tier Entertainment Loony unpopular for men without purses To tell the truth I wasnt too appeared the other day concerning sure how to respond to a Canadians response to the new remarkable little news Item that onedollar coin The article quoted an assortment business people most whom reported that their customers seem more or less happy with the loony So tar so good But the article then quoted an unidentified clerk at an unidentified bookstore who revealed that there Is Just one pocket discontent It seems that the loony is unpopular amongst men who do not carry purses and who must therefore carry the coins In their pants This you will admit Is a statement that takes Just a little till getting used to News flash the loony draws curses from men without purses Will let rrn begin with a confession The fact is that I have no personal objection to the loony This Is probably because am by nature favorably disposed toward anything worth per cent of a pint beer But let me hasten to add that I manage to like the loony even though I don carry a purse TREAT YOUR GUESTS WITH A doit yourself Great for Picnics Receptions or any Event where Friends Meet AS FEW AS 15 AS MANY AS 1500 Buffet Consists of 1 3 pes chicken per person 2 3 different types of salad 3 Bread buttered 4 Plates 5 Serviettes Forks Wet naps 6 Bread trays serving spoons 7 Table cloths Georgetown 8775241 It Is indeed possible that my liking for the loony might grow by leaps and bounds If 1 did In fact carry a purse But this possibility is going to remain In the realm purely hypothetical speculation Since were being open and honest each other let get right down to the crux of the matter There arc certain modern Inventions which I cannot even contemplate without profound feelings of anxiety and The neutron bomb Is The male purse is another Part of this Is undoubtedly due my small town upbringing Grow up in a small town and you acquire certain hard and fast views on mile behavior In a small town It without saying that Men do not lor example cat In act they do not eat anything which did not in the fairly recent post go moo All which leaves one hopelessly 111 equipped to cope with a world in which men carry handbags My own paranoia about the matter was cruelly exploited by a companion who look great delight on dinnerdates In asking m to hold her purse while she went to the cloak room There Id be left standing In the restaurant looking for all the TRIO NOW AY All ABU DUII MOORt stout MOVIE RENTALS GALLERY HOUSE SOL Charles Street Georgetown choice NOV 14 DEC 1387 An Exhibition and Sale of Fine Arts and Crafts for Gift Giving Handmade Christmas Decorations NOV 14 10 am pm WED THURS pm 8 pm SAT SUN pm pm urgetown ANNUAL HIGHLAND BALL SATURDAY NOV 2187 800 pm 1 00 am HOLY CROSS CHURCH HALL GEORGETOWN Nicole Brown Band Buffet per person 8775595 8772639 world like a man who carried a purse In desperation Id try to look furtive and criminally inclined In hopes that people would mistake me lor a purse- Instead As such you can understand my horror when she actually threatened to give me a handbag for my birthday Theyre convenient she Insisted And tbey look quite dashing They well might I countered and dashing Is precisely what would be doing quite a hit of II 1 ever strayed past a construction site while carrying one In the end she gave up and got me something else lor my birthday I forget whether It was the fishnet stockings or the negligee But as a parting shot she charged that there was Just one reason for my relusal to carry a handbag It was because I was a shameless coward This was of course perfectly true Indeed psychologists have even coined a new term for this state mind Its called Is not as you might at first suspect a secret fear women which Is of course a condition that afflicts all males over the age of eight Rather Is a deeprooted fear of appearing feminine And It Is femlnophobla say psychologists which causes men to Indulge In silly macho displays like driving too fast belching In beer parlors and In advanced cases going to bed with their cowboy All of which brings us back around to the disconcerting assertion that men without purses In other words all self respecting don t like the loony because It wears hole In their pockets Sutherlands son Kiefer a new star Donald Sutherland has seen his name up in light feir many year Another Sutherland is net ting used to seeing his name atop Donalds son has lot of lntel With movies to his credit in less than tun he has iltmtiliiR tin escalator lo imp several steps at He brings dramatic intensity passion fir to his roles The lutes Kicfcr Sutherland movie lo hit the bis screen In Killing Time relented Canada at the end of Sutherland plays a deputy sheriff in this suspense thriller He teamed up another Michael J Fox for llriuht Lights Big City which Is to be released during the Christmas Poppa Is also at work Donald Sutherlands latest movie Is Wolf nt the Door IHm that coven tta mid die period of artist Paul Gauguins