SECTION A THE HERALD November 19 Father questions dance location Black shadows Children Librarian Jane Mc Quarrle of the Hill Public Library entertained Saturday with of an Shy burglars After breaking a window reaching In and unlocking a door thieves took nothing from a Chip per Court home The home entered between Friday and Sun day Damage to the window was estimated at Beer breakin An IB pack of beer was taken from a Flamingo Court home bet ween and Friday Thieves entered the home through an unlocked basement window Whiskey heist A bottle of Crown Royal whiskey and In cash was taken from a Regan Crescent home Saturday between and The rear door was kicked In Damage to the door totalled 100 police said Camaro sratched A sharp object was used to scratch the side of a Camaro Nov or Damage to the car parked at Park Ave in Georgetown waa estimated at Unwanted rock A rock waa thrown through the rear window of a car parked at Mill Street in Georgetown between 12 and a Damage totalled Brakes faulty When the brakes of a Georgetown woman new car fail she ended up driving through he window of Aloha at 232 St Saturday morning She was in a parking lot at 9 13 a m and about to pull Into a parking spot when her brakes faded to the floor police said The car went over the curb and into the front window Damage to the car and damage to the win dow was estimated at VCR thief at 3 m and removed a gauge shot gun liquor and a VCR An estimated was taken from the Lot Concession home Microwave stolen The microwave oven at the Terra Cotta Conservator Visitor Centre was stolen the night of Nov 11 A window was pried open Damage to the window was The microwave la worth WTO House robbery An Georgetown home that police believe was left open was robbed of cash Nov 12 The home was not damaged work The session on shadow pop pets followed a practical application where the children could create their own figures Herald Going too fast A Georgetown man travelling too fast on the Eighth Line ended up hitting a tree on the roadside police said Thursday at II 15 m the Georgetown man southbound on the Eighth Line at kilometres per hour hit gravel and lost con trol of his car Damage to the car was estimated at Stolen cash A youthful offender was charged with stealing from the cash box of The Family Cleaners at 352 Queen St in Acton The money was taken between Friday and Satur day The 17 yearold Acton male appeared In court Monday Window vandals A window worth was broken at Park Public School In Georgetown Friday night The Hyde Park school was entered but nothing waa stolen Three windows at Robert Little Public School in Acton were broken between Thursday and Saturday Rocks were used Damage was est i muted at driver A carold Glen Williams man was stopped for impaired driving Saturday at 1 a He was driv erratically police said He will appear in court Dec IS After running into the back of a truck a yearold Acton man was charged with impaired driving day at p m The accident was on Trafalgar Road north of Avenue He will appear in court Dec 15 Pinegrove euchi e NORVALPinegrove Community euchre had six tables last Monday Winners were Ruth Thompson Marie Murray Jean John Hunter with the lucky draw going to Florence Reed The next euchre scheduled Is Nov TRAFFIC COURT AGENT Upset About An Unjust Traffic Ticket Imported Hand Carved Gifts Fantastic Decorative Wall Fans Exclusive Lines of Jewellery Gifts for You or Any Occasion Expert Jewellery Repair Downtown Georgetown 877 3060 Royal Bank and a Raalauinnt Sunday teen nights not for everyone Herald Special If you allow your 15year old a dance in a bar or tavern arc yo your teenager to drink This question has haunted at least one Georgetown parent Peter who Is concerned about the popularity of teen nights special outings for teenagers held at Night Crossings and Poppy F Dining two restaurants holding dining lounge liauor licences In these times people hove strong feelings about drinking and driving Mr Woolgar said I think we should be careful about sending our children to bars But Sheldon chairman of the antidrink ing end driving committee disagreed with Mr Reluc tant to look for a problem which she is not sure exists Ms Sheldon said she would rather view teen nights In a positive light Perhaps could display and drinking and driving literature In those establishments Ms Sheldon said This may be an opportunity to educate young people on the HI effects of drinking and driving Mr said he was bothered by teen nights In the summer when his 14yearold son permission to attend a dance at restaurant O began the trend of setting aside a few hours on Sundays to hold special dances exclusively for teens The bar was locked up and teens served only soft drinks and snacks However the restaurant has not held teen Sundays since September We didn t think it was worth It when the teens set fire to our bathrooms said O manager Lorraine Robinson But we never had any problems before that Although he Is wary of teen nights Mr admitted he is reluc tant to criticize them because Georgetown teenagers have little else o do I could swallow the fact that It a bar as long as no liquor Is being scrv he said I ve got sympathy for young people there t much for them to do but It s a sad thing when it comes to the bars providing the kids with something to do Mr concern Increased when he discovered that teen nights at Poppy are not restricted to teenagers Patrons over the legal drinking age may attend the outings and they arc served liquor I was flabbergasted Mr said I would not my son to go John Poppy manager said he has never had any trouble with minors drinking alcoholic beverages during his Sun day teen nights Teens are admitted Into his restaurant for a small cover charge and stamped to indicate they ore minors Mr said he believes he Is teenagers with a service I feel that ft up to the parents to decide whether their kids go Mr said I have three men pat roll inn the floor to make sure the kids don drink because that my responsibility But I won t turn the kids away Despite tie interest piqued by Poppy live band teen nights many young people are attracted to the dancing at Night Crossings Night Crossings manager Kosta Touroumtzas stores the liquor away and serves salt drinks and snacks The outings on Sundays between and 11 are reserved en for teenagers aged 13 to No other patrons may enter the Library board opposes lottery loss Losing out on annually from provincial lottery grants to the Halton Hills Library Board liking Monday councillors endorsed the Board stand against Ontario Treasurer Robert Nixon Bill 38 The bill would do away with lot proceeds for recreation and culture town staff to prepare a resolution Library Board trustees strongly urged this move on the part of the town They want a guarantee that specific percentage of all lottery proceeds will go to recreation and culture In 1965 that was million in capital grants This is really big Issue Coun Norman Elliott said Monday With HYUNDAI COUNTRY mlng back to the community As It Is the provincial government has set many conditions to qualify for the lottery money and there at least sitting in this fund that been allocated the councillor said People arc suspecting there is a very large windfall there that the provincial government will be able to channel anywhere Elliott said Nobody wants to speculate whether that money will be turned to health care or something else BARRY D T1MLECK Chartered Accountant CARHETAL BUILDING SUITE 301 16Moun1ainvlewRd S GEORGETOWN 8776948 Reception 6 30 Buffet Dinner 7 By Dave Smallwood Special Occasion Permit Georgetown District Memorial Hospital Christmas Ball Dec 5 1986 Holy Cross Auditorium Maple Ave Dress Semi Formal Tickets Couple TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE HOSPITAL GIFT SHOPS OR PHONE 8212 proems go to the Georgetown memorial LEARN TO DRIVE THIS FALL PRIVATE CAD LESSONS 8770751 Rd S Georgetown FOR BRAMPTON CALL asm OVER 200AM GRADUATES RECOMMEND Young Drivers of Canada restaurant which Mr Touroumlias said resembles p dance hall on Sun day evenings Julie Ward a Grade student at Georgetown District High School said the teen night at at the restaurant she sometimes attends is relaxed and sociable It gives teenagers a chance to socialize and it keeps people out trouble Julie said It a novelty I think it makes kids feci better because they arc In a bar Mr added he would like to sec Georgetown council take a position on the Issue young people in ban Betty Fisher Town Councillor said although she is aware of the concern surrounding lecn nights she is not convinced that placing teenagers in what she called the trappings of a bar will encourage them to drink Kids can go down to their parents basements and sit at the family bar Ms Fisher said But If a restaurant Is serving liquor to other patrons while the teens are there then I dead set against that Ms Fisher added although the Issue of teen nights has not yet come up at council some councillors would like to check the town bylaws to sec If they can prevent II being served to patrons in the same room as minors Georgetown Bylaw Enforce Officer Bob said he has fielded some complaints from concerned parents about teen nights most of which he directs to he police department He noted It Is unlikely any substantial changes can be made to the existing bylaws since ihe mailer is outside oF the town s There are certain conditions ve can set such as limiting dates and times Mr said But otherwise I don think there Is much else we can do Detective Sergeant Robertson of Halton Regional Police District No 1 said he was aware a few com plaints had been lodged with the police about lecn nights However he added that he knows of no incidents of underage drinking In either Pop py s or Night Crossings GEORGETOWN SPA FITNESS CENTRE INSURANCE 2Car discount rm qinl fy I v null or insurance C Her instate in good hands Canada a Company 116 Guelph Street Georgetown 8731643 ARE YOU BORED Tired s at home every night watch ng same T reruns and over n you don go because you only moved Georgetown Well why don t you jo Georgetown Newcomers Club We meet every Hi rd Wednesday of monlh have coffee cake and enjoy I lo our guest speaker lor the evening In add lion we have member run spec activities groups such as sew knit rig games and dinner club groups monlhb Wed November 1 at 30 m nv Rd S SI An United Church Our guest speaker is John Fendley ol Fendleys who is going to talk about caring lor and flowers We d meelmg you so come on out GDHS PARENT INTERVIEW NIGHT Thursday November 700 900 pm Consult your sondaughter about arranging interview Georgetown District High School For more information call 8776966 NOTICE The Council of the Corporation of the Town Halton H lis on September 1 enacted By law No 86 a by law amend Parking By law No 36 to provide for the payment of escalating parking tines in the event parking tickets are unpaid after the prescr bed period time Motorists should be aware that the set f nes w II escalate in units of 00 excluding court costs If the parking ticket is not paid during the prescribed period t me Motorists are urged to pay parking tickets promptly to avoid the additional costs being added to the opngmal out of court payment RJ Ustrzycki Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing Officer Town of Halton H lis O Box 1 Halton H lis Georgetown Ontario PUBLIC NOTICE NAMING OF A STREET Taho that Ihtr I for II Cor on Town Ha to H I I and load no By law Number 1 58 it ri moot ng ho on name tho subject B Lane as I I I any poison by counsel who oil m3 that I or alio w I bo by by aw bo at a lo bi I old n pnl Oil cos Ttatnlg tho day Novombo hour polo By I w Numb Ah nw Incjtotho i day Tlnnotlcopublahpdonl October Doputy Box Ooo Ontar L7G4I1