Corey Hart speaks out Music sensation Lor Hart is supporting the Lung Association by speaking out against smoking Directed to Canadian leens and teens the campaign theme Is Think Twice The twomonth campaign will be Sept 1 with audiences of nil ages will bt Hie message in own way with a tint he will el people to Think lwice about I feel it smoking is i serious it to i sons health and I dinger Public Hart for and print hive been loped Hart Ins lint has produced can be obtained for donation f at The I Ha It on tilihonim2tHoy TOO LATE TO BE CLASSIFIED DEATHS Hernia On day I I Herman ul I I den litlci Wood Rest no J Jonc Son funeral Hume new local on Tnlalga Maple Georgetown 4 m m Wednesday September uncial and con be tic It mo ning it C Si 1907 It 101 GcOKlulOrtii is nil 190 le Hi i lid I u i it Mrs SI JIG SAL Mini I Li IGLIb is Cal Full time Truck Driver Required Must have Licence Full Time Gas Bar Supervisor for a full service Gas Bar GEORGETOWN COOP 333 Guelph St Georgetown MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI 100 Till 111 II ill 1 16 Spot inn Gill REGV HARD HAIRSTYLISTS Progressive beauty salon chain is looking for career oriented people Immediate positions ire open for assistant managers and experienced stylists All applicants must have a current hairstylists licence can 8771 846 AUTOMOBILE SALES We are looking lor young c people to pin our sales slalt Experience is not required as full training will be provided to the applicants Only career minded individuals need apply altitude is everything CALL STEVE MATHEWS ANDREW MURRAY OLDS GEORGETOWN 8776944 WELDERS by a leading sleel fabricator located in Milton Applications are being accepted for qualified welders Candidales must have welding ticket and a ot two years relaled experience in welding We oiler a good starting salary ex cellent company paid and live bonus apply in person or send resume to MR LJ Company Limited Open Web steel Jolt I Civilian Milton 8779896 TRIO KODAK PAPER Hit SERVICE PHOTO FINISHING Hilton HiNi Maort Plan Si 12SMUDSI North Cloth BE YOUR OWN SKIN CARE SPECIALIST In just hours learn how to your skin the professional way Prepare 1 skin care products tor your own needs SAVE TIME AND MONEY SPECIAL RATES FOR GROUPS OF or more BOOK TIME FOR YOUR GROUP TODAY TELEPHONE 8694 Quality Home Furnishings FOR QUALITY PRODUCTS WITH EXPERT SERVICE CALL Friday Sept 5 1986 9 9 pm ONE DAY ONLY BUY 1 DOZEN COOKIES GET 1 DOZEN FREE PRESENT THIS COUPON FRIDAY SEPT 1986 BUY DOZEN WITH COUPON BELOW CUP N SAVE I PRESENT THIS COUPON I FRIDAY SEPT 1986 BUY 1 DOZEN PRESENT THIS COUPON FRIDAY SEPT 1986 BUY 1 DOZEN BUY DOZEN i iuuieli I BUY DOZEN COOKIES FOR COOKIES FOR COOKIES FOR J GET DOZEN I GET DOZEN GET 1 DOZEN I FREE FREE I WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 71 Mountainview Rd N UNIT3A Georgetown 8774216 Tilt lllAI Wednesday IBH6 Page a CALLUMLEA A and a shaker Ken of merii ltl competitions at me lUHIli also walked away with a variety stands the fauilljs top National hi billon The in other prize of Champion mm family led lv Ken father John Toronto bureau photo Branch 120 of I he forge town IRion had the pleasure of hotting Legion from Ilymoulh Mass a I I he Georgetown Hall tor Ihh were from left Hurley of Poll Norm Ward Branch llruce tolling Knowledge is power when it conies to licence plates Herald Special There one way to stay step ahead of the tnx man gel In know Tax review board members arc just one group among many who receive recognition through the licence on the vehicles they drive In the province today ferenl types of licence plates ore issued form vehicles judges the handicapped and many other specially equipped vehicles and drivers While the majority of licence plates in use have three letters followed by three numbers plates issued to ears now have the letter number combination reversed It s matter of having used up all the combinations Ministry of Transportation and ions off leer Greg St Croix Here are some of the series plates you see in the province Crown l Probably the most easily recognized plate in the pro vince is thai of the Lieutenant Governor The colorful emblem of the Queen representative can be seen on his limousine scurrying about Ihe province Ministry of TTanspori and Communications Tony Burt says there no record when this special plate drat MPP You might see plains In Ihis parked at Queens Park There a good chance II Sec in your Canada Day parade ton re plates of members of provincial parliament You don t have to be a provincial politician to share the recognition House of Commons members also cruise around with a recognizable plate Is there a doctor In the house Check the parking lot for a tall tale sign a license plate with an beginning Ihe I eller sequence He careful how quickly you this If you Iravel too fast you might end up visiting provincial court Judge during business hours Hit this vehicle and Bull fall upon little piece or story Historical vehicles receive special recognition as well VE3 AAAVE3 If you I Into numbers become an radio operator All qualifying cars have and a combination of two or three lellers following Special plates t limited to Canadian citizens in lite province Diplomats and tew well known tourists are extended equal privilege CDA This Is a diplomatic corps member This person is not to be confused with a consular corps member whose vehicle features plates In the OCA 001 scries Just to make sure re noticed these plates arc In red 19 Crown M Easily the most pressive plate This red lettered multicolored crown belongs to a person deserving royol treatment in our country In fad every time the Queen visits our province tier is Issued a new set of licence Miter This plate is for another crowd When Pope John 11 visited Ontario in Mr Burt said there were about a dozen of these yellow and while plates Burt says it the first time anyone but monarchy has been issued their own licence colors and all While the majority of Ontario licence plates arc the familiar white you see the red plate as described above or perhaps black and while plate befitting a commercial truck bus or farm vehicle designer threw conservatism out the window when coloring the permanent plates of a vehicle dealer or a service driver These plates are bright yellow In addition the province has J issued personalized plates sort of a plate since In the first years of the per serialized plate service 4 per plates were issued Initially thespccial plates cost per set In 1982 the provincial government lifted a restriction which stipulated each plate must have si digits allowing for vehicles to be fitted with Gates custom lied with any com nation of letters and numbers Well almost any combination There arc about combinations which arcn allowed mainly because of obscene content cording to St Croix vehicle owners who have purchased the personal plates In the past four years have paid for the honor or if resident of Nor them Ontario 7 million vehicles licensed in Ontario There are seven million licenced v In That quite more than the ITS vehicles licensed by the pro vince in the I first year the government demanded vehicle buy road use The earliest evidence of an On licencing policy Is a 1WI act of legislation according to Ministry of Transportation and Communications historian Tony Hurt In 1903 every vehicle owner who drove on Ontario roads resident or non resident to the province was obliged to pay ft twodollar stipend foe the privilege of using Ontario It was up to the individual to display his driver reglstra tion number on vehicle There is no evidence of government produced plates and many vehicle owner either pointed the number on their vehicles or their own licence plate with the help of a blacksmith or leather worker sort of a licence plate an nlversary this year In Ontario Is believed the year the govern menl Issued licence plates In The earliest government Issue Elate collected Ontario Is colorful ceramic plate of While attractive the eipenaltc plate was also quite fragile The Issue of cerumfL plates lasted only The licence piste has evolved In Ontario with few changes crown Mas added in 1931 after the of VI England The wedding of Queen II in 1DU saw the Im Issue of a sliver licence pi site in the province Blue and white have been the prime colors Ontario plates since 1937 In 1973 Ontario added the phrase Keep It to It plate That was changed to more tourist promoting Yours toi Discover In Burl says Ontario has kept the twoplate system because there never been a demand to change The police like system very well They can identify a car from both front and bark says Burt Since the disbanding of the ministry historical research branch in ISO he ministry and historian Tony has had to depend On his spare lime and the generosity of residents In ponding he province knowledge i of its licenceplate past