Page SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday February IT MUNICIPAL AWARDS EVENING 1988 MUNICIPAL AWARDS RECIPIENTS 1988 1 HIDING The following people were Am All recognized last Wednesday night as recipients of the Kills Municipal Awards or the SPEAKING CROSS COUNTRY K tlon and honor they have brought lo 1 the community during Ttij M CUISMUt KctliTlHI Kt In Enn HELD HOCKEY IMfeBlH IU Bud Cull nUU Cm I JmbJIcUU Co AS FIELD Kt EMU Oil AWARD OK MR IT a MEDAL WINNERS BASKETBALL Penal PERFORM NOAMS cm MjfltMBniU km Brli Culm MiufH without boasting Lose without excuse Honored the Municipal Evening as Celebra tlon medal recipient were from left Judy and Wayne Pries Volunteer Kewley Coach Plant Manager lor Standard Prod at Sponsor Susan Craig Female Athlete Gerald PerUni Official and Fred Hammer accepting the medal tor Male Athlete on behalf of Jon TheGeorRetonnSelectsglris volleyball volleyball team r and Trent Cull special kind of learning Life in sports a series of tests In some ways JamieTarosfllsthcstcreoiypeofthesparta Jock he simply doesnt That was made very clear Wednesday when Taras was guest speaker for the annual Ha Hon Hills Municipal Awards Evening at the John Elliott Theatre Cultural Centre Speaking to crowd largely con prised of young up and coming athletes talk was energetic often humorous and at limes emo tional is a running back with the Lions of the Canadian Football League and admits people often class football players at the bottom or Ihc mentality scale right next to boxers Sure we tend to get a little excited when we re around food he said Jokingly But people do have a misconception about athletes People who don understand what sports is all about It s about growing and learning special kind of learning Life In sports can be a scries of tests according to He began football as a tight end when he was in high school But in his first year at university with the Western Mustangs he was moved to run ning back a glamor position In his second year hough he was turned Into an offensive guard which was like going from thoroughbred a donkey Then when he was drafted by the Lions he was again used as a running back I felt like a pair of Fruit of the Looms going down Ihc testing line he said But not all tests for the athlete come on the field In his time Taras has swallowed goldfish and paraded semi nude through a London nightclub as part of an initiation rite viewed by many degrading experiences But there is a purpose to all of this he said It a test of desire of character to sec If you re going to break down and fold Losing is something athletes must cope with but Taras says It impor to break down losses Into pieces and analyze them A major loss in his football career came a few years ago when the Mustangs lost the Vanler Cup game with Just seconds remaining To Taras It felt like hav his heart pulled out but at the same time coping with It was a tear experience on Is dear He reco young hockey player hearing his fathers cheering voice above all the women at the arena And he remembered his mother picking him up from one sport with a hot meal In the car for him to cat while she shuttled him to another sport With the Winter Olympics on most people minds now told the people In the audience to carry on with their development just as Olympians do We hold athletes In awe he sold But we all gone through the development The only difference Is in the level of development Keep building the spirit and the passion and bring It out with you in life championship