1 j ram the of Hit rad culling K ffSL on in commit Club Murray With 2 Disabled on new wheels It a hippy moment for the disabled of It si Ion Hills as the new Ac officially bit road following a ribboncutting ceremony So to day moon After travelling approximately miles and carrying about passengers a month the first had worn oat To fund the vehicle the Ministry of Transport gave the Acton and Georgetown Service Clubs while other donations from churches and service clubs gave one The second ActiVan has many Improved features such as more room Inside wheelchairs tit at the front windows are tinted lor privacy and contains an radio Region SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday February IT IMS Page 3 Georgetown south subdivision changes The town will hold another public meeting to discuss bylaws for Hills Village formerly subdivision Town council has already three of the five bylaws governing the lands In Georgetown South but an initial public meeting on the remaining two reaming ap plications did not discuss some revi to the subdivision The revisions include changing residential lots to in crease various frontages and effect teller subdivision design on land east of Mountainview Road relocation of the community park west to the Eighth Line relocation of the high school site to the former community park site and the extension of the block south ad about 3 acres to the the creation of two reserve blocks adjacent to the high school the development or the former high school site for on additional 138 single family residential lots In clualng the extension of the subdivi slon further south to Include about acres of additional residential land has now submitted a first phase proposal for lands involving the area west of Mountainv Road said the town s Deputy lng Director Bruce MacLean By reaming the remainder of the lands council and will be in a position to go ahead with the sub division if the pfmslng is approved said Mr MacLean Town staff arc currently evaluating the proposed phasing and a report will be prepared for cillore he said Town councillors cost us It cost exactly 133 and nine cents to run town council in 1S67 Each councillor received their to the Canada Pension Plan for each councillor and Just over for the mayor Six councillors including the mayor were paid to attend conventions last year The convention money was divided up like this Mayor Miller 122 Councillor Marilyn 1 Cook Betty Fisher Joe Hewitt 328 and Coun Johnston Only Ihree councillors claimed lor mileage last year The Mayor Claimed Coun Serjeant son claimed and Coun Hewitt Five members of the Committee Adjustment were also paid for services last vear Barry Whitworth received Clare was paid as was Coral Greaves William Rich was paid and Al received Restricted parking area Parking on Campbell Court in Acton Is soon going to be severely restricted Residents Campbell Court presented councillors with a 17 name petition in Januwy asking for the stricter parking regulo tlons The towns general committee decided Feb 15 to prohibit parking everywhere on Campbell Court ex for a section on the west side of the street between Klngham Road and a point 32 metres south Unhappy with dangerous goods rail study By BRIAN MtcLEUD Herald Region has told the federal government to go back and study the transportation of dangerous goods In a response to studies for the Toronto Area Transportation of Dangerous Goods Task Force is leUlhg the federal govern ment they re wrong They should look at It In a more comprehensive fashion Regional Commissioner of Planning Ilash Mohammed said Feb 10 The studies are looking at three potential routes two of which would Increase transportation of dangerous goods by rail by as much as per cent through Halton One option Is lo leave Ihc existing Belt starts In Milton and heads d rectly east Just south of Brampton and The ihlrd option colled the Nor them Corridor would bring dangerous Roods Just west of Georgetown then east just south or north of Bolton One small fire Firefighters were active last week attending to resuscitator calls and one small fire Firefighters rushed to Cres In Georgetown Feb 10 at a m A blanket had been ignited by a space healer causing approximately damage and no Injuries The fire department attended a resuscitation call Feb 10 at 9 11 at Public School In Acton Firefighters administered oxygen to a male who was having breathing problems until the am arrived Firefighters responded to a call Feb 10 at 7 pm When they arrived at Churchill S the ambulance was already there Feb 11 at pm the fire department sped in to attend to a resuscitator call Firefighters administered ox until the ambulance arrived Firefighters attended to a resuscitator call at 41 am Feb 14 at Church St Sent to hospital Robert Courtney of Kit was treated and released from the town and District Hospital following an 11 OS accident Feb 10 A black Ford was travelling northbound on Main Street while a 1961 maroon Datsun driven by a woman was travelling westbound from Ew Street The Datsun proceeded to moke a left turn A charge of foiling to yield the right of way was laid Both vehicles received severe damage Loses control Feb at a m a 1986 grey Ford Escort driven by a 28year old Guclph man was east bound on the approaching a curve The Ford lost control and struck the rear of a 1985 blue Suburban Chevrolet The Chevrolet was stuck in the ditch when it struck by the Ford The Ford received moderate damage wh 1c the Chevrolet received light damage SAME DAY TAX RETURNS 8772217 Custom Meats kritSmfft On Quality MUM Mm Than 30 FMiy do The Northern Corridor could cost over S billion and it by far the most expensive of the three The Regions response to the says Halton opposes any re routing of dangerous commodities to rail lines existing or proposed in Halton as a means to provide a bypass for Metro Toronto The studies don t deal with many concerns raised by Hal Ion Region said Mr Mohammed Why don t we send the whole task force home and spend the money on a lot of other things said Burl Councillor Walter Mulkewlch The task force costs about million Halton response listed a number of objections to the studies The ob jections include the majority of a railway crossings where 60 per cent of the accidents occur are on a grade which makes them more dangerous for travel because Is composed main ly of small communities especially In the north its emergency response faculties are not as adequate as Metros no attention was given to dangerous goods transported by road rerouting trains would require more train restructuring at June tlons like Milton Such shunting may increase the risk of accident rerouting would require more ter for train to truck transport in Halton thereby increasing the potential for accident should a derailment occur near any of three major water ways the potential for ex ista The last point Includes a very high degree of risk the response report says There would be a big increase in train traffic near Bronte Creek Creek and the Credit River Silver Creek said Mr Spillage of dangerous goods Into any one of these major watercourses could result in an environmental disaster which could potentially act on the water quality of Lake On those sources would be potentially dlsoslerous said Mr Mohammed He agreed with implementing proved technology safety devices monitoring and speed regulations and buffer zones suggested in tbe task force study The response also objects to the task forces use of potential deaths as a measurement of risk The task force predicts that the current average risk of 1 deaths per year from a train accident could be reduced to only one a year with the Northern Corridor No one has yet d from a train accident Involving the tronsporta lion of dangerous goods In Canada necessarily give a true picture of the risk said Mr Mohammed He cited the train derail meat as a case in which no one died but many people were at risk Also the report deal with real or potential injuries Including those which may arise several years after a train accident said Mr Mohammed He wants the government to Iden tify high risk areas so response can be coordinated better Mr Mohammed also called for full documentation of all dangerous goods travelling by rail SSI Because of the relative Isolation of these crossings early contain of a spill would be next to possible he added Georgetown Acton and Milton all draw their water from underground water sources and contamination of Final Clearance 50 to 70 OFF ALL FALL WINTER MERCHANDISE 211 GUELPHST GEORGETOWN Northview Centre 8777361 THEYRE HERE A WIDE VARIETY OF Balsa Wood Balsa Wood Planes Accessories OFF ALLS PLUS ALL YOUR FAVOURITES Doodle Art Jigsaw Puzzles Oil PaintbyNumbers Remote Control Cars Educational Toys Models Trains Georgetown Hobby Toy Inc GUELPHST Red Roof Plaza GEORGETOWN 8776988