CLASSIFIED DEADLINES ANNOUNCEMENTS CLASSIFIED CASH RATES 8778822 Ml wd in I ukh Wlir IT Mt SONS longer twcosrattng Ear art and wish to customers and Mai tor over past years SUM Am Spar ATTENTION ADULTS SENIORS BOYS GIRLS BECOME A HERALD CARRIER AND START EARNING YOUR OWN MONEY a MO HO I NT MA Mil DHATHSUM AM c courses for prestigious careen Accounting Air conditioning book keeping business cosmetology- elec tronic legalcmedlcal secretary psychology travel Granton Adelaide West Toronto 18001681131 UNITY in the conception Is a unity in diversity rather than uniformity it Is not by the suppression of dif ferences that we wilt ar rive at unity but rather increased awareness of and respect for the Intrinsic nwiihir mm hr value of each separate S3SRiS and individual information Tum by write Box J 5rS w phone 877- HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PtANO Fast easy method For FREE Information write Popular Music Systems studio 3284 Road BCV1Z2H2 HELP WANTED CALL TODAY AND PUT YOUR NAME ON A WAITING LIST WELL CALL YOU WHEN A ROUTE BECOMES AVAILABLE WEDNESDAYS BEFORE 930 AM DELIVERY 8772201 SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday November Page s PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE OF STEELES AVENUE JAMES SNOW PARKWAY TO TRAFALGAR ROAD A Public Information Centre will be held PLACE Hornby Community Centre Steeles Avenue West Trafalgar Road DATE Monday December 1 1986 TIME OOpm 900pm Thl9 Information Centre Is being held to provide the public with an opportunity review the preliminary design and property widening drawings for the reconstruction of Avenue from Ihe James Snow Parkway to Trafalgar Road Interested persons are Invited to drop in to the information Centre and comment on the proposed work DAVID J REGIONAL CLERK OPPORTUNITIES for PAltf DA Representatives especially needed in smaller communities Write Peggy Anderson Woodward Ave Burlington CALLING Great Opportunity for fully qualified Mechanics High Tech Producers Ford certified opportunity to earn year at J Id per hour Lake city Ford Sales Ltd 715 Oliver St Williams Lake CLARE BURT TRAVEL presents SPECIAL WINTER HOLIDAY to BER MUDA February to this relaxing holiday tour Special savings available Call 1737 after SPECIAL Frl Dec Wilson Sales Arena 35 Fresh and Springing Jerseys Pro duct Ion foremost Can a dlan Jersey Cattlemen or John Joynt6t3 EXPERIENCE our Farmers Winter Holi day and Agricultural Study Tour to ARIZONA and LAS VEGAS February 15th to Call Clare Burt Travel COMING EVENTS CHRISTMAS CRAFT BAKE SALE art Main Strait tide Gears Street 10mto4pjn SECON DARY SCHOOL Cam bridge ANNIVER REUNION May Former students please register now Miss Scott Drive Cambridge 5196215920 ART CRAFT SALE UNIQUE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Sal Nov tram ID Urgent Read Oiitrtcl Hospital CHRISTMAS Static r Daw Tickets couple CLEANERS wanted for downtown office WANTED experienced chicken catchers 4543133 ask for Ralph REPORTER required by large Eastern Ont publisher Minimum 1 year experience Job in volves several publico Including weeklies car required Competitive wages ex cellent fringe benefits including profit sharing Send resume to Jerry Huddleston The Record News PO Box 158 Smith Falls CAMERA STRIPPER re- by large Eastern nterlo printing com pany ideally you have minimum years ex perlence We offer good wages and benefits In cluding profit sharing and modern work en Located In outdoor area Write Ken Watts Performance Printing Lome St Smith Falls Ontario HIRING HOWI struct ion all phases drivers machinists welders electricians mechanics airlines Some entry posi tions up to Transcontinental Job Search 1308382 3700 FEE- HELP WANTED GEORGETOWN COM PANY requires a book keeper for general of fice duties to Include OPEN DOOR requires youth worker 20 hours per week effective January 1 Suitable for a mate Sub mit resume In person to St Georges Anglican Church Guelph Street Georgetown WALTER and HELENA are pleased to announce the engage ment of their daughter Linda Lee Murdock to Robert Martin son of Martin and Helga Bowles STUDENT with clean driveway person to call BAKER wanted ex perience not necessary we will train Apply In person Crossways US St Georgetown The of and Liaman Attn in vita rtblWtt and la attend a rtctpUen In of Iheh wedding an- nivtruir on Saturday IB at St Parish Hal SI Giorgetonvn it BEST WISHES ONLV TOTS TRENDS EXCTTMBFAUBajtlirjfTS pahtyplaw fashion consultants HEEDED Carnettiun FmtiibcHntitigifis Call Nancy 12SMB42 Mr Mrs Bydevaate celebrated their Anniversary this past Monday They came to Canada from the Netherlands In and moved to Georgetown In 1952 They have been Irving here since A dinner and reception was held for them by their children last Friday They lust returned from a trip to the Netherlands where they visited with friends and family MACHINE OPERATOR printing Brampton location Call 7935501 QUEENS PCM DRIVERS WANTED with own tor delivery November or December Female applicant preferred 83B evenings SHARE ACCOMMODA TION private room full use of entire For details Call Dave Whiting Rem ax Suburban Realty inc realtor DAYCARE LOVING DAYCARE In my home Ages years welcomed Hot lunches gym set and crafts Harrison Public School Area SUBCONTRACTOR Monday to Friday 8am 5pn 8775413 or 8466644 FOR RENT Lions Club Hall Parties ban weddings stags Phone after FOR RENT Hills Elk Lodge In Nor for all occasions Weddings etc 455B310 TWO SANTA CLAUS suits by the Georgetown Kinettes 7413 STORAGE Trailer boat and trailer camper Five minutes from Georgetown 9952 SHORT TERM REN TAL 3 bedroom house with large enclosed back yard Joycelyn WOO per month plus utilities Available now until May 4 ENSONIQ MIRAGE Digital sampling keyboard or est 3 bedroom bungalow pool car port no pets double drive plus utilities 877 GEORGETOWN Dec one bedroom apart ment minutes to GO train heat Included and last month WANTED TO BUY slgnmenf Safe CASH PAID for Gold Dec Sliver Coins lewellery broken lewellery month Approx V tractors plus all types of Brm equipment BA 1 welcome mllltary8772812es For more information OLD WRISTWATCHES call or WANTED any make 4 Proprietors mens only one or one K end hundred Old Sons Mrlstwatches wanted Also wanted Eaton Quarter Century square wrlstwatches 25 years service Will pay and up for this watch Will also buy straps crystals parts etc tor old ches or write B Walsh Queen St E Toronto OntM5AlS2 WANTED FIBERGLASS truck white cap in good condition Found To fit Chev pick up Baptist Church area short box Phone SHEAWOOD HUME LICENCED AUCTIONEER HOUSEHOLD FARM 4iaS7B4878 MILTON ROAD 1 MILE NORTH Riding Lessons Boarding Sales ON SALE and l iwlvel and chain HH Furniture Ltd Armstrong Ave Georgetown FOR SALE MOVING MUST SELL- Colour TV with remote control Chester- Hold brown double bed tattles four wood dishes pictures odds tends LOST POUND FOUND black and WANTED snowmobiles Outdoor Power Eq St Georgetown REAL ESTATE SEASONED DELIVERED and Maple lor a bush cord lor USED DESKS FILES storage cabinets stack ing office chairs steel adjustable shelving store displays Blalrs New and Used Alex Avenue Phone 416 near Hwy and Mon Frl Sat 101 HAIRSTYLISTS FULLPART POSITIONS oiler Bed hourly pins Profit staling bonus on product Health plan Birthday pay Kick Pay PLUS MOPE ComeJolnMlllonsNO i TEAM For phono FIRST CHOICE AT THREE BEDROOM RAISED BUNGALOW plus lilies exclude basement WANTED TO BUY GARDEN SHED LARGE SIZE HELP AVAILABLE WILL DO ACT0H1 GEOMETOWH AREA Call BARBS CLEANING SERVICE or 77727 HELP AVAILABLE PARTY with Heltons top Service pro vldlng the entertain me fit High Impedance state of the art youth oriented 1576 BANDS Need good sound and lighting Rentals consultations and professional road services High Im BEAUTIFUL 1 BEDROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT in Brampton Level entrance included lablc November WANTED glatt partial el la its Almott of CASH PAID His But 18446885 the HERALD FASHION AND CRAFTS Jplll MOTOR HOME STORAGE Exclusive indoor and cuss minutes Guorgolown 5188431787 GIBSONS Dead Stock Service Dead disabled animal removed lb paid or old healthy horses We can tell you the cause Call Fergus collect or 8432519 or Bra I on Licence STILL SEARCHING g rentals in sizes and spec lolly K ff K FEE Realty limited THE COUNTRY SQUIRE Southwest 15 minutes to minutes to Georgetown or minutes to A must to see with ex financing lor century home good bank bam and acres Call Jean Rogerson 4574770 or 5199415151 is ONE LAZY BOY Roc liner cloth covered Good condition 1 set aluminum Shelby rims Including hard ware Fits Toyota HARD WATER PRO BLEMS introducing the water softener that doesnt use salt No more lugging heavy bags of cosily salt Other softeners remove calcium and other good for you minerals We dont add salt to your water or remove beneficial minerals because thats not good for you Other softeners take up lota of room use electricity require cost plen ty to Install and too much to maintain We dont Call toll free for healthier better resting cleaner washing water Never forget to turn your HEADLIGHTS OFF AGAIN Make your car more visible on the road without the worry of a dead battery Great stocking The headlight reminder simply plugs Into fuse panel 8995 plus tax In elude shipping- hand Ing Visa M C call 1 BOO 263 weekdays Stewart Specialty leday STEEL BUILDING Pre Winter Factory Clearance Straight wall or styles cer tain sizes at special dis counts Save thousands Limited quantities Phone Pioneer toll free 800387 FOR RENT The have added now Santa suits which iro now rival In bio to rent StO For more in or please call WANTED TO RENT WANTED A one or two bedroom apartment In either Georgetown or Acton for married cou ple with two well- trained cats Must move due to present building being sold Ideal posses date would be around Dec 1st References available If needed if you can commodate please 1261after6pm WANTED lor coil pi with 8731 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA SR5 5 speed standard new tires stereo dark grey metallic paint 00 or best Oder As is Call or Janet Schwab 1981 SUBARU GL STATIONWAGON with shift on the wheel for certified The superior trac tion and handling of four wheel drive are available at the flick of a lever Must be seen and driven Call 8778449 and ask tor Kel or Janet Schwab Dont get stuck thh wtntar PHOTO TRADER DO SELL FASTER SO BE PART OF THIS EI OTTO FEATURE MOP INTO THE HERALD BEFORE M0HDAT5 AND WE LL HAVE YOUR AD WEDNESDAYS PAPER CARS BOATS EVEN HOUSES NO COMMERCIAL AOS PLEASE CALL ONLY FOR 3 WEEKS 8772201 IF THE HERALD TAKES PHOTO OH PHOTO AT YOUR HOME