PM Mulroney getting better press Home Newspaper of Hallon Hilts Established A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Guelph Street Georgetown L7G 3Z6 Ontario GARNET Publisher and General Manager J STEVPNIORFMAN Advertising Manager Phone Page Tilt HI- HUD I Insensible people How insensible some people can be In one week we ve fielded two calls from gentlemen complaining about housewives on council One man went as far as to say he thought that housewives were running the council another alluded to their lack of common sense What absolute utter nonsense What a biased and small minded bunch It makes our blood boil that in our progressive communi ty there still lurks the dark and ugly blemishes of discrimination based on sex It makes it worse when insecure people make that aren t based on fact or even knowledge No they re based on ignorance total ignorance One man was complaining about a council meeting he hadn even attended The other had attended a meeting for his first time From this they make their judgments about others How would they like to be judged on the same premise In September Hills voted for five women a record in terms of female representatives Everyone makes some mistakes and bad judgments and seen our fair share at town council meetings But our female reps have more than pulled their weight and then some They approached their jobs with honesty sincerity and a willingness to work for their constituents We prefer a councillor who often asks clarifying tions and plays the devil s advocate to one who never opens their mouth at meetings Give us a choice between a complacent self satisfying old boys network and a group of inquisitive hard working housewives We 11 take the latter Monitor road It has been called anything from borderline illegal to totally illegal but the fact remains that the high volume of trucks travelling along Steeles Avenue in the Hornby area shouldn t be allowed Plain and simple most trucks including all gravel trucks are avoiding the weigh scales on Highway for a variety of reasons Either they re overloaded or they don want to go through a test of mechanical fitness It s not fair to the residents of Steeles Ave who awake sometimes as early as a to the rumbling sounds of trucks in front of their homes It s not fair to proper motorists who must deal with ex truck traffic along a small two lane stretch of road And it s not fair to the road itself which has been bat lered beyond proper repair and must in all likelihood be rebuilt The Ministry of Transportation is only kidding itself if it believes only a small problem exists The ministry is also missing out on several thousands of dollars in fines each day It should be compelled at the request of Halton Region to properly monitor the road on a regular basis Give the toad back to the residents and proper users Let the pur Suit of safety guide their decision Courtesy Milton Champion Real Canadians always go camping Staff comment Real Canadians go camping and trunk with borrowed aluminum poles tents a coleman sleeping bags air mattresses bug spray water ther mos and brand new cooler off we went You have to Iry It at least once I told my hubby who likes dally showers and water closets I mean everybody goes camping In ihe sum It must be fun I thought planning a menu for din ner guests was bad planning it for dinner guests In the wild is worse All manner of necessary Items were forgotten like salt and pepper bacon to go with morning eggs milk for Ihe tea spatula for Teflon fry pan land on and on Fortunately we were teamed up with another couple more expert en In the tenting life who every time new shortage was discovered would burrow deep Into the back teat of their and come up with string matches and foil Wonderful couple Chugging along the highway with the rest of the Real Canadians heading out Friday afternoon for the weekend of getting away we ftved In good lime at the Conserve ion Area campgrounds Daves instructions on how to put up his earth colored tent came back and up it went Barely had we lit the match to the coals In when heavens turned Slack and as poets put It wrought their us Into our tents we scurried excited at the prospect of huddling In the rain and telling out the borrowed The wind roared and Ihe It for too early to talk of possi ble trend but in the last few weeks there have been scattered hints that the Mulroney government Is to get a better press And if that is happening it s only a question of lime before the govern public perception will be im proved Lord knows it can use some provement in this connection In the nearly two years since assuming of fice the government of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney lias taken an unholy battering from the press the pollsters and public Whether we were talking about the prime minister personal credibility the scandals of ministers the unfilled promises the alleged lack of agenda or pork barrel patronage nothing sounded very good This was reflected in the opinion palls which during the last few Ihs have told us that if an el eel ion were held now the I would whip the Tories And would be no mean feat considering the Con servntives won of beats In the fall of 1984 Hut getting bock to the first paragraph we are beginning to feel those faint hint of change And since just about everything In politics in cyclical perhaps this is not surprising It 11FI PS It would be unreasonable for the government to continue attracting some level of criticism lhal has surrounded it for the first half of lis Ottawa Report mandate There is every reason lo expect that the inexperienced ministry would begin get ting Its collective act together after a couple of years on the job Mr Mulroney s first major cabinet shuffle in June after he has on op port unity to assess individual per formances should also prove helpful over ihe next couple of years And what may prove equally helpful over the next couple of months is the attention being forced on the Liberal leadership leading up lo that party s November convention There Is also a new session of Parliament coming this fall when ihe government will have a glorious opportunity to recreate new In through Throne Speech These speeches represent un paralleled propaganda op And now that Ihe prime minister seems to have overcome a natural tendency for overblown rhetoric he opportunity this time is even greater man usual In other words the next throne speech could put he government back on the track of reasonable ex pec tat Ions Happily for the govern its large litany of campaign promises is also fading into history With any luck major scandals might be from now on tainly the government didn have much luck or display much skill in avoiding these during the first hall or its mandate And naturally this greatly to ihe rotten media rev reeled at the Tory admin In suggesting whiffs or change here we have to remcmbcn that Parliament has been recessed for ihe summer and governments reed from dally opposition attacks are bound to look better in such a period Still some of the nls of change are com from outside P lament The first big at least the first I noticed came last month from Carleton University School of Public on in a special trees turned into a threat What if one of them fell upon us hapless lot It t be fair It was only our first time camping I thought my husband was playing around with Ihe flashlight and tola him to stop flachlng on and off it was annoying Its the lighting he informed me I m hungry he said It was 30 m and it t look like we were to be able to barbecue l hose rums ticks Like hungry mice we fled the tent and set off tor town and a takeout pizza Yes we deserted camp for some fast food Round and round we went at 10 miles per hour through the cam We toured the grounds thoroughly for 30 minutes cursing the rain and the dark and the lack of signs showing the way out Relief when we escaped the maze and hit Ihe downtown lights of a tiny town Pizza fragrantly ensconced In car back we went tackling the maze again Let me only say the pi was warm Just a little by the time we found our friends again The ram was no less and the lightning and thunder continued the rest of the night forcing a third pie in our party to flee to the car for the night Their tent turned Into a as they described it creating soggy sleeping bogs and a real Although we were dry miraculously In our tent it was a sleepless night for us too We could hear the hollering of some other campers down the road It was a real domestic brawl with strings and strings of four letter words and lots of loud radio accompaniment This was a Real Canadian camper The next morning black marks under our eyes we noticed 13 bottles on our neighboring camper picnic table and recognized the harsh voices of Ihe night before The turned out to belong to a hefty woman the size of my husband We still can t figure out why peo ple go camping when they can spend a more comfortable dry relaxing time at home and have their salt and pepper too FAR OUT MAN- WHAT A BLAST Citizens forum Fantastic summer for students Dear Sir As the schools again swing open their doors for another year we jt Ihe Canada Employment Centre for Students In Hills are ing to close ours until next spring The summer of has been fan listlc However it would be very fair for us alone to take credit for great summer After ill it community effort As you ve heard lime and lime again It has been a for student employment It Ins great because however big or small hired a student this summer It has been greit students however or old lively looked for work As well this has been fantastic one for students bee use all four levels of government hired students andor of ft red incentive programs for other employers to hire students While these groups are directly in in the student employment process many other people community threw their assistance behind our cam palgn for summer jobs Cable Television offered Tree air time so wl could take our jobs into your home vn your The Acton Social Services and Information Centre community support group provided office space again this summer for our Acton suboffice The schools specifically student services staff at both Acton District High School and Georgetown District High School welcomed our services into their schools The Youth mploymcnt Service employment agency working year round with young people in Hills also assisted us And the three local newspapers In have been particularly supportive While these ore some of the groups worked closely with this sum we certainly have neglected lo mention many To everyone who helped a student find a summer job thanks That job means more the student than you realize Well thai all for the summer of adults under 14 are fret Thank you Hills for when accompanied by an adult support and Unaccompanied children under 14 l Greg ltobmson Ten I Yours truly Clarke and 122 Crescent Milton Ontario Steam bra in Milton Dear Sir The Annual Steam Show will be held and Sept at the Milton Ontario fairgrounds This show is sponsored by the Ontario Steam and Antique Preservers Association profit organization duly registered in the province of The show Is dedicated to the prescrvition display of Antique Steam Traction Gasoline Engines and Tractors Antique Cars Trucks and Motorcycles Operating Saw Mill Shingle Mill and other trades of by gone Also featured arc Household and Farm Antique displays Crafts Working Models a Trading Post Music Horses Souvenirs and much much more This is the largest show of its type In Canada Special features of Steam Era will be the astern Canada Threshing Competition Antique Tractor Pulling and a special display of Good i son Steam Hart Parr Oliver and Cockshutt Tractors and Lister Gas Engines Saturday at will be the I lth Annual Country and Western Talent Sunday evening there will be Variety Program In front or the covered Grandstand Thin show is diverse and enter event with plenty of livlties for young and old the whole family The Fairgrounds are open from a m until dusk on Friday Siturdny and Monday from noon on Sun day Admission Is still only for Don t reject the caboose Dear Sir The Canadian railways are cur re proposing the elimination of the from freight trains and its substitution by an of Train Information System a limited performance and unproved electronic device measuring brake line pressure car movements and distance travelled This proposal is opposed the United Transportation Union along with other associations by the decision as being a threat to the safety of rail transpor tation in Canada The UTU feels a duty to oppose any move that would further erode the safety precautions of the roil system This is why pro posals by the railways to eliminate the from freight trains has becomeo major safety Issue Caboose operations have a significance unknown to most of your The duties of a crewman in a caboose are numerous and ihey require a mobile and train Individual As common as the caboose may seem few of us unders tand that its presence and hat of the crew Inside form a vital safety factor in the complex operation of Canada railways Sincerely Richard Senior Consultant for United Transportation Union In your opinion What value does fitness have think It good I think It good I think it very Besides the fact I think it very weight Its nice to see It keeps you Hood for your that need more good When Gerry of people keeping In healthy sluff health I swim a of It I think if you re in shape Georgetown said shape and trying although don lot and feci belter you re physically you feel better It exercise for to keep healthy really do it for It I think fit Its good Kevin 16 the body and Us Rudy of of every person because you can of Georgetown good for the heart Georgetown said said should be Increase your life said It builds and muscles I Jog In some fitness and youll be able self image Sometimes you ly r r a to enjoy it a live longer George Banna of belter Susan because of It Its Georgetown of good for the kids said at Ihe schools I study on he government per And after all the publicity about the governments lack of direction it was somewhat startling lo set this view challenged so for While the road has been rocky said the report the Conser votlves do have a definite picture of where they want to go This view usually more qualified has turned up in some recent Jour nallstlc assessments from Ottawa Maybe just maybe Ihe prime minister has an agenda writes one columnist who had previously of an opposing view Another col dreaded by the prime minister office now writes that In the sale of Ltd the Mulroney government seems at last to have done something sensible without messing up Admittedly this scarcely amounts to resounding praise But consider ing what has been written about Mulroney government since It assumed office these grudging com ments might be considered In relative terms to be suitable cam material As mentioned earlier it far too early to moke predictions about changing fortunes Bui it is a possibility worth walching s History from our files 30 years ago John Black purchased the feed mill in Mr Black has farmed with his brother in Fergus and he was the manager of the Brae farm near The Lome Scots band are playing the Canadian National Exhibition with the hopes of winning their sixth victory In trie past eight years in the military band Mr J Dvorak will conduct the band Former bandmaster Alf retired Neighbors and friends of Mrs Stanley Wright gathered to honor her because she is leaving Georgetown to live In Acton The party was at Mr and Mrs Harry Moss home on Ostrander Boulevard The Thimble Club of Terra Cotta held an afternoon lea and sale An Wolfe of Terra won the first prize a quilt In the draw 15 years ago Jim opened a holography studio at Guelph in the Street Plaza He has taken a course with Famous Photographers School in New York and is a member of the Professional Photographers of Canada Pauline Flowers has a new staff member making three generations in the flower business Jim Buckwald son of Mr and Mrs Bud joined his parents In their Main Street store Phil took the second low gross prize In the first annua invito tional tournament of the Georgetown Golf and Country Club Georgetown s pro Bill Greenwood the event Acton Junior lacrosse team hopes to win Ontario champion ships with a win over whom they lead three games to two Glen Williams players Chris Sargent and Bruce Murray and Llmchouse player Bob are members of the learn not from Acton years ago Georgetown air tnffic controller Trevor will be Ihe talor of the Canadian National Ex air show Mr Moores is a 12 year member of the Air Show Com The 1956 graduating class of nurses of St Thomas Elgin General Hospital held their year reunion Saturday at the Drive home of Bruce A I worth A 55pound pig was roasted for the occasion Four Georgetown teachers attend the annual Federation Women Teacher s Association of On lario meeting Phyllis Micrsmo Ethel Andrea Young and Robin joined others the Royal York in Toronto Ten crossing guards and four spares have been hired for school crossings in Georgetown and Ac Ion They include Pauline Kent Eleanor Burke Muriel Wieland William Clements John Hole Phoebe Collins Sandra Joy Cox Shirley Gray Mrs II Bit Mrs Taylor Wesley Brown and and Karen Timbers 5 years ago Mike dog was the champion swimmer at the Canadian National Exhibition ble was first in the 100 metre dog paddle in the heavyweight division Mike and O live on Eleanor Crescent in Georgetown Miss Acton Fall Fair 19yearold Lisa McGrath was one of 102 fall fair princesses at the Miss tion She failed lo reach final round Lisa works as a model for the Judy Welch Agency in Marian of Draper Street found a 10 pound puff ball mushroom growing in her front yard Mrs Beat tie says she plans lo eat the mushroom Georgetown Tim DeFreitas was disappointed at the Canada Summer Games because his earn finished third In Ihe mile time trial The team was one minute and seconds ahead the nearest team when one of Tim fellow Ontario riders fell off his bicycle