Teen Outlook Saturday JalytJ IMS Page Student Job Scene tall Ihc Can Centre for Sludcnli at igtla Karen Coat Think about next year Weil summer is in full swing and for many school is the last thing on your mind However July Is fast ap proaching an end and that leaves only August left for everyone en Over the past eight weeks we have provided same general in formation on summer job search techniques We now are faced with reality he summer of is winding down Tor Angela and Karen at the Canada Employment Centre for Students Our office will be dosing the week of Aug and as a result his is our final column to you for the summer This summer we hope through Student Job Scene columns thai you as students have been educated about finding summer employment To help you further we would like to suggest some tips about looking for work next summer Hydro ups some fees Ontario Hydro electrical lion fees will be increased by ID per cent starling Oct 1988 The in crease is Ihc lint in three years Fees for our electrical Inspection service have not been raised since January said Hydro Manager of Electrical Inspection Jack Dicker Hydro has been able to postpone fee Increases since then because of improved productivity The- 10 per cent increase this year will allow us to improve service and meet rising costs due inflation The new fees affect Inspections for all residential commercial and in Installations The cost to in a typical single f orally residence will go up about to under the new fee structure Inspections are required under the Electrcal Safety Code for all work on electrical installations Do some research and know the noil I ion you are applying for Resourcefulness Is the key Keep your eyes and ears open Check the newspapers for possible companies opening in town then find out whether hey are hiring The newspaper should not be limited to just looking he classifieds you need to be creative and assertive when enquiring about possible job openings The Canada Employment Centre can also help with yojr summer job search Both federal and provincial governments usually hire their staff early In the year and often have a deadline for various programs The Summer Experience 8a program for this year had an application deadline in mid April and will probably be similar for next year programming Information booklets regarding provincial summer jobs are at he Canada Employ Centre If you have a desire to work at a camp or resort do not leave it too late Apply directly he you are interested In asking hem to mad you an information package and application form After this return It as soon as possible Most camps want their staff hired early so do not postpone reluming it We realize it is hard to think of summer being over and once school starts It is hard to imagine looking for next years summer Job However if you do not want to be left without a job for the summer or working at a job that you don par like apply early and find employment thai will provide you with chance to have a challenging and exciting summer 1989 Mr Dicker said Inspection is necessary to ensure the safety of the and Cur public and the proper operation of Earn plus bonus electrical equipment Begin your summer Job search early Do not wait for school to end Good summer jobs that provide valuable work experience arc often filled in April shortly after March Break When you begin searching for a summer Job be prepared lave your resume and work history sheet updated Get permission from any references you may wont to use and always have a Social Insurance Number available you need a Social Insurance Number applica can be picked up from the Canada Centre in Georgetown apply early it usually takes six weeks to receive a social insurance card Keep all job opportunities open ask friends and relatives about any and oil job possibilities When apply rfbuld contact ASK KATHY D REGULAR 1 TIME CLEANING SILVER POLISHING CLOSETS CUPBOARDS LAUNDRY WINDOWS ETC REFERENCES We Tailor Our Services To Suit Needs GIFTCEftTtFICA FREE ESTIMATES BONDED As a busy executive I find cult to eat right I start early and stay laic and although 1 seldom leave my desk I on go almost con I ve tried lose a few extra pounds but I seem to be starved when I arrive home work Can you help Reply Your problem probably stems from your busy schedule and mm erratic eating This leads to serious overeating at night when your energy needs arc at iheir lowest which leads to weight gain At Diet Center learning to cat on it schedule is an important part of our Program This instruction when with all other aspects of Diet Centers complete weight loss program makes it for you lose weight quickly and to keep it off forever In fact the Diet Center Program you can lose 15 to pounds in just six weeks Call today for a free consul and find out how enrolling stress can put you in control of your torn minion eager to work Part time bit week Comfortable working the Could lead Into pari In be public school year Cash duties cleaning and Friendly ear N ELLS DRIVING SCHOOL r NEXT COURSE STARTS SEPTEMBER 6th to SEPTEMBER 28th Monday Wednesday Nights 630 to 930 For Information About Courses or Private Lessons phone 8772671 We are pleased to announ ce Tanya Guidotti as our latest addition to our staff Tanya looks forward to meeting any new customers OFF ANY SERVICE DONE BY TANYA THERE NO LIMIT TO NUMBER OP PEOPLE PER COUPON COUPON VALID UNTIL AUG ISffiB iviero HAIRSTYLISTS MAIN ST NORTH GEORGETOWN 8777222 MOORE PARK PLAZA Your Family Hair Care Center Convertible Income Fund Superior Return Reduced Bisk Convertible provide investors with the opportunity to bench from appreciation of common shares providing greater protection of capita in tailing equity markets than pure Income tin possibility of capital and reduced risk and the greater of capital compared to common stock miLc Convertible Income a sound investment choice for these uncertain ttmes J MICHAEL I I MCPHERSON I Midland I Ml Si l Norm I An Investment Pot Uncertain Times