Georgetown Alliance Church Missionary spreads the word in Zaire Two missionaries will be talking about how they ve helped to spread Christianity abroad beginning Nov 20 Sponsored by the Georgetown Alliance Church their annual mis sions conference ends Nov 30 The conference meeting places are held at various locations so members and guests can call or for clarification Lois Belscy and Rev Bruce Ed wards are the featured sneakers REV EDWARDS The dark continent of Africa claims such rapidly growing Chris tianity that the Christian nations of Canada and the United States may see the day when African mis sionaries minister to North America Canadians Rev Bruce Ed wards and his wife Donna Edwards have served with The Christian and Missionary Alliance In Zaire for four years The C and MA has ministered In Zaire for over years Today there are over 1000 organized chin ches and almost 800 unorganized groups with national pastors Rev Edwards teaches at the Evangelical Seminary In Boma a cl ty of 166000 persons situated on the Zaire River kilometres inland from the Atlantic coast The Seminary itself Is the highest level of training available to the Alliance churches of Zaire In there were 39 students in the threeyear program and a full time faculty of rive Donna Edwards has given leadership to the Alliance Health Centre In The Centre has a staff of persons In addition to Dr Edwards and sees on average of 1400 persons each month The Edwards have given their lives in this type of ministry because they are firmly convinced Christ is the answer to the problems of mankind and that training of na to reach their own people is the correct method Meeting the physical needs of people often pro vides an opportunity to meet their spiritual needs as well From stoneage people to church leaders God has changed the lives of many Moni in Irian J ay a Indonesia since the arrival of the missionary 35 years ago Mis are now counselling teaching and advising nationals to use uptodate methods and tools in winning other to Christ Miss Lois missionary to the Monl people of Irian Java spends her time preparing Sunday School youth literacy and women study materials and teaches church leaders how to use them Serving with the Christian and Missionary Alliance In Indonesia Lois Is excited about the new spiritual hunger shown by the people Earlier this year people were baptized Indicating their desire to follow God In a maleoriented society whose esteemed values are Christian and dominated by ancient folklore God has broken through and chang lives Canadian Lois con it a privilege to work in this challenging ministry with The Chris tian and Missionary Alliance an SECTION A THE HERALD Wedneday November IB Portugese lessons Interested In learning If there are IS students a course will be started Saturday mornings Contact Kathrya- at Monday Tues day and Thursday mornings Shes the Oakvllle Multicultural Coun education evangelical denomination with over churches in Si countries and with an overseas staff of 1 134 Auxiliary member former Legion ladies secretary Historic members Of the four ladles who darted up the Lakeside Chapter of the three remain The charter members seen above started the chapter years ago on Oct Originally called the Independent Order of the Daughters of the Empire the benevolent a en I food and clothing oversea to soldi fighting in the Flnt World War Because there Is no longer an Em the initials don t have periods between them The organization Is still carrying out good deeds In the community however Saturday they were railing funds by holding a bazaar The historic three charter members are front Isabel Watson beck row from left Marguerite Taylor and Stella Herald photo Girls detested long underwear NORVALMarilyn Smith presided at the meeting of the United Church Women Nov at Jean Dunlop accompanied for the singing of Oh God Our Help in Ages Past The theme for the was The Community with Betty Johnson giving a paper and a poem by Nellie Shea led in prayer Gwen read the minutes and business Included a report from Sharon on the bazaar All members were Instructed to bring a tea towcll for next months roll call The Is being held at the Cheltenham United Anniversary service fifth and final an service of Huttonville United Church was held Nov at 10 a The church was declared a heritage church and the hall as well was full to overflowing for the service of celebration and The new electric organ and stained gloss windows were dedicated Special music was given by the choir trained by Christine Higglns and Patten was organist Reflections and Impressions from a lifelong member were given by as well as by a new member Carol Baker Marlon sang a lovely solo For Those Tears Died A fellowship hour 1 owed African research NORVAL Dale McMurchy daughter Mr and Mrs Bruce McMurchy Huttonville has received a position with World University Service of Canada Dale is an honors graduate in In ternational Relations from the University of Toronto She left Nov and will spend two years in Lesotho She will be doing research for a professor at the University of Toronto and visiting Canadian Zimbabwe Botswana and Kenya She will be teaching English at the secondary school level Euchre Norval Community Centre had six tables last day The winners were Aleott Landry George Burt and Keith Webb with the lone hands award going to Preston The lucky draw was won by Jean Cunningham and the convenors were Keith and Ethel Webb with Marie Murray Bridge winners Duplicate is offered or those interested at the Georgetown Legion upstairs every Monday afternoon at 1 except when a holiday falls on a Monday There are free refreshments and partners if needed Free play will be given for winners In first place of cleaning coal oil lamp shades every morning carrying water for house use walking to school and how young women and girls detested wearing long underwear Marilyn then called on Dorothy McLean who gave the history of the Mills and the Rise and Decline of as a commercial centre Norval was much larger than Georgetown at one time EDITORS NOTE The following Is a report of the Ladies Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion Branch 120 Georgetown ByMlDBRUNSKI Herald Special It is with a great deal of sadness that I report that Comrade and friend lie an Nicholson passed away Friday Ileane has been a member of the auxiliary for some time and hod been our secretory District Crib at Mount Hamilton Nov 15 saw the team of dart Rita Anne Nicholson and Monica Southan place fourth These ladies will now be going on to provincial Dates to remember Nov zone darts at Bronte Nov zone crib- at Georgetown Dec zone darts Bronte and Dec 13 Christmas Social at Brampton Your November meeting of the auxiliary will be as usual at p m Nov Lets have a great turnout as we will be discussing among other things our own Christmas Mae tells me that Lily Maybonks Is now sitting up and com along quite nicely Myrt is still in hospital at Georgetown Haley has been moved to a Toronto hospital Aledo McCartney is also doing quite well and is In Georgetown hospital room A and is looking forward to visitors has also made me quite happy as she sat for pictures of herself for our album and the history of the branch Aleda along with Lillian are the only charter members we still have and our love and respect go out to these two ladles Clothing FOR QUALITY PRODUCTS WITH EXPERT SERVICE CALL an Monday December 1 700 to 900 pm We Want To Hear From You OUR READERS What would you like to see added to your community newspaper The Herald cares abouts our readers We want to give you the best newspaper possible Call us and tell us how we can improve Well do our best to answer all your questions Representatives from news sports advertising and circulation will be manning the phones Our own Ethel Murray originally from South Shields England had a wonderful few weeks In London England recently when she attend the reunion of war brides She was also fortunate to meet her old friend Grace MacDonald who was also a war bride and whom she has not seen in 40 years Welcome home Ethel Call in students Georgetown District High School Is looking for former students theyve lost track of If you know the whereabouts of the following people call The Centennial Reunion Celebra tion called Back for 87 is a three- day event beginning July 3 George Gardiner John Vander burg Elaine John Sarah Strickland Caroline Otto Kroll Maugcnest Ethel Piper Barbara Maureen Debbie Wilson Glenn Wright Randy Johnston Daniel Bruce McNeil Dennis John Paris Stephen Daniel Susan Price Jim Pew Theresa Casey Corinne McDonald Donna Farmer Gor don McDonald Douglas Wiles Ellen Havana Linda Jennings Gloria Donna KeTr Velma Keir Ann Nix Deborah Rogers Laura Jennet Rlggs Barbara Mater We Are Moving DR ROBERT H CRANRELD to opening of CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE at Its new location 328 Guelph St Suite B n ttw now Royal Real Estate 8774288 OFFICE H FOLLOWS Monday and Wednesday 30 p m toSpm CLOSED TUESDAY Thursday pm to 8 Friday to noon and 245 Tasty Recipes PEPPER NUTS 2 eggs I cups brown sugar cups flour a baking powder cinnamon tsp salt J A tsp baking soda 1 tsp ground cloves black popper 1 cup chopped nuts j 2 cups seeded raisins I A cup chopped citron Beat eggs and sugar together standing bowl In hot water and J beat until as light as whipped cream taking care that the mix ture does not gat hotter than lukewarm Add flour sifted all j other dry ingredients Stir in fruit and nuts Knead well Drop by small spoonfuls on buttered sheet and bake 8 minutes In 350 oven K MAIN ST S GEORGETOWN i NEILS0N8 MELTING CHOCOLATE foodstuff DROP IN AND SEE OUR USED CAR SELECTION But Hurry Savings Like Wont Last Long 86 MUSTANG GT CONVERTIBLE Automatic Loaded red 1 5000 Km STK P012 Not Exactly At Shown Abova ONLY 19697 Ford Pickup AT PSPB Slop bumper Grcon Km 83 Ranger PU Auto Box Covor Blue Whin Km Stk A Tempo GL 4Dr PS PB Am Gray Km Ranger Silver Blue 147 Km Stk Tempo L 86 Tempo GL 4 Or Auto PSPB AM Km P 86 Mustang LX Aulo AM 19 540 Km Slk P035 86 Auto WC Whlto 272Km P013 TBlrd Turbo Coupo SID Loadod Rod 15 400i Km Slk 84 Reliant K Car PSPB Cassotlo Roolrnck 934 Km Slk 86 Tempo 4 Dr AM Blue 14 KM Stk Merkur Auto Turbo Loaded Blue IB 600 Km Sth 86 Cougar LS 2 Auto Londod Cobornot Km 7697 86 Taurus Aulo Air PSPB Blue Km IN EVERYTHING WE SELL AND SERVICE I I I I ACTON ONTARIO Sales Leasing Parts Dept 45 Main St Acton SALES LTD Line 85B3673 Ted Free 18007272