Why not try growing trees and shrubs on walls fences Its espalier PAL yerp My definition is one used by old European gardeners a flowering shrub Iramed to grow flat against a wall or trellis Brown of six branches trained horizontally to and loll of Because espaliers a trained pruning ihlnning and Spraying can Modern apple grafted dwarfing provide ideal Iroes train ustng Iho old pruning methods Peach poor and cherry trees can JIso ho Iramed ShrubssuchasFircthorn or flowering Quince can bo used Bo loio planting young shrub you must first determine For espaliers can bo usedtoseparatelhevcgotablegardon from tho lawn or as a screen along a force or as a feature around terrace or patio Fruit trees should bo planted where they will receive at least if a southeast the or gauge wall bog n by drilling a or holts in the jail about 2 cm deep three meters opart and cm to cm about tho ground Set 2 cm lead anchors in into II holes 30cm Pruning is essence of training not used to restricting plants limited area Europeans or impose a greater degree on Mother Nature because of the limited spaco in their gardens homes PUBLISHED BY JKD MARKETING SERVICES LTD 16 Falconer Drive Unit Fax OPINIONS expressed are those of the writers and necetsarlly those the publishers or advertisers THE regret any in accuracies contained but accepts no liability therewith PROPERTIES shown on IhB front page are selected at random by the publisher and are necessarily from the area outlined on the front page Details are available through your real estate com see centrelol3 low hat mil of first wire right the upwards buds will have produced to cm long shoots Fasten bamboo cones at degree angles from horizontal support mime August the two s de bottom being not to break the shools as you position shoot to a bud five cm above second wire Then samo as tho previous year and continue training until you roach top the espalier matures the I may thinning ral every cm to 12 cm Paul J Rockel Stranger Register magajlnej re porting on annual stat istics for people In tho United States I I soon Canadian statistics but I imagine they would be com- In talking about annual In U S the report stated Only of Americans earn over year make between and 75 year earn loss than Then the report went on to say about age 92 ol Americans are receiving loss than year INCLUD ING Irom Social Security pensions and investments Excluding not worth lor pooplo age Is 1 a married couple 2 a single woman 3 I find above statistics shocking WomuatgivocrodltloihoodvQrtlsers because wo on tho North American ha been duped intobemg spenders only particularly on things that lose value such as cars TVs clothes electrical gadgets vacations etc II port n of w it you should always be sot aside for you and your future to build what I call a yourfirst incomo is your wages your second is earnings Lot that allot us fit into that earn less than por year category and that all wo earn is per year If wosavodust that maybe into an RASP sinting ago 25 and our incomo TH BEST wont these things is hiding his head in sand However beginning to wonder if my concern about the impact such a agreement I a bit tike that of the guy about his woight who puts saccharine in his coffee eating a great big steak with fries There OTTAWA Li anyone who ich make dilferentthan pact tree tr ively Canadi society Culture is television music It has to do were taught n school II his with the games we play ind what we eel is moril and how we It has languages we use which we speak thorn and our ethnic origins has to do with our northern outlook and our immigration policies and wo treat environment It has to do our notions of justice and to what extent everyone in our society gets a lair break Inmyviow anyone who says that a comprehensive free trado deal ecenlly by Statistics in 19B6 watched an average of 2 hours Canadians spend thirds of their viewing lime nod foreign programs In other in ibout a hall hours a TV programming which to undermine all those things us different out thai Canadians particularly younger Canadians cannot watch television each week even eroded In couple decades re would they find tho will Canadian And if is the tree trade di Ouch we more but reti re making ring with less and savings remain tho same over tho next years wo a hnvo saved True if wod saved it in a bank account earning only average por year which many us do It would bo worth SUM trials not worth of age in a good equity mutual which term records of achieving and our savings per year would jo worth SI at ago That SI 34 million MORE dollars than winch is what most us do Boy could wo over buy things economy If SI it iconic rye spend or all vou see a pois on mo us he hove would hive rr in over the ye id its lillle bit to keep nomy But the n as PER YEAR id and they spending it year for the noxt years will spend over million putting that back Into tho economy buying the goodsand services that you and I produce at work because only spending 10 whoreas the funds woro averaging valuo of their savings would now bo Si 358 years x million 3 You could now take of this now valuo giving you over 000 per year to spend Think you could do Paul J Rockel Isoultiorofthobook Why Mutual Funds and Regal Capital Planners Ltd For a free brochure on mutual fundi for Why Doesnt Evory- Rockel Regal Financial Centre Union St E Waterloo Ontario 1C4 Bald Eagle tern pern lures bald eagle makes an appearance in the marsh world As temperatures drop marshes freeze and the areas ope crippled waterfowl are tnppod with no hope of escape its either or freeze death Bald will snitch up Ihise ther ico or the For the trim Know Your Ducks WHO Ducks Unlimited Canada Wdvnrtoy St STATFACTS for children Graham Bell made first aver telephone call on March His first words on telephone spoken to his assistant you Today according to Statistics Canada Canadian homes telephone and more than cent have two lie long way logo Ac tics Canada only persons out of dominated On ha 34 out onM Hi miny brothers do ju You hive than cither your alrm You may not even ports mily has ihreem 1 wish Canada becani ry alter U USSR have Canada How much television watch a week Statistics Canada says it the average Canadian spends a full day 23 hours of week in front of the box Now indtandors watch most lele ion all longest canal system it is almost kilometres the Atlantic to the western lip Lake Superior Tho Seaway allows Ireighlors to carry wheal from Prairies to Montreal and Quebec City where it is loaded destined lor ports Marc 613 or LynoBelanger Pare Communications vision Statistics Canada The RmI Estate IntUtute Canada Toronto Chapter West Suite Toronto Ontario 2530803 The Real Estate Institute of Canada recognizee In the Industry who have excelled In thefr IWd furthered their educatton In related courses and rigid requirements to hold the special and CLP dealing with Reel Eitafa wttti Prottttkirmli CPM Designation Certified Accredited Property Manager Leasing Officer Certified In CMR CLP Real Estate Finance Certified In the Certified In Land Marketing Planning a Real Estate