Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 6, 1986, p. 4

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the HERVLO Men are losing respect for themselves Home Newspaper of Hills Established 1866 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Georgetown L7G Ontario Publisher and General Manager Fditor Plume J STFVEN FOREMAN Advertising Manager ljgc4 Tilt HERALD Wednesday Aujruite itws Out of reach The Enterac housing development south of Georgetown should ease the burdens on rising prices of homes With little development and in turn a large demand for homes housing prices have skyrocketed in Hills A study published last week in The Herald revealed that homes have risen in price anywhere from 20 to per cent in the past year Thats not encouraging even though interest rates have been the lowest in years Although it may be easier to range financing the overall costs of owning a home are still high Certainly homeowners looking to sell their homes are smacking their lips especially if they re moving to an area where housing costs are lower But we re concerned with the first time homeowners Even townhouses average Georgetown an in crease of per cent from a year ago The development will hopefully drive down the prices of some homes which have been rising in price because demand has been so high There s still some glimmer of hope for residents wanting to settle into a new home town Our taxes compare favorably to most neighbors such as Brampton Burl OakvilleandMississauga In order to have a community where young couples seniors disabled and single parents can live we need homes that are affordable not put out of reach by inflated prices Letters to the editor Gracious sportsmen Dear Sir For the second year in a row Shaws SOB BallCiub has hosted a charity tournament or the kidney foundation Last year we raised in neighborhood of with 12 learns competing This year I am happy to soy lhat we raised over for the foundation 16 teams Naturally doesn happen without Ihe help of many people 1921 protests DearSIr In let well remember fedora Liberal leaders election platform In 1921 promised a com prehensivc health care plan for all Canadians We t hear any pro tests at that lime from the Ontario Medical Association or any other this health plai provincial Can she fully explain a hospital global budget don I know she talking about Regard OIIIP Con servative Leader Larry Grossman claims that his party got OHIP into Ontario We can well remember then Premier John Roberts describing OHIP as a Machiavellian scheme Later he did bring in but kicking and screaming Other provinces had adapted the plan at per cent federal funding His own caucus I persuaded him to bring Ontario into Some years ago some Ontario doctors protesting the health plan moved to the United Slates A few short years later they were glad come back to Canada where Iheir pay Is automatic Mills and businesses whom would like to publicly acknowledge and thank First of all workers ail volunteers who ran the day the team members who ran tourna Then there were the special volunteers Marty Norm and who worked all day for us and filled in the gaps which were there to be filled The wives Kim and Sue who did the same Bob the St John Ambulance attendant who not only his own Job very well but helped out in score keeping and selling tickets Wayne who because of injury is not with Ihe learn this year but who was here all day And Steve park attendant who was there bright and early and stayed all day A special thanks goes the midget team of GHBA for rel their diamond time so we could keep on schedule Once again the St John Am for being there all day The teams for playing good baseball a pleasure to watch and umpire The fans who watched ana donated to the kidney founda and by no means least those business and companies who Sic us gifts and equipment to help ray the costs and add more money for Ihe cause II Mar colini of M and M Pro Sports for donating baseballs Air Canada for donating flight bags and over night kits the Coop for lime and huge tub to hold ice McDonald Burger and the Gcorgelown Motel for ice Ben son and Hedges for the gym bags Bill Cower for PA system The tournament wai a great sue cess I can thank all involved nearly enough JohnLuclani Manager Shaw S O Accessible vacations We recently Day Maybe Dad got a new lie or shirt or experienced a few extra lux for a day That lb fine But now that the hype and hoopla arc over and the merchants are counting their profits It might be good to take a serious look at he role of band and father We hear a great deal about the rights of women and children But when it comes to husband father all the oik is about responsibility Too often that means responsibility In sense of blame Men arc losing respect for themselves as we hear from all sides lhat men arc uncaring evil violent abusive aggressive exploitative etc There arc a lot of very bad men who through stupidity Against the odds Have you been able to locate a ly accessible collage or vocation spot A registry is being compiled as requests for Ihls type of information have been received you know of any know 143G The Ontario Ministry of Tourism at who will send you you provide them feedback com menls and suggestions as it is possible for them to improve or even update this free service without our help Computers hnvu facilitated another breakthrough in pro nineties Currently doctors are us ing slock sizes to provide total knee and hip implants lor pa with severe arthritis or other musculoskeletal disorders These conventional should lost about ten years for the average elderly person who Is not overly active Over the next ten years duo to radio graphic techniques combined special three dimensional com outer graphics software joints will be designed on a custom basis This computer display will predict what the Joint should have looked like before It became arthritic By com the information contained is a large data base of normal joints and information from the patient an lificiol Joint will be fabricated by tools controlled by Ihe computer At present such a procedure using metal parts financially excludes mass Implementation of Ihls technl que However new composite materials arc expected to significantly lower l he cost Ihe perfect joint if not In stalled properly will not give op timum performance and durability It has been predicted that computer assisted surgery will become routine One type of press fit implant is designed to encourage the patient own bones merge with the pro sthetic device This would problems cementing the two parts together problem that may be overcome Is the Inexact fix of the stem In the bone canal which can cause stress points and irritation Regeneration and healing is becoming belter understood Passive motion therapy with the temporary use or braces that guide movement help Insure that tissues and joint surfaces heal in tin shape Commonly injured knee ligaments such as the anterior cruciate may respond favourably lo the of synthetics such as high strength carbon fibre low or braided dacron velour Combined with passive motion and guiding braces the key to success Is to encourage the body to invade the implant with new fibrous tissue Lastly holding casts may be replaced by a computer display that reveals Ihe body contours and can pinpoint points therefore allowing a brace to be made that reduces chafing andor wickedness do make very poor husbands and fathers But let us not iumpail men together Clergy Comment A recent study reported thai women were not being presented fairly on television But is not the same true of men Think of the ma jar mate roles In recent years on television or at the movies Men arc often presented as basic Archie BunkerGeorge Jefferson or as basic bad guys even if their violence serves a good cause of men Most of neither sitcom Idiots nor grim faced killing machines Other family propaganda has tried to obliterate the distinction bet ween husband and wife between rather and mother But thai distlnc lion is very real whether or not anyone wants to admit it God created Ihe human race with a real difference between male and female a real purpose for what ference The purpose is family life The Bible has a very high view of the role of the husband and father Read lo The band Is to be as loving and self sacrificing toward his wife as Christ is toward the church And In should try to be wise as the Lord in rais children That is a tall order I mean Jesus is a tough act to follow Even the best men fall far short But God still wants the husbandfather to be respected by his wife and children It for no other reason he should be honored for the burden of that responsibility It Is important In our society to recover the real role of Ihe father Mothers and fathers are equally portant but In different ways They arc not just two Individuals who hap pen to be doing same thing vaguely called parenting Mothers and fathers are different and have different contributions to make to family life There is no space here to prove the point But recent studies have shown for instance that fathers seem to lead to a drop in drug abuse among children and a dramatic rise in their future religious involvement Real men are very important for family and for eternity THE CUTWORM DOESNT TAKE BEER BREAKS A planners view Town housing crisis looms on the horizon Hills will have a crisis on its hands soon the town planning director warns Not a pessimist by nature Ian Keith sees a housing crisis on the horizon If we don respond in the next couple of years wc can talk crisis in a year or two Mr Keith warn noting house prices have gone up by in some instances because of the shortage of housing in town lies hoping the Ml home develop ment in Georgetown South will offset pressure for housing In the com of Although Ihe population of Hills has remained relatively stable over the past to years It t been able to keep up with Ihe demand for housing Thai because there are more and more single people and single parents looking for accommodation Mr Keith gets calls asking him if there ore any residential developments coming on stream and he has to say no People wont to move lo Hills and arc having rouble ng hous Ing The Georgetown South develop ment is the largest residential development the town has hod for a long lime It will put homes for sale in a two phase building project by Development Corpora tion have a serious problem both in rental accommodation and owner ship housing There are small vacancies Mr Keith said The town needs elbow room to grow and the services that accommodate development That why I so pleased to see Georgetown South proceed The developer is paying for the ex panded water and sewage services required for the new area With a few scribbles of the pen Mr Keith worked that out to cost the developer per house for the first homes that go up hopes to have construe lion started In June an optimistic goal Mr Keith commented It was because Mr Kelh want o Jeopardize the developer willingness to fund Ihe water and sewage expansion that the town put off any decisions on a acre tract of ravine land at Silver Creek That s lo be solved In phase 2 or the development Role changing The problems of the storekeepers in Acton is a problem of the times the town planning director Storekeepers have been complain because the town t growing their business is also not growing I get the impression Acton business district role has changed in that as people have become more mobile they do their shopping In Brampton or Milton Mr said That wasn true perhaps 10 or years ago The local businessman lost to the power of the major markets around Acton It s a fact of life for the town businessmen and there nothing they can do about it except shift the role they play In the market say ap peal to the dally needs rather than the monthly needs Mr Keith could have had a confronts on that but if meant jeopar the development would have been the big losers Mr Keith In Acton Ihe situation Is different the planning director says thee no residential development capacity there because of a water supply well all of the lands for development have been developed or have plans on I hem There are no vacant residential lands now what lands can be are waiting for adequate water sup ply from the region Mr There an outstanding dispute over which way future development Acton should go The dispute over Actons east and west boundary has gone to the Ontario Municipal Board but the hearing was last year I think we re going to have an answer to water supply hopefully won and a resolu to the hearing thereafter Mr Keith said Thercs evidence the demand is there and Acton can um the housing According to the development files of the planning department there are six residential and one industrial ipplicitionsfor Acton The Danville subdivision ipplica lion for semi detached and lownhouse homes was received in although ihe draft plan was approved the applicant has never follow upon it The homes win to go up at and Willace Street and needed Official Plan amendments as well is zoning amendments and site plan approval wants to develop lots on Lot Con and applied for an Official Plan amendment in 1979 The property is outside the town s current urban boundary and there is a dispute over expansion of that The same is of a residential development on hectares owned by Ltd on Part Lot Con 4 on acres on Part Con owned by Goldan Holdings on hectares owned by Kesmnrk on Lot Con and on 13lot develop ment by Cedar Road Developers near Acton High School All of these should be resolved once Actons water problem a regional problem has been solved Mr Keithsn Development process takes up to five months Provided there art no difficulty with the an plicalion In development tikes five happens to application lint lime I lie following explains it s not ifivi minute job Once towns pi inning tit plicition they unlit then tlu must eircuhtc it to 15 to town ami prnvimnl agencies especnlly those think in he by vim int to build If we have all the replies back in lw months lints pretty good inning Director Ian Keith ml Tiny report lo councillors a coup of weeks Inter on what Hie agencies hid to iy ihont the ipplitation who then recommend a public meeting be lit Id into the ipplic tion must advertise the public meeting and so month later It takes place It any gent rite lol of interest or none Planning staff notes during the moiling public concerns and invite written submissions as well Within two weeks time liny usually have prepared a report for councillors which recommends refuse the or ml approval with If council refuses the the file is closed Hie applicant goes to the Ontario Municipal Ho ml for a hear lag If recommended the development must get regional Then is a day period m which developer appeal conditions of approval to the Ontario Municipal Hoard By the end of ill this five months will hive Note Hut before a building permit is in approved site plan must hi obtained plan looks flooding jug and iping 30 years ago Georgetown new community swimming pool opened Aug The Lions Club sparked the decision to start building the pool That decision was made In June IMS Georgetown Revolver Club members were at work cleaning up ihcir new property Among those present were Art Suddaby John Bolt James Redmond Sam MclUer Ray Hay Hell Ron and JickCnchton Hilton population has Jumped per cent in Ihe last five years A 1951 census showed the population to be The figure is expected be over Van an Associates River Drive plant nil be enlarged by 1 ODD squire feet The new space will projects 15 years ago fire gutted the lower storey of Credit River Boat Com The of the fire is unknown and owner Bill Pomeroy did not know the extent of the damage The No water well started gushing cold water at a rate of gallons per minute It Is one of the better wells I have ever seen or heard of said a spokesman for Hydrology Consultants Limited Jill Barker led swimmers In a swim meet She had lints two seconds and was a member the winning relay team Other strong swimmers were Wendy and Ted Kewley Ed Serjeantson is ihe acting presi dent of the Georgetown Tennis Club He look Ihe position from Doug who moved to New Zetland 10 years ago was hit by a small tor The tornado lifted a sports cor with Herald sports editor Colin Gib son and his fiancee Susan in and flung It 12 feet across Main Street Hilton Hills Mayor Tom Hill resigned from the Glen Williams Hoard after twenty vcars of service The new chairman of the board is John Hyde s daughter married John of Hail Llewellyn per formed the ceremony 5 years ago Moore Park children raised for the Cancer Society In back yard they had a mini fair Ten yearold Jane saw a id urging children h carnival Jeff will be part of the Calgary lineup after two years it their training camp The 260pound graduate of Ac ton High School had a set back in I J79 when he dislocated a kneecap Manners continued their winning streak wilh more Dependable pitching from Danny and clutch hitting by Robert Itoass helped them in their lost victories CLARIFICATION In a column on this page last week staff writer Am Pedenan commented that she would never hire stu dent painters to do work for her again as a result of problems she experienced The Herald wishes it known that Ms s comments did not pertain to individuals or student painting enterprises in Halton Hills In fact Ms resides in and ex difficulties with students hired from that area Her comments were not meant to be a of the work or abilities of student In The Herald coverage area As always opinions ex pressed by Herald staff in their columns are not necessarily those held by The Herald

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