Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 6, 1988, p. 1

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spoRms out our Lifetime Service Guarantee the HERALD Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Established 1866 HILLS ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL IMS SECTION PACES FREE DISTRIBUTION LantdMt Leather Store OPEN SUNDAYS It Worth The Drive To Acton meeting The federal New Democratic Party will hold the rounding meeting for the new riding of April at at St Johns United Church Georgetown In the Allen Room Contract signed Canada Post Corporation an nounced Tuesday that an agree ment bad been reached with the new owners of the General Store This means that postal service will remain the same as before The only difference Is that instead of having a postmaster the store owners handle postal duties on a commissioncontract basis Resident will be informed by Canada Post this week In a formal statement issues Diet The Brampton and District Branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association will hold Its next general meeting April 11 at The location fa the Lions Hall at in Brampton Teresa Mahoney an out patient dietician with Peel Memorial Hospital will speak about diet related Issues Refreshments will be served For more information call IMS Ambassador visit The US Ambassador Mr Thomas Nllea will be visiting Georgetown April is He will be ad dressing the students and teachers of Georgetown District High School at At Ambassador will talk to the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce at the Annual Spring Dinner at the North Halton Golf and Country Club on Maple Avenue The Ambassador will talk about the unique and special rela tionship between the two countries with the longest undefended border in the world His remarks will also Include the free trade agreement Tickets for this event can be ob tained from Doug at Essay awards The fifth annual presentation of the Optimist Essay Contest win ners will take place April at the Optimist Club Building on Highway 7 participants and their parents are invited for dinner at 43 m and the presentation of the gold silver bronze medallions and cer tificates Later on the program Mr John McDennid Member of Parliament will address the gathering Our mistake The Herald Incorrectly printed that a 33yearold Georgetown nun was found with numerous tools valued at in the March 30 The sentence should read a was charged with theft under March at Tools valued at were stolen from a truck parked at Park Avenue The Georgetown man will appear In court May 2 Ready to stop Are you ready for your last puff A smoking cessation clinic is be ing held at the Milton District Hospital beginning April The five- week smoking countdown Is offered by the Lung Association 890pm the first and third Tuesday and every Thursday until May There limited enrolment For more in formation call Acton blemish Councillor Rick Bonnet wants to clear up what he feels Is a blemish on Actons reputation In a statement made by North York Mayor Mel Lastman last week Acton Ontario said Boo- The comment was allegedly quoted in a Toronto dally A comment like that in a newspaper is very damaging said Bonnette Acton dump plans could snowball By BRIAN MactEOD Herald Staff Acton area residents could be col Aggregates quarry is successful Logic consulting firm dent Douglas Hallett said Thursday that if the dump in Acton Is approved and there are no major impacts from that dump then companies might look at some of the other aggregate quarries In the area as possible dumpsltes That would seem to me to be a reasonable course of action said Mr Hallett Logic Is currently restructur ing the public consultation meetings needed to fulfill the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act This will be the first private ap plication to go through the tough re quirement of the EM said Mr Hallett He stressed that Reclamation Systems Is going through the voluntarily However several months ago the Region of Halton sent off a letter to the Ministry of the Environment asking them to force Reclamation into the EAA Private firms until recently have gone through the Environmental Protection Act which t require them to look at alternatives to the If the dump Is approved It will likely take garbage from areas other than Halton Region possibly in cluding Metro Toronto which is now struggling to find a dumpslte Mr saidmoat of the waste from other areas could be shipped in by a rail line which runs through the quarry site now He predicted a ten to 15 per cent Increase in traffic In the area of the dump in Acton The proponents of the dump Reclamation Systems are a conglomerate of four firms three of which form United Aggregates said Mr Cement and Annbro Constructk form United Aggregates Those three firms teamed up with Comcor of Milton are Reclamation Systems Inc he said If the dump is approved Mr expects Initial engineering construction for the dump to begin in late or early 1BB1 through to begin In the first half of next year Technical reports so far the ones the Town of Hills have recently hired a consultant to study Day care space needs increasing has managed to reduce the number of children on day care waiting lists by 14 per cent since November but In Hills the de- for day care spaces has in creased There are now 371 children waiting for a spot In Halton day care centres compared to five months ago according to a report by Bonnie Ewart Commis sioner of Social Services In Hills the waiting lists for day care spaces has increased from in November to more than now Its Impossible to determine the ex act number of children on waiting lists In Hills said Ms Ewart because some day care centres won reveal how many are on their list At the end of February Halton had children waiting for day care spots and only waiting for nonsubsidized day care spaces said Ms has over licensed child care spaces and recent pro gram improvements will Increase the number of licensed spaces to almost by July said Ms preschoolers said Ms In Georgetown 18 children are waiting for subsidized day care spaces most of them preschoolers and In Acton children are on the subsidized waiting list Ms said the report con tlnuea to reinforce the need for more preschool spaces but she singled out Milton and as the two areas most In need show that there will be no con tamination of the Amabel aquifer said Mr Hallett Halton Hills draws all its water from the Amabel and water contamination is likely to be the main argument in the towns fight against the dump Mr whose firm conducted the overall environmental Impact study on the site disputed claims by the citizens group POWER that con hired by proponents are biased I think Its incorrect to look at a consultant In the light that they would purposely do inaccurate work he said Recently the Halton Federation of Agriculture asked the Region of to change Its policy In hiring consultants for land use en vironmental impact studies because they say their reports are blatantly biased Currently the Region makes proponents of projects hire con to study the Impact on the surrounding environment The HFA wants the Region to pick the consul Mr said his firm could on ly produce accurate reports because they will be scrutinized by the Ministry of the Environment the Ministry of Natural Resources con authorities and the Niagara Escarpment Commission Technical reports are now open They can blow as many holes in them as they want to he added But so far nobody has found any major holes he said Mr Hallett doesnt expect to run into the same pitfalls that have delayed Haltons search for a dump The Region keeps on searching until it finds a site said Mr Hallett If one site falls then they look at others Reclamation has Just one site in mind and either It wins or it loses Mr believes the natural basin In which the quarry is located will ensure the water supply is safe Water flows Into the site from all directions and will be dlspursed Into Black Creek through a sewage treat ment plant he said Theyre not just going to take this hole and put In garbage That sewage treatment plant will Increase the sewage capacity In the Acton area he said There will also be benefits to local industry and more jobs will open to residents he said Once the dump Is closed Reclamation Systems will be responsible for rehabilitating the area and for any future problems said Mr Hallett He expects the public hearings to take about 36 weeks likely held every other Wednesday night Advertisements In the local media looking for more public Input into the committee type hearings has produced requests from five groups and residents to sit on the commit tee said Mr Halletts assistant em mfttee and tor a site to hold the meetings Although no formal application has yet been made to the MOE that may come In the near future Reclamation Systems feel the Hallett If It didnt continue to be a viable operation theyd withdraw their money from It Seeing eye to eye Students of Public School have been mean Miss who will face a hard at work preparing to stage their production of confrontation la the Obviously they Little Orphan Annie at the John Elliott Theatre next have the ley stares down pat The pro- week Among the principal characters are Tara taction runs April II 13 and 14 at the John Elliott Hamilton right at Annie and Johnson as Theatre with curtain call set for Workers on strike pay By BRIAN Herald Staff Over members of the Canadian Auto Workers Union are still walk ing the picket lines at Standard Pro ducts and Smith and Stone in Georgetown Smith and Stones 270 workers walked off the Job March deman ding better pensions cost of living allowance and better wages It was the first time in IB years Smith and Stone employees have gone on strike Almost 150 workers at Standard Products followed suit a week later Pensions wages sick and accident pay and long term disability pay figured large in the negotiations Now with both strikes going for a month two different pictures are emerging At Smith and Stone workers on the picket line yesterday were disgruntled Two strikers were arrested Tues day and charged with obstructing justice and mischief Morale according to Mark Hancock Is low At Standard Products workers recently held an Information meeting and a deal came close to be ing struck but It fell through said President Gerry Matt On both picket lines workers are surviving on a week rike pay Mr Hancock said some people have quit their Jobs at Smith and Stone and gone to work at Curwood Packaging which recently endured a six week long strike Workers also quit their jobs during the Curwood strike leaving positions open Mr Hancock said the workers havent heard anything from their own union or the company Im anxious for a settlement he said sitting in a makeshift tent at The police are called out to the picket lines four or five times a day when cars can get through he said He said his union has had no In formation meetings We havent heard anything since Day 1 Mr Hancock is angry at the union Almost ISO workers remain on the picket lines at Standard Products on Guetph Street Local of the Cana dian Auto Workers Union walked out for the first time In zg years March 13 demanding better sick and acci dent pay long term disability beneflu and better pensions Here one Standard Products Worker gets the help of a tot guarding Ihe picket line for not telling us whats happen and at the company because he thinks management Is doing heir Jobs Asked If he could relay a message to the two sides Mr Hancock said Id tell them to get their together They re getting their pay cheques every week Wed like At Standard Products morale is still high according to picket cap tain Gale The union held an Information meeting recently and Chief Negotiator Mike McKinnon drops In to the picket lines from time to time she said The flow of information has been good since the workers became organized she said She is not aware of anyone who has quit their jobs but a number of workers have taken other positions until the strike is over said the single mother You use your savings You never make that up but thats what youve got to do survive she said Its tough but everybody does It she added The less money you have In your pocket the less you have to spend Workers are planning a barbecue on the picket lines later this week Ms Gale thinks this is Just the first of a series of strikes which will occur at contract time at Standard Pro ducts from now on Workers have never struck Standard Products In the past but now with some strike experience under their belts the union might be more apt to take no tion next time she said Standard Products management fpmp day Mr said negotiations last Thursday almost ended the strike We thought It was all over be pensions he said There are no meetings scheduled with management but Mr Klatt hopes to get back to the bargaining table next week At Smith and Stone two side have not met since the first day of the strike said Mr Hancock He is not aware of any other meetings scheduled Union Chief Negotiator Bruce Davidson and Smith and Stone company officials were not available for comment Tuesday APRIL 9 Crazy boats ready to launch Slip on your llfejacketa and grab a Its crazy boat season and usual zany flotilla of homespun wood and rubber craft will be laun chedApiilS i But get your directions straight Because of Tenth Line Irrigation works at Sheridan Nurseries the startoff point has been changed Crazy Boats are now starting from Terra Cotta at the park at winding their way down to the finish line at the Main Street bridge in Glen Williams Canoes will continue to use the Cheltenham starting point and begin their Journey at noon This annual spring malady Is for amateur boat builders and frustrated sea of all descrip tion Awards be given out by host of the event Lions Club of Georgetown In a variety of categories There Is an award for the first to cross the finish lino In the two man canoes first prize for home made crafts and first cross the finish line Boats of all types Including rub ber rafts are a category of their own eligible Tor prizes as are com munlty service club entries More than ever the Club Is concerned about safety and alcohol Is prohibited by law and race rules U Ihe water conditions are deemed tuned to CFNYFM and other radio stations on race day can celebrate after the event with a victory dance at the Ac ton Legion beginning at p For dance tickets call Awards will be presented at the vic tory dance at 10 pm The race Is also a fund raising event for tbo Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada to help them in their search for cause mid euro of this disorder of the nervous system Entrants who find sponsors for MS worth more than will have their entry fee of waived The race Is the annual running of the Credit River and registration begins at 30 am race day Registration forms and Information on the race can be received by call ing 7901 or 0552 Mayhem returns to the Credit River this Saturday tor the annual Crniy Boa I Race bo ted by Georgetown Lions Club

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