Travel centre has ski reports Starling Dec at am daily the Travel Centre will open four telephone lines for ski reports from the tral eastern western and northern Ontario regions The report Is in broadcast format con slating of a lead in and ad lib as well as an in formative description alpine and cross country ski conditions This Information is up dated at 30 a and Canada News Wire receives a detailed report Monday through Friday by am giving dally surface conditions base depths new snow as well as lifts slopes and trails in operation Broadcast News receives a telexed report Thursday day Saturday and Sun day by 30 a Broad cast News also receives a voice tape at 7 a m Thursday through Sunday providing the same information An updated voice report is also given on Thursday Friday and Saturday si rlllMI rllt- IllUUIl Animals have a Latin name By RON of Ontario Natural la Every species of wildlife has a formal La I in name which all too often seems design only to plague biology students at ex amination time But these names do have special meanings as in the case of This Greek Latin combination for the eastern chipmunk roughly translates to striped and is an accurate description of both the colorations and the habits of this Utile rodent of On woodlands As snowfall roaches the chipmunk Is In a frenzy of storing collecting seeds and nuts of all descriptions for his underground cache A chipmunk at work is easy to Identify Tor his cheeks will be stuffed a heaping tablespoon of seeds or grains making full use of the enable pouches Inside the cheeks The capaci of this little animal seldom more than six in dies in length is Trapping surveys here disclosed up to grains of wheat in one set of pouches or kernels of corn or 13 prune pits or a total of seven large acorns all at one time The naturalist John Burroughs once tested the dctcrmina tion or his neighborhood chipmunks by providing a supply of hickory nuts and chestnuts by his doorstep Over a period of three days one animal carried away more than a Despite their friendly appearance chipmunks are solitary animals coming together only briefly for mating The rest of the year they maintain separate perhaps a dred yards in diameter and protect that range against invaders The litters of two to eight young remain In the underground burrow for about a month before emerging and then dispersing to establish new territories for themselves If they escape the clutches of a hungry fox or owl these youngsters can expect to live for up to three years in the wild So when a balloon cheeked chipmunk across the road in front of you tall In the air you know he Is busy preparing tor winter Alcohol a factor in snowmobile accidents I winter 17 people died and were injured in a total of snowmobile accidents across On Alcohol was a factor in ap proximately half the accidents according to the Ontario Provincial Police Some forget how vulnerable they arc to injury both on and off road Unlike a car or truck the snowmobile offers little protection in the event of sudden stop or collision Usually driver ana passenger are thrown off ihe vehiclL Off road accidents occur when snow vehicles strike covered by snow such as rocks and tree stumps Dips In terrain and wire lenecs are deadly to and alcohol Increase the danger Barely frozen lakea and rivers are treacherous when a heavy snowfall covers them A snowmobile that plunges through thin Ice too often takes its driver and passenger with it The find the most common violations Include the lack of safety equipment such as lights and helmets failure to register the snowmobile and allowing others to operate it no Insurance driving across or alongside highways without having an operator licence disobeying road signs failure to share the roadway careless driving and impaired operation Kelly Armstrong of Georgetown Is recently riding the old electric cars seen here receiving a nice gift from and giving children candy lie also the Jolly Old himself Santa dropped into old v Claus at the Hal Ion County handicrafts were on by near Itockwood A graduation took place Nov Lisa Ciggaar Heather McNeil Knox Presbyterian Church where Michelle Itoblmon and Janet these girls moved Up from Pathfinders to Cadets Seen here are SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY WITH YOUR PERSONALIZED High postage cost ot Christmas cards The chance of missing someone All these problems are el minialed a low cost Henlcj PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS GREETING This will ensure that all your friends and neighbours see your greeting This year all Personal Greetings will run December 23rd you have only untl 12 noon December 18 to place your greeting -EXAMPLES- S3 IF BILLING IS REQUIRED BEST WISHES We extend the warmesl of Season s Greetings We also hope the spirit of Christmas remains you throughout the coming year JACK JILL JONES AND FAMILY REMEMBER WE MUST RECEIVE YOUR GREETING BY NOON DECEMBER 18th THE HERALD CHRISTMAS GREETING Guelph Street Georgetown Ontario L7G City Yes I would I Header No Address Postal Code Payment Enclosed OR CALL 8772201 THE HERALD SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY Lungs are for life Art students and teachers arc exposed each day to materials which arc harmful to their lungs If you are an artist or work with crafts you should know the facts Ask your Lung Association for help Remember Lungs Are For Life DROP IN TO SEE BRAMPTON CYCLE LTD Strathearn Ave Brampton 7914011 SEE COMPLETE LINE OF SALES PARTS SERVICE TRADES WELCOME SPECIAL TOQUE Jus I LOOKING FOR SKI WEAR WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION SWEATERS FROM AUSTRIA OK SALE NO WE ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF LAOES AND MENS SPORTSWEAR TEAM ORDERS FOR SWEATERS AVAILABLE SPORTS Mounlaliwiew Georgetown 877 GET THE JUMP ON WINTER WE GOT THE EXPERT SERVICE AND GENUINE SKI PARTS TO MAKE YOUR SLED RUN BEST SEE THE COMPLETE LIKE OF OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT Guelph St Georgetown Sales Service WANT TO SELL Introducing REALTY RADIO FM ng of Real Estate with a new Innovative concept Mike will arrange to have your properly advertised 24 hours a day to through ReMax Really Radio Call Mike Adams now for a domonslralion Togolher you prepare a 1 minute commercial which will be heard on radio One of the reasons Mike Adams Is a leader In innovative marketing 8775211 Alum sollit eaves Country kitchen Large deck around house overlooking kidney shaped pool large bedrooms all newly decorated Super rec room downstairs wworkshop Great location for schools shopping church etc within walking distance Insulation upgraded This home shows like a dream a MUST to see A definite LISTED IN THE This bedroom Is in super condition private lot huge location Look at fast Priced to sell Call MIKE ADAMS today