THE HERALD outlook November If 1DM Lastminute appointments Once you have listed your home with real estate broker you naturally expect them lodo their best to sell your home ax quickly as possible During the listing meat sale arrange appointments to show your homo with sufficient lead time and at times thai arc convenient lo everyone That a what we all like However sometime a salesperson tries 10 make a last minute appoint meat That a because his prospect client on a tight schedule Should you be annoyed NOI In fact last minute appointments are usually the est ones Why These are usually buyers from out of town moving into your area They arc short of lime House hunting trips are usually only a couple of days So they don have the luxury of time when trying to squeeze m houses in a single day Moreover they want and need a house now not a year Hence this type of buyer is REAL ESTATE AND YOU Jamie Johnston also more likely to make an immediate offer to buy In contrast someone who already owns a home in the area but would like to buy a bigger one can take their tune They can look for months and never make an offer So if you are really interested in selling your home approach the last minute appointment as an opportunity Even if you have to scramble lo organ ize your borne remember this could be your buyer For free copy of How Your Horn contact the Canada TruatReaftor office you The electronic air cleaner A must in an energy efficient home In these days of energy prices moil homes even older ones arc fairly This mean air does not pan easily in and out when win and doors are shut This con serves energy by preventing the escape warmed in centrally cooled in summer A problem thai arises from ihis is hat pollutants con escape dust pollen animal dander bacteria tobacco and cooking smoke to name a few This air therefore should be winter some cleaning effect is achieved the air passing through the furnace niters Tins is not An electronic air cleaner is 10 10 IS times more efficient than a standard furnace filter It uses an charge zap dirty air panic lei capture them An electronic air cleaner even on particles so small an electronic microscope would be requ red to see ihem smoke for instance is made up of particles that small Electronic air cleaners have perm a ncnt aluminum cells thai con be re washed in a dish washer or laundry tub and reused almost indefinitely In addition Id giving you cleaner air to breathe the electronic air cleaner helps your beating and cooling function more efficiently This is a good time of year con c leaner your home comfort system the cold months ahead windows have tobc kepi shut and iheaircleaner will clean and freshen the air you breathe When summer comes again it sin place work with your central air loner if you have one or with your furnace fan the that meets with approval of mini is he ICG This product traps up to of a contaminants dust Home Comfort News smoke grease and easy lo maintain and ilie dependability of the design is well proved For all your home comfort solution contact your local ICG Heating Conditioning Dealer or for your naareat dealer call 1300 fev 111 en