Paget HtLLSOUTLOOK Saturday April IMS Halton Hills T Outlook ft orrlnn j Mall red lhHHIl IlHIIll SI PI- ItlNTh 1ju lluMiiio ST IHODK lll 1 or Don I- 11 TOR Mike Turner ADVERTISING Paul Ol llimui Imlln Mill 1 1 J SPOUTS Ill ill fKIIMM Jakeg IIUI1 Itrim Political bellringers By the time this sees print the episode at Queens Park may be over Queens Park I Or it may not be In cither case it bodes ill for the future of the current sitting of the legislature Is a last gasp tactic of an opposition party It is the final means of protest out of power against those who contra the legislature is a refusal by an op position party to appear for a recorded vote The party Ignores the bells that ore rung to warn MPPs a vote is about to be taken By In Ontario that vole cannot be called until all three party whips are It is a useful but extreme tactic As long as the bells ring nothing gets done The Liberals used It against the government in In a protest against treasurer Frank Millers puppies and pizza budget In bis first budget after the Con lives won a majority In 1961 Miller broadened the soles tax ad ding things as puppies tampons and other Items traditional ly exempt In supposed outrage the boo Liberals led by David Peterson walked out and allowed the bells to ring all weekend SUCCESSFUL As a political tactic It was highly successful The Liberals won front page headlines or their stance But it was purely a tactic There was no background rancor between the parties The Grits were Just be ing clever and successfully so Unfortunately the same can t be said far the New Democratic Party this spring There would have been something ironic in watching the liberals twist on their own petard as crease to eight per cent from seven But Instead the chose to take a hike over the Sunday shopp ing issue rather than the budget Or so they say The current demand as of this writing Is that government agree to provincewide openended every Interested group having a say hearings on the matter Mind you this a retreat from a few days ago when they had three negotiable demands although It puts them back where they started with one such demand But one doubts that the opposition reasoning In this case is as strictly politico as the Peterson walkout of six yeara ago Peterson sought publicity not power The contrast the startling Aside from absurdity of hearings on anything it the function of the opposition to set the agenda That In the final I analysis belongs to the government One has to look a little deeper to find the trigger for the NDP a It around Mm mood ml tone of this place the general In which go fcboull business When mood Is curly and When It light go smoothly Twos a Crowd By DILL BUTTLE Would you quit anticipating Tools of the trade When they want to try to push pull or the economy federal governments have two tools at their disposal fiscal and monetary Your Business dianneWley I Business Analyst Thomson Newt Service policy Fiscal policy government power to tax monetary policy the supply and cost of money or credit In this age of burgeoning budget deficits fiscal policy has been all but lost to North American govern ments leaving interest rates as the main stopping and starting device for the economy Raising taxes is seen as dangerous and counter productive given tile need of North American industry to rebuild and compete in fiercely com world markets Lowering taxes Is impossible given the size of the federal deficit Lately the men who control Canada monetary policy have been squeezing the money supply and forcing up Interest rates The reason they say la thai Inflation in central Canada particularly On tario is gaining new force Raising interest rates In a country like Canada where regional arc striking be dangerous to the economy health Surely if Ontario boom threatens to spill beyond its boundaries governments should look Tor some other tool to contain it fiscal policy for example SHOULD BE GOOD With this In mind it la interesting to note the response to Ihe Ontario government great 1968 tax grab Introduced In the province budget While Ontario puns to governor of the Bank Canada By tightening fiscal policy the Ontario government may well rein in that troublesome Inflation that is threatening the rest of the country with high interest rates freely the government ting It substantially over the months Terror on Trafalgar Regional Police have their hands full attempting to keep roads in Hills safe Now they can add one more pro blem on Trafalgar Road to their list Comment One reason may be that Mr Crow was wrong in saying that Inflation and interest rates come from On in fact Ibey come from the United States where Inflation is gaining force Combining American financial troubles with Ontario tax grab could plunge the country into reces- Another reason may be the slowness with which tax hikes affect the economy Over the past decade or so only dramatic changes in fiscal policy capital gains tax On s real estate speculation tax the National Energy Program have brought swift change none of it Still Canadians outside of Ontario can hope the depressing effect the Liberal tax grab will have on the provincial economy will set the country monetary minds at case and Mr Crow will feel less inclined to bring his monetary policy tool to bear on an already faltering economy If on the other hand this crimping of the Ontario economy does not help Ottawa policy makers Mr Crow and even Finance Minister Michael Wilson will have lost their as independent policy milkers If In fact our national economy is made in the USA Canadians will begin to wonder what a the use of supporting a huge federal policy arm whose policies axe largely inef A report came in a collision on Trafalgar Road south of Stewart town Tuesday morning so J was sent packing In search of pictures and a rundown on v hat happened After a kilometre search I stopped at Cargo Gas Station on the west side of Trafalgar Road in Ashgrove to get lhat nasty orange needle above the The station manager told me of the headon col lislon down the road Another futile search the dent had been cleaned up and was back the office On the way back that station manager Steve Bennett You got a minute asked Mr Bennett Such a question always raises a reporter curiosity level Mr Bennett went on to explain what he called a potentially fatal situation that exists on the comer of The speed limit on Trafalgar Road at is kilometres per hour You don have to be there long realize thai a dream But Mr Bennett who took over the station manager position just over a month ago seemed genuinely concerned about a potential high speed crash at the intersection Cars are passing each other on Trafalgar Road oil way into Ashgrove he said Cars pulling onto Trafalgar Road from Sideroad 10 will check for on coming traffic but they are not used to looking for cars coming at Ihcm in their lane said Mr Bennett It just a matter of lime beore someone gets killed here he sold They fly through here on the way to work In the morning he added This place is a zoo Two weeks ago a Duke accident occurred at the intersection which resulted in one car crashing into a house said Mr Bennett Tuesday morning one cor pulling onto Trafalgar Road missed just such a collision with a bus by no more than seconds but the driver dido tevenknowlt he said One lady driving a car passed a school bus near Intersection and just a few seconds later a car pulled out onto Trafalgar Road from ID without checking for on coming traffic in his lane said Mr Bennett There be anybody com lug louards on jour side of the road he said You re not supposed pass through here Mr Bennett police rarely sit right at intersection for radar And it cars not trucks which cause most of the problems with passing he said Lights might be necessary just Increased enforcement of pass ing regulations at Ashgrove said Mr Bennett A police spokesperson at II sion In Georgetown said Trafalgar Road Is patrolled heavily I can testify to I was nailed with a speeding ticket on the road myself 1 But passing at Ashgrove Is a new problem In police record books she said Nevertheless police are now aware of the problem and motorists should heed the advice of Mr Ben- No one wants to be the first on the scene of a tragic accident least of all Steve Bennett Singing for life Go ahead sing In the shower even If others In your household cover their ears A recent study pest that the more you sing the longer you may live Research conducted by Kathleen A of the Research Centre National In on Aging and ihe University of Maryland in Baltimore reveals lhat professional opera singers have stronger chest wall muscles and that their hearts pump blood better than those of otherwise normal non singing adults This may help ex plain why professional singers often outlive singers by years or more Her advice to all of us sing our way lo healthy lungs Dr McCormick examined lung and heart function during sustained deep or abdominal breathing in members of the New York Opera Company who were between and years of age Some of Ihe singers and some never engaged in physical conditioning exercises Regardless of these factors the group as a whole were able o main tain diaphragmatic breathing with meats federal and provincial to raise taxes and increase on social programs after a long economic boom as if they forgot bow quickly boom can turn Co bust singer all under yean of age The differences wen similar to those seen between conditioned and untrained objects during testing said Normally heart and lung function decline with age in most adults This decline Is accelerated In people who smoke and those who live a seden According lo Dr Mc Cormlck the results of this study in dicate that the decline can be stowed down by singing Singing Is a conditioning exercise of the muscles of respiration says Dr McCormick It very efficiently tones up Ihe chest wall muscles in a manner similar to swimming row and yoga Society the medical sec lion of the Lung Association concurs regular intense singing may effective way to condition your breathing muscles with any muscle regular exercise of the breathing muscles allows them to perform more efficiently without Ihe lenden to fatigue stales Specific exercises aimed at train respiratory muscles have been shown to be of benefit in pa tlents with cystic fibrosis Singing might In of achieving wnw Tnfetung Association Is dedicated to and prevention of all Sing Joe songs you love strong and keep on are for life