Wednesday November IS It was the annual dinner for the Air Cadets or Squadron In Georgetown Thursday night The squadron was out In full uniform Receiving senior awards were front left to right Brett Scr JesnlsoD 17 Laura 17 Jerf Duncan IB Carls 13 back Andrew Boettcher IT Joel Brown IB Cam MacLean 16 and Jon New com be 16 Over awards were given out to n embers of the squadron while proud parents and siblings watched Herald photo Citizens forum Fry pan to the fire EDITORS NOTE The Herald received the following letter or publication Disney Television Show Disney Productions 1330 Avenue of the Americas New York NY Dear Sir As usual we enjoyed your pro gram last Sunday Nov except for the last minutes Ask Max presented worthy ideals for young viewers that you can buy friends and that adults can learn from a year old But what was Max Idea the one that the Board of Directors accepted To save a fighter plane factory from closing down with the loss of many jobs by converting to production of TOY fighter planes We dont have war toys in our homes War toys such as the fighter plane teach that Is right that it OK to kill the cv 1 them that fighting solves pro blems Yet there are millions of children In IB countries today for whom war and fighter planes arc a grim reality not a game Our own children live in the nuclear shadow nuclear war is thinkable and so they must find other ways to resolve conflict We are trying to teach them to solve Waterloo nounce the graduation Jo MacLean from University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of on October 1S Jo graduated the Honour Lilt majoring In Social Develop ment Studies She Is currently teaching Merry School In Milton Diabetes meeting Dec 3 will be the next meeting of the Brampton and District branch of the Canadian Diabetes Assocla tion at Peel Memorial Hospital Auditorium Lynch Brampton Miss Cheryl Anderson Director of Pharmacy at the hospital will discuss prescriptions and over the counter medicines After the meeting refreshments will be served For additional informo tion calltfBiMB arguments without fighting hat the rid is not div ded Into them and us that we need to solve problems together Max could have made many other creative suggestions for con version of the fighter plane including manufacture of his own wonderful Sky Bike We wonder then Just what Disney Pro ductions was trying to teach its mill oris of young viewers last Sun day We strongly object to the lesson presented Yours truly Janet Duval Barbara She in Nora Li w Janet Still Knox P McCrodon Vichy Responsive poem Dear Sir In response to Mr Joe Hurst verse of Nov 12 A man verballty frames his theology Words be II Determine views No language lis own Doe own universal truth But each can leach Can the human race Help stand gainst ignorant space I would also like to point out that many of Mr Hursts words are of English origin Saskatchewan Prima Vox are and Greek In Quebec the language spoken Is based on French of the through isth centuries Also could be mentioned Cape or that linguistic vegetable garden Toronto Yours truly Robert D The Bard of Acton Correction A picture appearing on page of The HeraleFs Nov 12 edition correctly Identified a Gee District High School student blood Bob Anderson was the in the picture not Norm 1 The Herald regrets he Soldiers missing On page C6 of the Nov 12 Herald names were printed from a list of Georgetown residents signed up with the Canadian armed forces The active duty list apparently had some omissions according to our readers There were five names which were missing Tho Herald will be pleased to publish additional names as they become known The following names should have been Included Gordon James George Al Pucker lag Clarence Beaumont and Jack Kemshead We apologize for any venience on Friday November 986 Due to a total loss of heat we were unable to serve you The problem has been corrected and we look forward to servicing you Once again we regret any in convenience Stuart McDonald Betamy Restaurants St Georgetown L Dorothy McLean talk Norval once existed as mill town McLean gave the history of the mills and the mill owners from 1B2Q to 1954 and the several changes to the road through the village There is nothing to show today of where tho mills were located nothing but a busy highway with bumper lo bumper traffic waiting at the main comer Tor the light to lum green so hey can speed on their way through the village The mills were a short distance east of the Hollywood Tavern and the road curved around south of the mills for one hundred years In 1020 when the highway came through Ibey changed the road to curve around north of the mills However to make room for the widened road the Hollywood House lost a large portion of the front of the building The raceway from the Credit liver that supplied the water power operate the mills ran from the river along beside the road on Noble St now the parking lot of the Hollywood Tavern James McNab built the dam and first mills in the early 18209 they In eluded a saw mill a flour mill and an to make soap A flax mill that In Inter years became a woollen mill a grist m 11 and a cooperage to make barrels for shipping the flour soon followed when the village quickly grew James and William of the Gooderham and WorU Co had a distillery near the mills and rented the mills for a few years They also had a tannery and a general store here In the fiats below the mills were a saw mill a brass factory and an Farmers supplied Mil ash when they the trees as they cleared the land When Robert Noble purchased the mills from a bank in 1868 c rebuilt them He also built a new storehouse cooper shop and barrel sheds The woollen mill down and was replaced with a new mill In later years Hubert was join by his son Col Alex Noble They continued increasing the plant until Ihe output was barrels flour a day Farmers hauled their wheat in and their flour home for 1G miles around Flour was shipped all over Canada and to many countries in the world During this time industry supported some to 30 f am 1 es During these years the saw mill did a booming business tun out feet of lumber a day There was a plentiful supply of Wh le Pine Irom the farmen as they cleared their lands Boat builders in England were among those supplied with this choice lumber The mills were owned by the Nobles for years until was on the stage coach road from Tori to to Guelph via Streetsville At one time a plank road come up what is now Winston Churchill to Norval and an to Georgetown It made a lovely boulevard until the planks and sleepers began to rot ana then it was a holy terror Travellers the stage roach road had to have a place to rest and eat and their horses looked after There were four hotels the Hollywood Tavern the only one remaining three blacksmiths three saddlers and harness makers a carriage maker as well as two general stores a butcher shop a bakery a tailor a book agent a broom factory and various other businesses All this added to the Industrious mills made Norval a busy and prosperous village The highway that was supposed to bring business to the village did Just the opposite and people went to town lo shop Farmers changed from growing wheat to dairy farms beef and market gardening and business gradually declined Early one cold January morning In 1630 the flour mills burned to the ground in a spectacular fire They were owned at that time by B Browne and Co with W M Browne as manager Joan Carters and Gordon Browne s father The grist mill was saved but In 1954 Hur ricane Hazel damaged the building so badly it had to be torn down No more mills for the road to wind around so In 1973 the road was filled Volunteer time saves money Volunteers play a critical role in the planning and delivery of vices to residents A report recently released by the Social Planning Council Burlington board tltlea Volunteer Profile Burlington Indicates that based on the minimum wage rate volunteers donate more than million dollars worth of time to local social service agencies The study was conducted during the past summer and collected In formation about the number of people volunteering the type of getf In the TRIO PHOTO FINISHING KODAK PAPER HA DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC CHURCH STREET GEORGETOWN FROM LIBRARY AND CULTURAL CENTRE TRENTON 8772359 NOVEMBER I PERM I SPECIAL I I NOW MEN The Sale Continues There Still Time To Take In These Great Savings MENS STRIPE DRESS SHIRTS 99 SUPER BUY AT 15 ASSORTED MENS SWEATERS VHeck or Crew our I JOS SUPER SPECIAL Assarted Hens DRESS PANTS Reg Up To THd SPORT JACKETS Reg Upto WolM MENS SUETS Pure Waal Reg Up To MENS TIES 100 Sift Rtg Men a Oh JEANS Reg MENS FLANNEL SHIRTS vNECK SWEATERS Hi Whits MM JV CLOTHING Place In and Ihe highway straightened through the village To moke the road straight for the convenience of the traffic one house at the east end of the village had to be demolished and a new bridge built a busy prosperous mills arc buried beneath the paved highway with not even a memorial to mark ihe spot Dorothy ended her history with a poem Village Epitaph A verse from the poem composed by Joyce McLean Hut ton sums up the transition of a peaceful village to the nightmare traffic today mothered a I Once and wild flower grew In the dllchei Now wide treeless pavement mocks the speed limit signs and parents dutch their children and suffer from ulcers and nervous tension And the people t even Indians HARK THE KEY JACK BEER TO SAFE DRIVING CALL 877 SEX Fo Home Fu I The Bennett Health Care Centre offering FINE RETIREMENT LIVING Choice of Private or Semi Private Accommodation In an attractive comfortable and secure environ ment specifically designed for your needs Service Includes full d room nursing assistance ma and laundry serv of planned actlv es all amen tes ncludngpool beauty shop ft shop bar service The Bennett Health Care Centre I A nonprof it foundation with Georgetown It District Memorial Hospital 1 Princess Anne Drive Georgetown Ontario 2B8 8770117 AT RIB EYE ROASTS PEAMEAL BACON CHICKEN BREAST STRIPS HEAT SERVE HINDS OF BEEF DIANA SAUCE HONEY GARLIC STEAK 3 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR FRESH TURKEYS FOR CHRISTMAS no ss as Extra Savings on The Barrel Head