THE H2RALD OUTLOOK November It MM Paget Entertainment Outlook The withdrawn male At long last Ihelruthisudmitted An expert on relationships lias come out and confessed that communication problems thai plague Ihc average marriage from fact that men as a species are far too rail to cope with women According to Howard a researcher at the Centre for Marital and Family Studas the University of Denver What sometimes look like a withdrawn noncommunicative man is actually a man withdrawing from his fear of conflict Men are more physiologically vul to conflict than women arc said the good doctor It not that re emotional It that Ihcy arc weaker constitutionally There It is in black and white the ultimate rebuttal to women accusa lions that men go all shifty and whenever they hear thai dreadful sen lence Weneedtoialk It not that we don care It not that we re uninterested in improving our relationships It Just that ue re Obviously it comes is no surprise lo any man o hear that the male is const weaker than the female The mystery is how the myth about superior male strength began in the tint place My own theory Is that the anthropolo gists have It all wrong when they claim that the prehistoric male was programmed to be fearless hunter and provider My theory states that prehistoric man would have been much happier sit ting at home Ihe ancient ore runner of quiche But when he that silting home mean being cowed and intimidated by prehistoric woman he look the coward way out which was to sneak off to hunt woolly mammoths instead Sure half of us Is bound to But it beats all heck out of Irving lo explain why we was late get tin home from I suspect Ihe same process led lo myth about Ihe strong silent Western male the one who for weeks Ihout uttering anything other than the occasional II not that those occasional indicated his Inner fortitude It that he fell into the after learn that the occasional was the only safe thing to utter when strong vocal Western female was giving him a detailed list of his faults The sad fact or course is that no man however inspired by cowardice can avoid discussing his relationship My own strategy being the weaker one and hence n OUR LANGUAGE by Jeffrey McQaaln Allocate distributes or sets apart for a purpose also means locate which you can locate at the end of allocate Ask an arbiter to settle your dis putes Any sharp speller can Judge that theres a real bite to arbiter I wrote from whence an and my teacher circled It What wrong with irom whence A Whence by itself means from what place or source so that from whence is considered redundant You re In good company however Whence comes from whence Look for it in Shakespeare play and the King James Version tie Bible By Qlenda Hughes Sales Rep really know what their 8730300 How does that asked of misunderstood answer thai we have to deal with When we have a phone call to come over to a client home to evaluate their house in many cases the client Is asking more than one agent usually 3 to give them a price Several things happen when this Is done and I think you should be very aware of It As listings are scarce in town you can be assured that out of the agents you call in at least one of them Is going to overprice your home because know that most people will lake the agent that gives them best price This my readers is probably one of the biggest most frustrating mistakes that you can make When your home Is overpriced you fall into the category of spin off This means that the showings gel will not result in a sale but will result in clients In that price range know that jour pro perly is an thin want to we what is really available In that price range and hence we get a spin off client from an Not great forjou You frc and know what lo look for when jou have agents give you Prices arc set on homes PAST sales of homes in simitar areas We adjust for the current market how home shows this could he cither up or down is m market in thai price range Your home regardless if how feci about it emo tionally will not get CO over what being sold on market We do understand that everyone has an emotional tie to their home and is very hard to be honest ami accurate with people when Ihetr hearts are involved but we must do we are doing our job right Iswhat youarcpayinRuslor Your agent choice can help come a marketable pnee by do ing a market evaluation Sow I don mean Just having someone walk through your home and smile at you and say your home Is worth this many Ask him or her to 4iow you figures to back up the figure that is quoted Ask lots of questions about the hemes that have sold particularly the condition of Ihe home the extras and the location A none that looks just like yours does not necessarily mean that yours will sell for the same price Your agent should know and LI he or she ones not ask for them to find out more information and get back to you before you make a commitment on the price of your home If you do in deed have more than one agent price your home and one price comes In much higher than the other your antennas should be up quickly Ask why and how that price was reached and they better nave some pretty good answers to substantiate that price Remember above all put your emotions In closet for new and remain sane When you finally have a good figure to work with then you can choose your agent based on previous columns have written and will continue to write about In the future Keep your wits about you it is worth In the end frustration tor physiologically vulnerable to conflict is to try lo get off the hook by hanging my head and agreeing with everything lhatssaidtomc If you ve tried this approach you It know that It only works for Ihe hour or so After an hour the stronger one will have finished listing your more obvious failings and will suddenly demand thai you slop sit ting there like a lump and nodding At this point you have three options One there like a lump and nod Two sit there like a lump and wimpei e mild disagreement has left you wide open to the charge lhat you don I really care Disagree with this one and the lop will suddenly shift to thai fate Christmas Eve in 1982 when you were three hours late getting back from the pub while her parents were over for As such you re down one last op- lion ihire so For so long that tin constitutionally stronger one Is finally forced lo announce lhat she I know why she bothers talking to you in the place Bui now at long last there s a glim of hope Perhaps Markham s will promote a new and of mi weakness In fact I m going to show the news clipping to The Love of My Life just as soon as she gels home from work Maybe Just maybe she 11 see me for the well meaning but Trail creature I truly am On the other hand maybe she find out what 1 ve Just said hi Ihls column Rally round fellers Lets go find a woolly mammoth Fast Matinee Sat Sun at 2 p CINEMA 2 2nd GREAT WEEK I Evenings at 7 00 9 p m Matinee Sat Sun at m IT WILL TERRIFY YOU UUPLV CINEMA 3 STARTS Evenings at 7 00 9 5 pm Matinee Sat Sun at 2 p