HILLS OUTLOOK Friday May a Page IT op Haltop Hills his fibril His ret J fir tit muffin Mo Th outliers ih Vehicles of all sorts wheeled sue Inking dashing In a three Herd 1 eadl hi annual l ill and I luck lirollv major lor rsat Joan Mrs artrr is Slowly Meredith mouthful of teeth and way through a hot dog mom old Shier s en Everybody a parade specially kidi The tori Wp youngster dressed up In their scooting uniforms or In No Monday I costume to late part proielonrieV The and a half old Do you rtcognlie face If you don II forgivable Those giant are a good especially when you re downing around ai was participant In the parade Herald photo annual through Irftl and Janr and hot cook up Monday afternoon and the barbecue in fundraiser for the Association Herald photo looking animal Taylor grabbed rmdley Monday after n he tried to make his nay to lalklnj Id It under all Ilia I fur Herald