Til Polices Beat Engine aflame A fire begun in car having its removed by Sunday The gas tank ignited al 19 car was parked in Acton on west of the Town Line The ear was scrap and no Nobody Pool damaged A pool on Man I retcmd damage over the night of Saturday Galvanized poles were thrown into he ground pool Thieves used an open window to enter a Place home in Acton from which was taken over the night of August 19 entered through SI damage A Georgetown charged with unpaired driving after an in which his car receded damage Thursday at l a The man was driving his 1985 Ford north on the Line at an unknown speed He entered the east ditch travelled about 100 metres crossed the road ran private lawn and hit a tree head on police said The mm received minimal injuries Damage to lawn was estimated at Minor injuries Andtrson Jean of received injuries a twocar colli in Georgetown Sunday At an Oldsmobile on Avenue collided with a west bound vehicle making a left turn into a private parking lot police said The driver of the turning car wjs charged with making an im proper turn to the trig tar was and to the Oldsmobile One ear Kent llogcrs of Lot in received minimal injuries in a one vehicle accident on the Sixth Line at 30a The driver of a ML was southbound on the Sixth Line when the accident occurred The ai Two iycjr old Acton men were arrested Saturday at J a whlk In the act of damaging a car park ed on Church St in Acton A witness to the crime called the Blinding lighls people received minor in tines when the dnicr of car was linded by bright lights and crash ed into a ditch police said Mark IB David and Paul Roncato all of Georgetown wire treated from Georgetown and District Minions Hospital The accident was June at 10 on the Sixth Line it Side road The driver of the was southbound on the Sixth Line when he was blinded hgiits swerved and entered ditch police said Train robbers A 1Jjeirold Georgetown mm and Brampton jouih were arrested breaking into a trim parked at Georgetown bin tion A lire extinguisher was takin rhey were it mi Sun iia Fled After Si dannge to a pole the drivtr of a lied from the siene of a Main South in Alton collision to the vehicle is unknown The collision at a m Snlurdav The vehicle was south bound on Main Street South mounted the west curb and hit the pole point bud Car stolen The recovered car stolen from Muffler on Street Tin was taken from the Street business between Tilda a m Saturday It was left at Midas unlinked with the keys still in it police said When recovered the car was in a dileh south of and of The is worth Si Car fire undetermined ir fire damage to a ear parked In ton Aug at i am The fire t of left the road and turned in a police said to the Window broken A pellet gun or sling shut was us to break a window at Edith Street in Georgetown police said The window was broken bet ween8and8 m August Reformed Church addition Hospice attempts to enhance quality of life FDITOH Mm greed to publish a aeries lulu in about member agencies participating In the Hilton Hills Way campaign This nil tint year the town has had a United Hay These stories will allow readers a chance to tee where their donations will be going In the way of program and seeks to the quality of life for whose is in the terminal Mages It the special of tin terminally ill and those i lust to them United Way No Hilton Hospice functions within the existing health tare system Illitnts be referred by nurses titulars family or t ill us In an initial visit the patient services who is i registered nurse meets with the patient or family to ex phm whit Hospice tan provide and to the needs of the pi lient and family after conferring the volunteer she will the volunteer best able to meet that family s needs The volunteer will become the pnmarv for the The volunteer has and support of the other members If neeessiry a volunteer be assigned The services will maintain periodic contact with the family She is aware resources within the com which con benefit the farm and patient She is available to arrange or hospital equipment clarify In coverage and to make referrals for and support aire in plaei I lit hive iMtn eases pilitnls from hospitals without referrals to of the com services need able to manage at home volunteers taring people who carefully screened and go training prognm to learn skills needed to work with patients and f provide visitation support which mav include some rebel for the primary caretaker babysitting and sional mnl preparation she mi meet with the fnmll to discuss thur and ill she will he thtre I A training lor volunteers is organized and presented twiee a our volunteer whose mall fit at ions include a degree in psychnlogj and with em on issues related to and bereavement In addition slit provides continuing education throughout Hit v ir to the North llallon Hospice has in formation whiih it tan make available to interested sionals on pun and eon Irul a il are hospice ton tern It provides twite forums an scmunr on related issues for health profession lis Hospice tin provide the support information to tin dying person to remain il home is long is possible lo pro vide some lonlmuilv during times when is netessiry and to follow here mint support Bereavement support can provided to members whether or mil Iht pitieni is known tin be of help from the time the and fimi ly hive been told I hi illness is All Hospice services art free of charge and ill inquiries an confidential HOLY CROSS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Mfpto MASSES Saturday Sunday 10am noon Birthday gift includes It will pen v iff f Mr V ft I llank nil nil ivpsvd In in llv itiformtti mi ilt origin ills in i tin ihui his sum grown has Us of tin so mi so ml liiKihas lHign I- I dropped off m intltmiiil wi r mil li In llu llu ilunili will gtniril V will hi in llu ipHtl with riKiin nut in idjnmmt ibi ihiiii tommillii liuiiiini Hanks ml Will lit 11 111 LI1Uld llu slur will aid i lire llluWnp hill Km opens up inio tin li wilh hi drs hi li- lull will IMS in onto Tri ilfn l ml il punihid nil iniiil inn 1 i wimlim Mr illi 1 the Christian Reformed Church In Georgetown be In creasing It floor spat by about per cent over the next few month there wont be any Increaie In the lie of Hie church We re not expanding the which really need to be done Bert laid The people from oar eh arch arent keen on the big church Idea because they feel you low a lot of Intimacy that way The family congregation Instead to have two smaller chur ches than one large one Rev WEST Area filled with heritage properties Last night a show pnsentation indlcited Just Ikjw nth Hilton Hills is When it comes to historically slgnific ml Architect Stone and dint of the Historical Mark to group of Ml bent hi Hidings The following is in some of the properties and charnctenstits which were outlined intheirtalk Presbyterian Church the new portion was built In 1H78 but the original building dales to The brick church has a man his nice decor mid proportioned spire St Georges Auglitm It is believed it locil from Silver Creek was used ITn ehureli his windows a man feel to the bell lower Boston Church Scotch built in lBfiB the is well worked and has typical detail Congregation a I Church in lJHl It was mtegrateti with new cultural lor town of Hills United Church it is mort modest in stile to other but then is mulli colored to make up or this There wis no money for i spire hut hen was si his lion is mi if the Baptist Church in his a to il tin laves SI Alb s in Gltn Invdv snip in it in i ige sitting Acton town hill IRK- in Has Itilnr liirher Mill Inst in to be tin first manufacturing plant to use power in North designs methods of Clothing tens Ladies Childrtns Irodutls Glen shifting of his resulted tricks in Shop turrinilv usid owner in the ni door it work md in built is of Ixivhood in building but pleasing building Sold to funeral director Shoemaker In 19 4 Smith Block owned trustee Dick Hon ill on the I Berwick Hall Georgetown for John Barber The architect also built Ionia Tutor references House Seoteli Brown House fcdith work of on the porch first used as housing for laborers Si Georgetown lovelj proportions narrow and steep pitth Arils Visit or IAN For Home WATER PROBLEMS A LEAKY BASEMENT LEARN TO DRIVE THIS FALL BEGWS SEPTEMBER 10th WEEK COURSE Wednesday Thursday 700 to pm INCLUDED PRIVATE IN CAR LESSONS Y COURSES ARE AVAILABLE ONLY THROUGH AUTHORIZED CENTRES OF YOUNG DRIVERS OF CANADA LOCATED COAST TO COAST 8770751 16 Mountain w Rd S Georgetown REBATE TO STUDENTS To graduating of Young of Corwda or 3a family a DD from good on purcha any nw wHIbataiuao OVER GRADUATES RECOMMEND Young Drivers of Canada Call The Professionals No Digging and No Mess Cracks in the Basemenl repaired by injection All work carries a 5 year unconditional guarantee We will dig if necessary Our Is Low But Tin Qualty Of Work Is Htghl Window Wells Drainage Systems Weeping Tiles Cracks by Epoxy PHONE COLLECT 2710075 or 2710076 Specialist in Crack Injections All Work Has A 15 Year Unconditional Guarantee Same Day Service WORTH THE PRICE OF ANY REPAIR royal waterproofing