Page ALTON HILLS OUTLOOK Saturday February 1W Outlook consists of about MS bones Eight boots have been labeled for you but the tell en are scrambled Can you unscramble the tetters and write the correct name tor each bone on the blanks You may the till on the Icjt to you identity the fibula pelvis tibia radius un NATURALLY NUTRITIOUS Aide Alligator would like to remain healthy and physically til That why he makes Tire he Alfleislhlnkingaboutsomeof these foods now Todiicover six nutritious fruits arc good for Aide and for you change one letter in each word written below The first one has been done or you One way to stay healthy is to exercise regularly Hidden in this word search arc the names of many different kinds of exercises and games Circle each one you find hide and seek soccer jump rope football jogging swim walk chase skating gymnastics bowling tag bicycling skiing A Hie Alligator knows hat snack don ha to be junk food to taile good They can be nutritious and fun to make and eat AH of Ingredients you ill need to make one of favorite snacks are shown below but directions for miking the cookies are mixed up Put the directions in sequential order follow the recipe is good for you 1 teaspoon teaspoons chopped nuts cooking oil I tablespoon dates tablespoons mashed banana I tablespoon wheat germ Ask an adult to remove the cookies from and place them rack to cool Drop spoonfuls of the mixture on to the cookie sheet Enjoy your homemade snack Butter the cookie sheet Ask an adult to set the oven at degrees Mix together all Ingredients In a large mixing bowl Place the cookie sheet In the oven and let the cookies bake for 10 to minutes Kill ray An organ is a body part that plays a major role how your body works Connect the dots to discover the name of your bodys largest organ Work your way through the maze and youll discover the route that blood takes through your body and snacks Munch Crunchy Healthy Kids Snack Book by Boy and up hungry kids guide to no cook super snacks Going to the Doctor by Fred Rogers K Taking care of your body sometimes means going to the doctor Mr Rogers explains the different things that a doctor might do and the most common Instruments the doctor