Understand your investment REAL ESTATE OUTLOOK Wednesday March IMS As a possible investor In real estate you should start by doing two things First com pore the benefits of investing to the benefits of assumption And then know what invest vehicles are available and hew ihey can meet your goals Whether it be real estate a government bond an investment certificate or stock in a company it s Important to do your homework and make sure that you understand what you re buying Investing in real estate can mean buying anything from an empty lot to a residential property to a commercial properly Investment real estate is defined as sale of industrial commercial or residential incomeproducing real estate Both industrial and commercial real estate are concerned with the sate or lease of a building The difference between them Is that industrial refers to warehouse and luring space while commercial covers retail and office space There arc a number of advantages to In vesting in real estate Rear estate traditionally has excellent potential for capital growth during tlonary times When the economy Is stable real estate can provide a higher rate of return than many other forms of Investment Real estate Is a tangible investment that won t lose its value suddenly Furthermore there may be tax benefits in such an Investment which ait accountant can help you with Conversely real estate is not as liquid as other investments such as stocks and bonds which can bo converted into cash reasonably quickly Some Investment real estate is not as readily accessible for the average person because of the large dollars Involved Investing In real estate can also be done for puts part of their present income towards ac quiring real estate holdings that will provide a source of supplementary Income when a regular pay cheque Is no longer coming In estate planning the purchase of real estate is for the benefit of heirs A feasibility study can help you make your decision This study focuses on the potential of satisfying your investment objectives and what the most appropriate course of action Is to meet those objectives An investment analysis not to be confused with a feasibility study concentrates more specifically on comparing real estate as an in vestment to other Investment possibilities Of the Ontario Real Estate Associations approximately 000 members 15 per cent work mainly on industrial farm or land brokerage It means that finding a qualified real estate professional in this highly business is not as might think There is no one way for you to find the right sales person specializing In investment pro perties Many rely on mouth for their business so begin by calling real estate com panics for leads on such specialists In your area or you want to invest To give yourself more people to choose from contact your local real estate board for direction There arc local real estate boards who are witling help When you feel that you have a sufficient number of people to contact ask each person about their experience and what they feel can do assist you One final note Don t be Impatient to Jump into the market The worst investment deals are usually those made In haste Is home ownership right Depends on many things You ve probably asked yourself this qucs lion a countless number of times Is homcownershlp forme Obviously there no one answer that ap plies to everyone Whether or not homeowner ship is for you depends to a largo extent on the lifestyle you lead Is home you a place you nun a pit slops every now and then Or is home somewhere you takecomfort in retreating to You should be thinking of buying a house if you find yourself saying yes lo the following plon to live in some area for he next several years you have several thousand dollars in savings and no major debts you plan on having a stable Income in foreseeable future you find yourself longing or greater control of the place you call home Financial gain freedom of lifestyle and pride in saying lhat its yours are principal advantages of The financial benefits of owning rather than renting begin the you become an owner monthly payments for renting a place live amount to nothing terms of ownership But by gradually paying off a mortgage you build equity and call the pro perty yours And by that time your home will likely have appreciated in value As time goes on you may find your ing requirements are changing and greater disposable Income makes owning a larger house possible in this case you can budget for sale of your present house and use money from the sale towards your next pur chase prove your dwelling if you r your own house allows you this freedom This freedom can be as minor as deciding to have a pet or as complicated as making an ad to the house It all comes down the lhat the decision Is yours lo make not your landlords There no belter feeling than being able to say lhat il belongs you Especially when Its your home and you can mold It to suit your needs and taste No doubt a first lime buyer will times feci overwhelmed by the undertaking The ex and responsibility that come Ihe purchase can unnerve even the most stoic of The Ontario Real Estale Association recommends using the services of a real estate sales person and broker to the fullest They can moke fie process more enjoyable and take much of the mystery In later years when you re reminiscing about the good days when the cost of liv was so much less and you could buy a house for next lo nothing you 11 be glad that Bath design features to look for when buying a new home Home where lie in is and jIso Sleepy Hollow Hath CUaramr ifturjWiih where the lie in where the Tendinis arc aeeordmj to re irchcrs whotraek lifestyle trends Pen pie j re si home droves am rding to the experts and relaxing the com funs afforded This phenomenon eallcd is nuking its on the industry noted Francis Jones CKD Director of National Kitchen Bath Association during die recent Bath Symposium in New Researchers tell us that people arc spending more of their leisure time at home Consequently want that time to be more pleasurable and Ihey want their homes to the tics make it an enjoyable pi i for manly functions today bath has become a for tending eorno ral needs Relaxing and rejuvenating Today well appointed bath he equipped with a whirlpool tub steam room sauna and equipment Industry rends indicate that the bath has become the mum remodeled room followed h the kitchen In of these trends Jones nends potential home buyers the following features when I Hiking for a hoi ifliiwi The move towards multi purpose and baths is mi re ited light needs noted Symposium Sleepy Hoi low Hath Custom North perecnt of ill household aecidenls In addition illumination he bath suifi as bars task is needed Under resistant and ground fault over the sink in the tan help prevent at shower and other bath ones for example Lighting can also he used Consumers should kid a mood le or other flooring in tile huh noted Gcraj is in bath where CKD NY Bathtubs pose re too deep the re dilficult for Mime people to in and out i f Sunken tubs ean he hazardous This Clear tin innards multiple user baths elcaranic spate is important While alwajs desirable ihe door to svm free and clear the importance is heightened in a bath for two Likewise other futures lass water and bidets should be rounded by enough spate lo aeiommo date users havoc with wallcovering lanmuti grout Studies shown the tin eontcnt in a ventilated tuo minute Sunken tubs ean he hazardous This if the shower is turned off is lower t an sunken should be adaptable is the home Can it grow with than it be after mil in an voided Rather they should be equipped ft and ehange with your needs unvenlilatcd hath with the safely features to example a spare be CiHisufniliiiuVK National lake more enioyablc into a master bat Like the homeowners below You Could PLAN Your SPRING Move NOW LET BILL OR ANDY SHOW YOU HOW EASY IT IS TO MOVE TO YOUR DREAM HOME Not In To Solicit Homes Alraidy Us ltd For Sale BILL Salanp Entitles You To A PROFESSIONAL HOME EVALUATION At No Cost Or Obligation CALL BILL OB ANDY KING TOR PROMPT PROFESSIONAL FRIENDLY SERVICE RESTAR MARLATT REALTY GROUP INC NETWORK OF THE STARS MEMBER REALTOR Not Intended solicit bom alraady llstad for IB