Paget HaJton Hills OUTLOOK published each by the IIA1 TON 1111 lit RAID Home Newspaper of III A of Canadian Newipapen Company Limited Georgetown Ontario 1 Second Class Mall Registered Number Outlook MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES Sharon Jlcriltngs worth BethMacGIJIfvary PRODUCTION NT Pave My If Ikon Annie Mary lou roreman EDITOR Mike Turner ADVERTISING Paul ACCOUNTING Brent Borne Pauline Miller CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Joan Terry Colter The guessing game Twos a crowd By BILL BUTTLE Ottawa Report Stewart MacLeod Thomson Newt Service Sine none of us can read the mind of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and are unaware of any secret political Intelligence be may possess it probably somewhat stupid to Into the electionprediction Anyway for every political strategist who feels there will be an early fall vole particularly now that the Tones seem to be moving up In the opinion polls you can find another expert who feels Just a strongly about a spring election It was ever thus But having thrown In these qualifiers then is nothing to pre vent us from saying It beginning to look more and more as though the next vote will be liter rather than sooner Whether an election can be squeezed in before the end of 1988 Is beginning toscem doubtful This of course is based on the assumption thai Mr Mulroney wants to see the free- trade legist a tion enacted before going to the peo ple Should he decide to lake free trade to the voters before it becomes law next Jon then the predictions become a all Ana that an understatement Considering the lime effort and money thai gone into free trade during the last three years along with the state of the opinion polls an early election would require on act of bravery on the minister a part The possibility of the free- trade initiative going down the drain must be almost unbearable for him But unless he has polling informa not available to the rest of us it would appear that an early election could easily result In this happening Despite Tory gains that suggest the party now is in second place behind the Liberals the opinion porta In dlcate the three federal parties re main fairly closely bunched in the range That points to a minority government And this SNA by Bruce Bcattic would be tantamount to a defeat for free trade since both the Liberals and New Democrats are fighting It tooth and nail Final parliamentary approval for the freetrade deal seems to be a fair way off SLOW PROGRESS So Tar even wifh the use of closure the government has been making stow progress with the enabling legislation It has finally cleared second reading In the Com mens approval in principle but It still must be examined by a Com committee go through two more stages in the House Itself and then go to the Senate What happens in the Liberal dominated Senate is anyone guess One school of thought is that if the upper house holds up the legislation the prime minister will call an elec tion and campaign both on Senate obstruction and free trade On the surface it might appear to be a rather neat package But dangers are great on must Mr Mulroney fend off op position attacks that he had no man date to negotiate a freetrade deal In fact he said he would not but Senate obstruction would have to be real and apparent If the complex legislation took nearly two months to clear one stage in the Commons and required closure that the senators seem entitled to their fair kick at the con And they probably won t even get their hands on the bill until sometime in September Then they can do they want including establishing a committee that will travel coast to- coast and hear witnesses that can be by the Commons com Sure the primi minister can cry obstruction but not for a couple of months STRATI- G Anyway long before obstruction becomes apparent the Senate could adopt other tactics Including the in of minor amendments to the bill This would require it to be sent back lo the Commons for approval In its altered form Tough time on the TTC Staff Comment If we just saved these we wouldnt have to buy any more briquettes Samurai makes cuts but only in the US sold our last copy of How to Avoid Frustration in Your Daily Life five minutes ago aKl Your Business 1IALEV Business Analyst Thomson News Stand for a second at any major in in Toronto and youll sec half a dozen Jeeps without even tin ning your head There be Cherokee wagons and white tlbles with poodles In the back ears flapping in he wind So Intense is Jeepfever that sales of Jeeplike vehicles such as the Suzuki Samurai have been carried along In the heal of it Even a recent report by an American consumers group that the Samurai tended to roll over in road tests does not appear to have quelled Canadians enthusiasm for the small jeeplike vehicle Suzuki Motor Co has denied charges that the Samurai Is unsafe Consumers Union publisher of Consumer Reports said Suzuki should give Samurai owners their money back Some American Samurai owners plan launch a classaction suit against the com pany The market response was swift and deadly In the US In June Samurai sales plunged a thumping cent there BIG REBATE To relieve alarmed dealers south of the border Suzuki Motor Co has cut S 1 from the pur chase price for the basic Samurai letting dealers use the money as they please Thats a per cent price cut one of the moat generous In recent history Dealers ore using the money to slash prices to consumers and some dealers are offering big life in surance policies or other confidence- building things although one may well wonder how comforting it la to get a life insurance policy with your new car The Simillion policies offered in Samurai rolls says the rebate wilt clean out his Samurai inventory This rebate program the most incredible thing that ever happened Mr Muller said It Katie bar the door he said I sure II zero my toryout Here in Canada though no such program Is anticipated says Marcel Lambert Suzuki Canada national sales manager As of right now there is no plan to offer rebates in Canada Mr said Sales in Canada have not suffered to the same extent as they have in the United Stales he said I ESS PUBLICITY One explanation may be that television stations all across the United States carried videotapes prepared by Consumers Union show the Samurai tipping over In tests The report received less publicity In Canada But sates are down in Canada too and it may be only a matter of time before Suzuki Canada decides do something about the price The Samurai appeal lies in its being much cheaper than the Jeep which made by American Motors American Motors is now In the Chrysler fold A basic Samurai may sell for less than 10 In Canada while Jeeps range from 17 to more than for the Cherokee Jeeps and Samurais arc not the As with everything else in world you get what you pay Tor In the United States at least people are now paying less for the Samurai BRIAN for years I have avoided using the GO Irain and the After an ex on July I remember Rodeo Because the was on that weekend wi decided to spend the til on two round trip tickets to Toronto We armed at the GO stillon in Clarkson a mere drive by the JEW to Ontario Place to catch the train which turned into the train After we entered the station and after we bought our tickets we were told via an announcement on the loud speaker that the train would not stop at Exhibition Stadium because only passengers could get off there So passengers bound for Ontario Place had to go Union Station where they would catch a shut lie bus provided for us at a cost of cents a passenger each way The bus we were told would come every 15 minutes The four times an hour bus turned Into a hour bus and we arrived at the steps of On Place at m a full two hours after lcavingMississauga we arrived another loud kerannouncement The forum was sold out So it was bock on the shuttle back on the train and in to file a complaint to the TTC Yes we were foolish enough to put in writing our complaint and ask for refund of 111 We t holding our breaths The point Is we could have saved two hours and more than by driving minutes parking for free at the Argonaut Rowing Club a lit tic known gem for baseball and foot ball fans and walked 15 minutes to Ontario Place In plenty of lime for the show The better way There still something to be said forlhodolt yourself approach Is pushing yearsold too old to be a rookie I way Having never played an organized game of rugby in my life I m giving it a crack literally this year with the North Ha I ton Rugby Club After two and a half games I ve definitely gained more respect for the game and those who play It You d think lifting weights feverishly for two hours a day five days a week would prepare you Tor such an endeavor Lilting weights is fun Running is fun But performing feats of strength in the scrum and running for miles on end trying to keep up with the play is a task only for the very fit Nevertheless you gain a new perspective on things when you run and scrummed for minutes then suddenly opposing team greets you with the ball on the for the second half Funny I ve never considered the ground on a steaming hot sunny day But the game is fun The players are patient especially with menial things like offsides and I fully in tend to become a sophomore