Outlook op Lifestyle THE HERALD OUTLOOK Saturday December IMS Do doctors need to know too much By Peter H M Were I reoulred to pass this year DR GOTT lying In medical school the examinations that I successfully ne gotiated more than years ago I doubt I could do It am not being la I simply do not have In my head the necessary Information to make the grade on the National Boards In short I do not know enough staggering number of am not alone Many practicing acts both Important and trivial that doctors are In the same fix Soars must be committed to memory has many medical students The problem reached a critical level of concern of the Indigestible medical Several editorials in medical Journals have asked How can today doctor or medical student master all the knowledge that is re quired andstlllcontinuecompetently to serve the public The pressure to learn is intense The zeal of faculty members in school is extraordinary The ex pec tat Ion of the public and the threat of malpractice litigation are demand beyond belief Some experts be I love that these pressures are a major cause of doctors emotional difticul lies high rate of divorce substance abuse burn out professional fa perhaps Ihe decreasing Tips for kids who ride school buses POINTERS POLLY FISHER By Polly DEAR POLLY I m a school bus driver and I like to pass on some lips for children to remember when cling to or from school on the bus Be at the bus stop at least a few minutes before the bus arrives Stay at least 10 feet away from the bus until it comes to a complete slop Get on the bus in a single line without pushing or shoving Don t run after the bus if you miss It The driver can t always see you in the mirror and a child running close to the but can get hurt Go home and tell your parents yon missed the bus so they can make other arrangements Postal workers helping to get you to school After getting off the bus the road until the driver signals that it safe to cross While riding on the bus sit quietly and face forward at all times Don t Stand Jump around or walk up and down the aisles It your bus has seat belts use Ihem Keep your hands and head Inside the bus Don put them out of the win don Don throw things out the window Parents should frequei remind their children of these rules since children can forget easily DEAR Although iti to go over these roles with yoor child when a new school year starts It Is an excellent idea review bos safely periodically throughout the year helpful pointer earns yon Ihe Pointer of the Week award a copy of my book Polly Pointers Helpful for Making Everything Last Longer Other may order It tor SO Make check payable POLLYS POINTERS and fend to Santa Canada Corporation employees who last year volunteered to answer close to letter Santa received from children across Canada and other parts of the world are geared up to do it again this year As in previous years every child who writes a letter to Santa ad dresses it correctly and includes a return address will receive a reply from the North Pole The program had a modest debut in That wax when a handful of dressed simply to Santa while several thousands more were addressed to him In care of par department stores and and due number of letters received becan an organized nationwide project In personal reply the nearly letters They were assisted In their letter writing by senior and community and professional groups a cross the country The program is also part of Canada Post Corporation support for Improved literacy among children It promotes correct ad dressing of letters and the use of the postal coda It enhances the magic of Christmas by ensuring that each child who writes a teller to Santa gets a reply from him Letters lo Santa should be sent to the following address Santa Claus North Pole Canada HOHOHO POLLYS PO B Cleveland OH POLLY DEAR POLLY Wc re saving on Christmas cards this year and I m getting my kindergartener more in in Christmas preparations by making potatoprint cards 1 carve simple Christmas shapes trees stars or maybe a snowman on half a potato My year old dips them In acrylic paints and prints the designs on the heavy construction paper cards Wc write a simple Mer ry Christmas on Ihe inside Our tives really appreciate getting cards that our family made instead of bought CARI A Polly will send you a Polly Dollar tit If she uses your favorite Pointer Peeve or Problem in her column Write POLLYS POINTERS In care of tilts newspaper plications to medical schools In large part the problem stems from the fact that there Is more to know in medicine than even the brightest and most motivated student can grasp much less learn Doctors in training are held to the same rigor standards in basic sciences as are D candidates The medical profes sion has yet to come to grips with the astonishing growth of biomedical in formation that has swamped both stu dent and practitioner alike Clearly the answer depends on the willingness of the educational admin is Ira tors lo concentrate simplify and summarize the enormous body of knowledge taught to students gested by Joseph Alport M D of Massachusetts Medical Center and Robert Coles D Har vard University Medical School These doctors bell etc that ions should require LESS extensive knowledge LESS minutiae and LESS detailed basic science students who arc destined to become practicing physicians need a broad based experience those who choose careers in biomedical research should be offered tailor made programs more in keeping witr their needs This view although revolutionary makes sense II will require a redesign of medical school curricula What about the practicing doctors then like truly How can we maintain a suitable level of skill and personal satisfaction in our demanding environment Yes we must keep current with medical advances that affect our patients This is an important criterion tor competence However no doctor can be knowledgeable about the vast ray of facts that are currently avail able In truth practitioners have tre mendous difficulty staying abreast of advances In Just their specialties or in welldefined areas of Interest William Carlos Williams the noted poet physician once remarked that when it comes to doctoring smart t necessarily good For many of us this statement Is a shaft of light streaming through the crack In the door of impossibility Smart helps but the good doctor learns by experience to single out pa who arc really sick from the majority who have less severe Illness es He learns where to look things up He develops a referral base made up of specialists from whom he can ob tain help He Is not afraid say J don t know He learns to be kind and to view the patient as a whole as a person rather than as a collection of malfunctioning parts He comes to re that at least percent of the people he sees will improve on their own if he make matters worse by poisoning them with medicine or operating inappropriately on them It been said that the good surgeon knows when to operate the truly good surgeon knows when not to The good doctor then maintains a larger per not merely a view Above all else he recognizes his own limitations Sometimes under standing this simple concept takes years of practice ONE FLAWLESS REASON TO LEARN ABOUT SKIN CARE FROM MARY KAY YOUR COMPLEXION Tews Sk MaJiip 8778150 CHURCH DIRECTORY TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SPACE CALL DISPLAY ADVERTISING 8772201 DENOMINATIONAL PENTECOSTAL ALL PEOPLES CHURCH DELIVERANCE CENTRE Bible Sluily Worship Deliverance Sunday 1030am PINK PARLOUR BOUTIQUE TOTAL SKIN CARE OPENING SPECIAL FREE Manicure With Pedicure Facials Manicures Pedicures Make Overs Solar Nails Waxing 1 Quelph St Georgetown 873 2027 mm NIELSENS CLOTHING Retiring after 30 years of service in the FASHION INDUSTRY SALE SAVINGS Cord Foray Ih Shuts Su IS Jack Stylo Crnll Spartswov Drosses 37 Mill St Acton 8532280