Two industries and two people in Helton Hills were singled out last week as employers and employees of the year The North Halton Youth Employ ment Service YES made the presentations at their open house at the Milton Registry June Acton employer of the year was Frank Heller and Co The employee of the year was Kelly Stuckey who works for Frank Heller and Co Georgetown employer of the year was Georgetown Terminal warehouse Bart Byers was the Georgetown employee of the year No company in north has taken on more young workers through the YES program than Ac tons Frank Heller and Co said Christine Arbic for YES The Acton employee of the year Kelly Stuckey has worked for the company for nine months She was picked as employee of the year because she worked hard to find the Job and Is a consistent worker Ms said Georgetown Terminal Warehouse has provided a great deal of support for YES said Edward Took director of YES They have provided work for subsidized and YES clients they have given money to YES and they have allowed YES to borrow their vehicles The Georgetown employee of the The North Youth Employ merit Service employee of the year in Acton works for the Acton employer of the year Kelly Stuckey has worked for Frank Heller and Co Ltd for nine months She Is seen here with Mike who represented Frank Heller and Co the YES open house in Milton June year should really be called Georgetown participant of the year Mr Tooke said Bart Byers is ding the upgrading program at Sheridan College to get his high school diploma Mr had a Grade fl education and was working in house construc tion until a serious knee injury Georgetown were present to help the North Youth Employment Service YFS celebrate a year of service had an open house June the Milton Bob Sullivan left the presented a cheque Tor sponsoring of two clients to Jack Beer chairman of the Ad vlsory Committee YES helped Mr Byers find new direction Bart was Ihe most prepared at going about his career change in a thoughtful and intcll way Mr said Mr wants to work In property courses at Sheridan College this summer he plans to attend college Mr YES helps find jobs Are 17 a Grade dropout Then you re typical of the young peo ple the Youth Employment Service IYES placed In Jobs last year According lo the first annua report of the oneyearold Service 131 Georgetown Acton and Milton youth turned up for guidance from the organization and per cent of them had positive results Statistics showed over half of the youth were per cent were 18 and 38 per cent were 16yearolds Less than 14 per cent were and older Most of these young people did not have Grade 13 diploma or higher education In fact of mem only had Grade 10 65 of them only Grade and another 57 of them their Grade 12 diploma Most per cent walked In on their own for help In their job search from YES General Welfare Assistance sent in 14 per cent and other community agencies another per cent The good news Is that per cent of the youth walked out with a job and another per cent went back to Staying on in a Job placement for three months is used as an indicator of success by the Service They found they were with per cent of participants The Service was set up by the CA at Metropolitan Toronto which has experience In this field After conducting a feasibility study into the need for a service for disad Subject winners Subject award winners picked up Julia Merry Sarah Selhi Jenny row Patricia Mac prizes latl Tuesday night at the Williams Kurtls Andrews middle Marcus Thunlch and Lara Slewarttown Senior School left right Laura McFadden graduation Seen here are front Janine I Herald photo row left to right Julie Walters Jackson Held Nlxdorf back AHSs hallowed halls emptied by new There a whole bunch of students who will no longer have to step through the hallowed halls of Acton High School Receiving Ihelr secondary school graduation diplomas were ff7 students named below Sin hi Lain 1311 Wain An Doyle Bray Education degree BALL1NAIAU congratulations to Martha Lewis who graduated June 13 with a Bachelor of honors from the University of Toronto She previously had received two other diplomas with honors She Correction A graduation photo in last week Herald Incorrectly matched Centennial Public School students and their award The caption on Family front should have said Paul was valedictorian Jen nlfer Arnold was student forum president and Ian Vint won the principals award The Herald regrets the error BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HE MICROCOMPUTER BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 8778877 Demote Devon Mie DokJiJ Ebbing Megan til Robert tool II Diane Diane iUntock Han Hrkira Mlc Kmrtiinaky Maria Kn Peter Shelley Karen Link Kevin Gary Marnuaidl Steven Martin Heather I Raymond McKay Sean Miry Stephanie I lardy Greg II Johnston Angela Tyler St For Quality Home furnishings Come In and Drive THE BIG CATCH A CAR MADE TO SPOIL YOUI Todays answer A new way to a spell Elegance LOCAL METHOLAHD HONDA DEALER GEORGETOWN HONDA I 203 Guelph St GEORGETOWN 7 8731 81 8 TORONTO 8460913 I SALES SERVICE PARTS LEASING BODY SHOP Dr of Chiropractic SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday Julys 19HS Page BSc degree Queens Mr and Mrs BUI Crawford of Georgetown are very pleased to graduation of their son John as a Doctor of Chiropractic from ihe Cana Memorial College Chit Previous the Honors Sc ly Crawford and M has earned a Degrees in D in the Microbiology field of and from from the Ihe University of sily of Toronto Western Ontario and both 1978 Dental son of Bill and Helen of Georgetown has graduated from George Brown College with n a Jane of a former High School dent graduated with honors from the of on Junes Jane received Bachelor of Science degree cepled a position with In Toronto Photo by Dorothy Taylor Studio daughter of Ann and Ken Clements granddaughter of Frank and Eileen Labey graduated with I horn Che Engineering from Queen University Kingston on May Recreation Commerce Georgetown and District High a Laboratories in vlceprL On Dental lari missing A close tab on the petty cash box showed was missing from Woodcrafts on Street Regional Police said was no evidence of forced en try into the business and said the theft occurred between June and July Martin Hart ford received his Bachelor of Commerce degree recently at convocation exercises In M M a a t r University and before that Georgetown District High School Martin plans to apply for law school Congratulations to Norma Wilson daughter of Anne Wilson Kill who graduated May 29 with a Bachelor of Arts degree In honors recreation and leisure studies the He the e and formerly of in Edmonton PWP dance Brampton Parents Without Port dance will be held on Satur July IB at The Terry Miller Hall Williams Parkway at Bramalea disc Jockey buffet dinner cash bar For membership information call Paul or Colette Single parents in in attending family ac tivlties dances discussions Come to Brampton Parents Without Partners membership in formation meeting July 15 30 pm For information call or Colette LEARN THE KEY JACK BEER TO SAFE DRIVING PROPRIETOR CALL 8775844 as director of The Service has offices in Aclon Milton and Georgetown and two more staff They Christine Ar and recently Colleen Bulla Its budget was last year fiossmemg OF ARTHUR ONE OF CANADAS LARGEST INDEPENDENT MENS WEAR STORES BIGGEST JULY CLEARANCE SALE SAVE 50 ST0REWIDE EXCEPT EARLY FAIL ARRIVALS PARK McUEMR SAVE UP TO 70 OFF SELECTION MENS SUMMER JACKETS 95 2900 MESS SLACKS AND IMnUTQ STYLES famous mm as to mi- PRICE SAVE Vz OFF ALL OTHER SPORTSHIRTS FAMOUI MAUDS MCtUOE PIERRE CAROM FORSYTH BOSTON TRADERS SOTtffRS SAVE OVER 1000 MENS FASHUN LEATHER BBTS All SAVE MENS DRESS SOCKS AND STANFIELD UNDERWEAR SAVE OFF ALL OTHER SUITS OVER TWS SEASONS NEWEST BUTTS PARK HALL OTHERS SEES TOM ALL 50 OFF WEATHER TOPCOATS DEDUCT Off TCKETE0 PIKE SAVE A OFF EVE SHORT LOW SLEEVE DRESS SHJRT itH nam TM BUM MM warn bm ran ma AMD UP 2000 TIES SAVE 50 OFF ENTIRE SELECTION 1000 MENS CASUAL SHORTS SWIM WEAR JEANS SAVE MORE ON Fuitmu O OTH 5SS maim 8a 2000 DRESS CASUAL SLACKS SEES a TO SO FEB TO SALE SAVE AND MORE SHOUT SPORTSHIRTS 1500 SHORT SLEEVE KNIT TOPS VALUES TO 00 SAVE V OFF ALL OTHER KMT TOPS SWEATS FAMOUS BAAH0S SAVE FAMOUS SUMMER SWEATERS SAVE 50 OFF ALL LADIES SPRING SUMMER FASHIONS ATSUSSMANSF0RHER LADIES STORE LOCATED 2 STORES SOUTH OF MENS STORE STORE OPEN DAYS A WEEK Won HOURS open Fil VISA I B MENS WEAR Main Street Arthur