the HERALD The continuing push for a TripleE Senate Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Established A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Guelph Street GeorgetownVL7G Ontario DONBRANDER Publisher and General Manager MIKE TWINER Editor Phone DAN TAYLOR Advertising Manager Page THFHEBALD Wednesday IebruaryH That time again In a week time young people will be returning to school and that means motorists will have to take extra care once again on the roads The School Crossing signs that have had use throughout the summer must again become focal points for drivers attentions and they must be ever watchful of school safety and crossing guards Approaching school zones means motorists must be totally alert so they can react at any given time to any given situation One of the greatest dangers of the road with the increased activity of youngsters is having them run out from between parked cars Another situation motorists must refamiharize themselves with is the way they meet school buses Approaching a school bus which has its red lights flashing a driver of another vehicle must stop at least 20 metres before reaching the bus It is only safe to proceed again when the bus lights have stopped flashing or the bus has continued on its way Cars travelling in both directions must stop on a two lane highway or street Only in the case of a multi laned highway with a separating median strip are vehicles pass ing a school bus allowed to proceed The cars behind must stop when the red lights are flashing Failing to abide by these common sense laws can result in serious consequences On a first offence a dnver Is assessed six dement points and a fine that can range from to For subsequent offences drivers are penaliz another six demerits and can face fines of to or imprisonment of up to six months or both It is also important for parents to take an active role in educating their children on the hazards that can await them in a moment of carelessness Youngsters should be made aware of the safety rules and these should be reviewed on a regular basis Everyone has a stake in making the annual ritual of returning to school a happy one Honor the best There one in every crowd In the Hills area these days good kids hard to come by They re as abundant as leaves on the trees But how often do we as a community really take notice It s a situation The Herald wants to help change and that s why we re participating in the Ontario Junior Citizens program as a local sponsor As the theme of the program suggests there s one in every crowd and it s our intention to ensure some long overdue recognition comes their way You can help The program s guidelines suggest we re looking for children between the ages of six and 18 who ex the qualities of courage ingenuity resourcefulness initiative leadership fortitude and community service But that doesn t mean we re looking for Superkid The qualities of good citizenship could just as easily be em bodied in the kid next door who watches your toddlers who cuts your grass who runs errands for your elderly neighbor who coaches little league or is active in the com in a hundred other ways As adults we re all too aware that praise no matter how welldeserved is a rare commodity in our lives Yet its value can never be underestimated Think about that and then think about a kid you know a kid who truly is a good citizen and about what you can do to steer a little praise In his or her direction An Ontario Junior Citizen nomination just might do the trick We d like to hear from you Poor taste in heroes Senate reform Even the topic Is enough to put most people to sleep Yet like all similar enduring Canadian political issues From fun ding religious and private schools to the place of Quebec in Confederation It exists because there a need for it Not the Senate itself mind you just the talk about reforming it At the Just concluded annual meeting this year held In Soska loon Canada premiers took a halting step forward in the game of reform They agreed to allow a committee of Alberta politicians and bureaucrats to canvas the country to see if there is any consensus on what kind of reform is needed There isn t of course and everybody already knows that But the committee has a second function As Alberta Premier Don Getty said the objective was to keep the momentum going and to promote the idea of the TripleE Senate Albertas pet project the creation of a Senate that is Elected Effective and Equal It Is a goal that has I tile support outside western Canada when it is seen as a means of balancing central Canadian political power at the federal level If each province elected 10 senators for example there d be Editors notebook By Mike Turner Herald Editor With all the talk on Free Trade between Canada and the United States I think it might be a good idea to look at some of the undcrly ing effects to be dealt with when the whole thing goes mainstream Mainly m referring to the bad habits we might be Inclined to pick up from our neighbors to the south Canada con Be proud of Its Justice system and likewise I m sure the Americans ore Just as proud of their ways of dispensing swift and fair justice But there is a tremendous dif in the aftermath of justices cutting edge thai sets the countries very much apart A president Is impeached In the early 1970s for betraying the con ridence of the country he was elected to serve He is pardoned by the new for his transgressions and allowed to slip into anonymity But years later this same former president is the centre attention whenever he makes a move If he goes to a baseball game the cameras am there to catch him con enjoying the afternoon at the ball park He smiles for the cameras and the rest of America smites back at him This same heathen who shocked a nation not so very long ago is forgiven It seems and Is no doubt a hot commodity on the university lee circuit if thalawhathewants Then there arc his cohorts who share the same prestige wherever they choose to venture G Gordon served his in the name of the country he served and before you know it he making guest appearance opposite Don Johnson in Miami Vice haw ap propriate trading quips with Bert Convy on Super Password and Queens Park Derek Nelson Thomson Sank he has a movie made about him Many of the Watergate came out of the turmoil surrounding the incident with more lucrative careers than they had beforehand Now one might look upon this as an Isolated scries of events A single moment in history when a blue moon brought about strange changes in the way people threw all reason out the window right But then along comes North He was able to turn a serious t on Into a flag waving festival Peo ple again forgot the implications of Contra gate and chose instead to herald a hero So where does that leave us as Canadians looking on it true we haven had much to rival the likes of Watergate and Con tragnte But none the less could Canadians same day take on the same attitude as Americans in deal ing with wrongdoers Perhaps could spawn pardon the pun a new Canadian produced game show Each week guest celebrities could try and which can holds Ihe rancid tuna Sounds fishy maybe but I seen worse Canadian television fare Politicians drummed out of would certainly have something else to look forward to when they reach the end of their rope And why Ihey be ac corded the same possibilities as their counterparts to the south We d probably see much more of Ihe graft coming to light in political life than we experienced In recent years The trick is to remain nonapologetlc and never under any circumstances reveal oil the facts And If you don t know all the facts art like you do Canadians could stand to learn a Utile from the Americans In some regards But 1 still not altogether sure we should let them take the lead in set ting the framework on which heroes are made There something about their selection process that defies understanding too with from Western Canada and only from Ontarl Quebec In the House of Commons western MPs are heavily outnumbered by the central Canadians senators are appointed by the government in power As might be expected most On and Quebec politician oppose the Triple concept although publicly they remain noncommittal Diluting central Canadian power has never been the aim of any On tario or Quebec government and current premiers David Peterson and Robert Bourossa I are no dlf from their predecessors in that regard Officially they re politely In crested partly because both need western support for the Mecch Lake accord and portly because the West has to be thrown a bone once in a while to keep it happy And talking about Senate reform as opposed to actually doing something about costs central Canada nothing Still the very existence of the Alberta committee will help push concept of Senate reform further down the road to some kind of frul For If the essence of Canada Is compromise then something no matter how distasteful to central Canadian politicians must be done to satisfy western aspirations The truth is that current tlon can t continue forever A nonelected Senate run by and for the federal Liberal Party as has existed In Ottawa now for at least years is an anachronism The Meech Lake reform proposing that provinces nominate senators simply shifts the patronage rote to a lower level of government And Peterson has said such con saltation already exists Informally anyway It leaves unasked and unanswered the fundamental question Why have a Senate Obviously In the western pro vinces there Is a burning desire to achieve regional balance But what is in it for Quebec and Ontario There are subsidiary questions here too If the Senate is to be effective Just how much power should it be given and of what that the existing Senate retains and that It may demonstrate over the free trade issue And if the Senate Is to be elected would its members then become rival spokesmen to the be a winner takeall Americanstyle contest or perhaps proportional representation bated on party vote in federal elections There are kinds of possibilities Yet what we have heard so far from Ontario and Quebec is essen tially silence about what Senate changes Peterson and would be willing to accept in order Jo nuke the West as happy as Meech Lake makes Quebec the Alberta committees visit to Queens Park will help change that Citizens forum Disagrees with candidates views Dear Sir Re Front page article on Pat Mc Carlhy The Herald Aug Having read his comments I for one do not think he speaks for the community as a whole How would he like to go on record to the Minister of Housing and all the young prospective rst lime home buyers who cannot afford a home in Toronto Mlssissauga Brampton and tell them we in the friendly town of Halton Hills don t want them here Perhaps when the wall around the community Is completed he might also like to exempt seniors pen and all earning below a tain level That doesn t sound too friendly to Also we need more planned residential and industrial growth Our taxes arc equal to Oakvillc Brampton and Misslssauga with fewer services Our roads are ble compared to Peel Also we need another factory along Highway like a hole In the head The solution Is an industrial park away from the entrance to our Let try and correct some of he earlier baa planning Regarding your sitting on the fence position on Sunday opening how can you suggest Canadian T re and should not be allow to open Do you recall the Bay In Montreal and Toronto were of the first to challenge this law What written by Glenda Hughes March in Halton Hills Outlook This article condemned restricted growth also Darts to everyone in the who would try and prevent natural process of planned growth Wake up and smell the roses With our close proximity to Toronto this can t be prevented But let do it in an orderly man preserving the old as well Not having been bom here Pat Mc Carthy I chose to live In Hills and I will fight everything lhat I feel will damage the community Wallace John Georgetown Praising our finest EDITORS NOTE The following a letter to Regional Police Chief James Harding submitted to The Herald for publication Dear Chief Harding I recently had occasion to meet two members of the Regional Police Force and was Impressed by their courtesy and efficiency The first officer named Jones answered a false alarm at my home He very personable and took time to answer many questions from my Inquisitive and 4yearolds He showed them his police car and rcn much to their delight This young man has a way with children and I am pleased that my children first exposure to the police was so positive On a less happy note I received a speeding ticket on Trafalgar Road Bolstered by his recent experience 3yearold Alexander greeted the of with Hi there What your name A very flustered officer Jeff gave me a ticket Giving out tickets Is probably not a pleasant task and hi really could not have been nicer I congratulate you on the ex behavior of these fine of leers I am sure you hove many more like them on staff Sincerely Mrs How solid can it be Dear Sir Re Acton Quarry Dump I am pleased to note The Herald that our MPP Mr Walt Elliot question concerning regulations for a dump site and especially their enforcement Also noting the remarks of Mr of United Aggregates that they know nothing about rehabilitation plans as a commitment made by the previous quarry owner Indusmfn one cannot help but wonder how solid any com concerning the proposed quarry dump in actual fact will be after Ihe files are burnt Glen Williams Drill Seeding Circa 1910 years ago Armstrong Brothers Brampton was awarded a contract to prime and chip roads in Del rex Subdivision The company the lowest of three tender bids will pro ceed with road work when subsidies are approved by the Department of Highways and the work has been ap proved by the Town Engineer With construction on Perk Public School delayed by at least a month staggered classes will be enforced according to public school board own Work came to a holt on the board s own request when it discovered that supervision was regular on the site Pat Foster who supervised the construction of an Et obi coke school ls the new school construction supervisor and will be at Pork school daily to enforce the speedup schedule After a successful first term of operations Georgetown most re cent club the Kinsmen will build a children playground next to the swimming pool The Kinsmen held their first fall meeting at the Jack Lantern restaurant years ago Georgetown council chose Hills as their first choice and as their second choice for the name of he new northern area municipality from a of names submitted to local papers ing and Acton councils will also choose two names Then the three heads of council will try to deter mine the most popular choice Former Georgetown councillor John Hole announced his intention to run for candidate in Ward In Halton Norths upcoming municipal election Mr Hole was a candidate for Ward In the December 1672 elections Two Georgetown councillors an nounced they will run in the Oct 1 elections Coun Roy Booth and Coun Em Hyde will run for the town council Ward seat covering the area from Rexway Drive to the Moore Park area Both men have been involved in local politics Booth Is a member of the planning board and the industrial committee and Hyde was town mayor in 1960 1961 and 1963 10 years ago Basic service for rural customers in the Georgetown exchange will be approved as of Nov when Bell Canada non urban service improvement pro gram In the exchange is completed said local Bell manager Bill Barnes Thursday elementary schools will be directed by the board of education to provide a minimum of three periods of instruction in physical education The directive is In response to a brief on physical education from the Georgetown University Women s Club which recommended minutes of physical education a day The board executive committee pointed out lhat while the three periods are already mandatory It is presently not being practised In the school curriculum Over the weekend the Selects travelled to Port Co bourne where they won the Provincial Women Junior AA championship After losing their first game to they came back to defeat 1M St Catharines and the Canadian Championship Oakvitle team 5 years ago The North Halton Association- for the Mentally Retarded has shown the only Interest in Georgetown Church St property after a public tender call was ended last Wednes day Viewing the property as the possible site for Hills first group home for mentally handicapped adults the NHAMR of fercd the town But the town has two other options besides accep ting the bid It can have the house listed through the Peel Real Estate Board or It can pro ceed with plans to tear the building down allowing for more downtown Georgetown parking The NHAMR a countryside residence presently up for sale It houses about 16 mentally handicapped adults on Trafalgar Road north of Hornby The Georgetown Junior Eagles ad vanced to the Ontario Baseball Association Championship tourna by defeating Thorold 7 at ihe Fairgrounds Friday night Andrew took the win on the mound striking out nine batters while scat six hits in going distance Meanwhile it was the bats of Gerry Milne and Allen that sparked a Eagle attack opened the scoring with a single run in the top of the tint Inning but Larry Delghton RBI double scoring Milne evened the count In the tarn of the inning