Page HILLS OUTLOOK Saturday September IT Halton Hills Otitic la published each Saturday by the Home Nrwapaptr of Halton A NrHpaper Company Limited at IS Street n Ontario MA Second Mall Registered Number 8772201 STAFF WHITER MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES Beth Caroline PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Dave Hastings Sunt My Irs lson Annie Foreman T Outlook Advisors should have saved their breath KIT by Laqry Wright Ottawa Tom Kierans and his merry hand of energy advisers might just have well saved their breath You remember Hes the resident of the investment firm IcLcod Young Weir Ltd of Toronto and the man the federal government selected as chairman of the member group that wax to point the way or energy policy into the century The exercise cost taxpayers million But it seems the advice made public month ago wasnt really wanted Lets just quote a couple of sentences from the Kierans report Subsidizing mega projects that are uneconomic under current perceptions of the market distorts the allocation of resources It can also retard development of a flexible adaptable and economical ly energy economy serving Canada long term security in So why Is the federal government pouring MOO million into a heavyoil at Lloyd minster that Mill produce nil at S a barrel about double current world prices Ottawa s contribution will be in addition to about million from the Alberta government and million from Saskatchewan To be fair the energy advisers report did say that Incentives for might be provided for other policy goals such as Job and regional Industrial benefits Such Is the case for lob Impoverished Newfoundland where costly oil project will benefit from federal largesse It should go some way to reducing a jobless rate that havers about the 17 mark DEFENDS PROJECT In fact Energy Minister Marcel Masse has defended the federal Hlbernla Investment by arguing that Ottawa will recover Its expenses with Interest If oil prices are in the range There might be wnie quibbling about the exact numbers but there Is at lens some Justification for The project which straddles the skate hewn border Is another talc Politics is evidently a major actor the The pro- Marankowskl and Bill McKnight the minister responsible for Western economi d And naturally after seeing money thrown out to Hlbernla and to an assortment of Quebec projects It was the Wests turn But why Lloydminsler which ranked last in priority on a list of energy After tho report came out at least one analyst said If Ottawa accepted Its recommendations the less quickly rejecle However the governments have tried to justify the on grounds that the jobless rate In the area has been about 5pcrcent higher than the national average of 9 per cent ABNORMAL CONDITIONS They may have a point But con sider that Saskatchewan has been hit by drought this year which would have had some local Impact on unemployment A return to more normal conditions next year would alleviate this year difficulties In fact latest forecast from the Conference says Alberta will show the greatest provincial economic growth this year Saskat chewnns economy contracted this year because of the drought but in it Is expected to show the largest expansion at a rate of five per cent That will mean a full recovery from the disastrous trop of this year plusa bonus Both provinces now have jobless rates below the national overage and that isnt expected to change next year The silliest aspect of this desertion from Tory marketplace philosophy Is the timing The announcement of barrel project came Just a few days before oil prices hit a twoyear tow or barrel Moreover some analysts predict a barrel oil by yearend as the OPEC oil cartel opens the taps Professionals probe pyramid pitfalls Your Business Diane Thornton Srrlc I wonder whether a person who wins a lottery ever thinks about all the people who have lost True they may have tost only a dollar but theyve lost Just the same And when someone makes a bun die on the stock market does he think about the poor sap who sold his stock too soon Or the fellow who hangs on too long For every winner theres a crowd of losers they say Rarely Is this as true as it Is with that ageold scam the pyramid Thats where I recruit you and another person to put up money You and the other person In turn recruit two people each who suck in another couple of folks each Altogether there ore 15 of us and the money all flows back to me The next step is for you the other person to build your own pyramids each persuading 14 more mends to hand over their hard earned cash to you This way everyone Rets to be number one provided the whole thing stays In motion AIRPLANE RIPOFF A popular version of the pyramid known as the airplane Is making the rounds in Toronto pro fessing to yield Its victims an per cent return riskfree Each person its up and when his or her rn comes walks away with Sadly the pyramid has become a fad among people who should know better professionals bankers stockbrokers and business people Players of the airplane game are wellheeled people with desirable address Which explains thev get so upset when the police racket squad bursts In and arrests them They cant see that they are doing anything wrong Its just like a lot they say so Soliciting others to Invest money for proIt is legal Luring your friends Into cheap scams Is also immoral Police who break up these invest merit parties pass their growing popularity off to yuppie greed others say Its a sign of hard limes coming Whatever the case Its dumbfounding to think that your lawyer or your real estate agent may be engaged in pyramiding in her spare time The airplane Is like the old fashioned chain letter where the originator made money so long as the chain was unbroken But the chances of keeping the whole thing afloat are slim when you think about DANGEROUS PYRAMID A pyramid is created Assume It splits again and again so that a new round is created dally At the end of people would be touched by what one person set In motion People who In at ground level make money but eventually many others would get burned You cant spin money out of nothing without end So why do so many otherwise respectable people try to do if It could be pari of the much publicized decline In ethics blamed for Insider trading scandals on Wall Street More likely though people simply do not stop to think what thev are doing As a local police sergeant Academics not enough Staff Comment By DONNA KELL As the school year opens up once again former students ore remind ed of heritage And as the chilly winds of September blow Into autumn and yellow school buses plod up and down urban streets often backing traffic up for blocks I real lie that I have lost my Identity as a student Twenty years ago I entered Ihe system that we call formal educa tion and or IB of those years I learned the conventional way But after going through the challenge of five schools Including two post secondary Institutions I realize that learning is not limited and should never be exclusive to the classroom The truth Is there a reality out there In Europe theres a great scarred land where history per the countryside and where wars were lost and won The lakes and rivers of Canada beautiful blue and freshwater don reproduce well in textbooks when compared to the limitless of the human eye And berries fruits and flowers not to mention certain liny animals look much different on the dlscctlon table This Is not to say that school the institution doesn teach us anything It teaches us how to analyze how to learn about foreign things and makes us realize there are other continents other peoples out there It also provides a social scenario a place to meet people and leam the Intricate fun skills of friendship It gives us a stage for our talents an audience or our achievements and an car for our questions about the view to adulthood But a house education just doesnt cut It In this world Aril students paying thousands of dollars In post- secondary education might also con slder a trip to a foreign country several months in another province or an historic conversation with local seniors The length a students time In school can be considered necessary more time spent In School lower jobless rates but school and learn ing should not be directly equated with the brown brick building around the comer where the same faces arc seen dally and lessons are learned from textbooks Experience can be the best teacher And life can be best school rolled In the black Ink for fingerprinting at the station that It really hits them People charged by the ant I gambling squad will have criminal records found gull tv Youre speeding down a hill at 100 km an hour ana your peripheral vi catches a sign that flatly declares km MAXIMUM but you know Its too late Youre In Hungry Hollow and youve got to get out Your sluggish pro19B5 vehicle wont propel you up the hill unless you give It a little more gas there youre up Ihe steep Incline slightly by the flashing amber light near the but you made It and you find yourself driving north on Moun Road Looking furtively for a police