TON Hit OUTLOOK Lifestyle BRIDGE James DRCOTT NORTH li J A J 10 S J5 EAST J North Sod Hi Opening lead K Endlessly endplayed By James Bridge bidding would be easier if partners could read each other mind Because North had a skimpy he would have passed Souths one spade bid but opener West bid two clubs In the spirit of competition North raised spades South thought the and subsequent raise showed sound highcard values he bid four spades Making game required a lot of luck and the ability to sniff an usual Declarer won the ace of clubs and then played to dummy heart ace and ruffed a heart Next he led the nine of spades and finessed He played a sec spade winning with dummy ace when West king came up Another heart ruff disclosed that nothing good was happening in that suit now played a club West won the queen and continued with the but to what avaiP Eventually be would have to lead amends and surely lose three more to be set Then South saw the possibility He discarded a diamond from dummy on the 10 of clubs West continued with the club nine and declarer discarded still an other diamond That was book three tricks for the defense but West was on lead with nothing left but dJa and the two diamonds original ly in dummy had disappeared If West played a low diamond declarer would ride around to bis king If West played the ace declarer would ruff and still have a trump left In dummy for his last losing diamond A new book by James and bis father the late Oswald is now available at bookstores it is Ja on Card Games published by Pharos Books ENTERPRISE The name of the English royal house of Plants genet came from the French word meaning broom stalk Diamonds will burn when heated to a temperature of degrees Celsius degrees Fahrenheit A fable thats all too true The vicissitudes of modern medi cine often seem to be Intimately in terwoven with the legal system Doc tors arc increasingly inclined to blame attorneys for the malpractice crisis lawyers denounce physician wrongdoers as incompetents who must be weeded out and brought to justice This adversarial position has ruined many golf course friendships between medical healers and their gal brethren Because many children are being groomed to enter medical or law schools believe tint they must be in formed tarty about he nituril between the two pro fessions Children literature provides an vehicle in which to teach grown up reality With this goal in mind I herewith submit a modern izcd version Gruff ditional children story I certain that any will per DEAR MEG my updated version of an old story as giving new strength and to an otherwise mundane talc GRUFF One fine spring day Gruff and his two younger brothers decided to forage for better pasture In the high fields in the mountains To reach their destination they had lo cross over dangerous rapids on a bridge under which lived a malicious troll As the youngest goat daintily trip- trapped across the bridge the ugly troll appeared and exclaimed Whos that crossing my bridge 1 m going to eat you up Oh please Mr Troll cried the little goat Walt for my brother who is much falter than I The troll withdrew A few minutes later the larger sec goat across he bridge The troll appeared and dc Who s that crossing my bridge I m going to cat you up Spare me troll the goat pleaded My brother will be along soon and he much fatter than I The troll lowed the second goat to pass Soon Gruff elump- across the bridge The troll reared up reached for the goat and Aha I bun waiting for you to cross my bridge I nog lo eat you up Nonsense replied Gruff bridge belongs to anyone wishes to cross it With that he 1 the cruel troll off the bridge down onto the sharp rocks below Billygoat Gruff and his two broth then proceeded the upper fields where contentedly the new grass The troll required admission to the hospital In tensivecare unit ally the following press release was Issued The patient suffered multiple lacerations several compound and a severe concussion with bleeding into the brain He required immediate neurosurgery Despite he roic efforts by the hospital staff he never regained consciousness after surgery He has remained In a coma and Is now being maintained with life support mechanisms The patient will require long term management in an extended care facility The goats were arrested for passing malicious mischief and provoked assault with a deadly weap on There was an enormous public outcry against the mollycoddling of punks and muggers The two goa were remanded to the juve authorities Billygoat Gruff was tried in a long and sensation it court room drama during which Ihe can Civil Liberties Union provided gal funds for his coterie of He was sentenced to imprison in a maximum After serving three years of his sen he discovered religion shaved his beard a model prisoner Poets corner that it about to fall I gather visions of a heavenly view but stand with you Marlowe Dickson It it Ontario win FN TbM MM 14 lit QUALITY STEREO SYSTEMS ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR HEME AUTOMOTIVE RECORDS TAPES CDs ImUIUUM Until a r he s and I still She says widower is victim of abuse MEG 1 and am very fond of a GO year old widower Bob has said that after his surgery next month he wants to buy a home outside our area He says we can ther live together or gel married whichever I prefer Meanwhile Bob is living with his daughter and his teenage grandson They abuse him verbally and call him dirty names Bob Is a kind gentle man and terrible because he is sick and can back Their treatment of him makes me furious but I dare not say anything When Bob leaves the hospital I d like to have him slay with me but I afraid his daughter would be jealous and cause trouble Should I ask him or continue to stay out of his family business TEMPTED PHOENIX ARIZ DEAR TEMPTED Since Bob has already asked you to live with him 1 sec no reason why you ex tend the invitation Save your stamps readers they re grownups But don t be surprised if he doesn take you up on It He may not see life at home In the same light you do The fact that he can afford to move but basn t tells me not as badly DEAH I rr live at home My plai with my boyfriend month Last year Mom and 1 bought new living room furniture We share the payments 1 told Mom she could have the whole set but she wants the bed furniture inslcid and that But the furniture is the smallest problem Mom to move in with She says If we get a house and give her a room she II be our maid Meg the reason I moving is to get away from her 1 m but she is still over protective and very nosy Mom has no money has con thai I make piles of money and hoard it The reason is I get up and go out to work every morn while she and my sister sleep I pay rent my sister I want tostart a life of my own but 1 don l know how ttll Mom I moving out without her DUTIFUL DAUGHTER ALA DUTIFUL Humorist James Thurber used to say Let the meek inherit ihe they have it coming to them Lei Mom inherit the furniture pay and the renl and my guess is you 11 see your steepin sister and maybe Mom too in the job market so fast you won I sec their smoke FINANCIAL SUCCESS SEMINAR Topic Reliiement Planning Halton Hills Library and Cultural Centre Dale October 1997 Time 3D m Admission is Free from our Buy A Lb or Buy A Box In Effect Until Monday Oct 5 19B7 Friday ELLS DRIVING SCHOOL Next Course Oct 5th 28th Monday Wednesday 6309 30 PHONE 8772671 Approved by Ontario Safety CANADA PACKERS PRECOOKED MEATBALLS