Panes SECTION Wedneidav December 1SSS MOTORCYCLES AUTOS FOR SALE SNOWMOBILES AUTOS FOR SALE 559j nlles tlon some work to otter B MAZDA GLC body lob recent ly speed tinted sunroof and windows cert evenings FORD LTD economical pro pane Biking certified 1978 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON Lux loaded air etc cert Pickup DAVID evenings SON SNOWMOBILE 077 0 vary rare machine asking at END ROLLS OF NEWSPRINT it mowing scrap papor lor Nursery Schools etc CALL 8772201 St Georgetown TOYOTA Hatchback speed good body SI 00 b RELIANT door 2 FORD TRUCK iq 00 463Jles FORD RANGER cert I 4631 MAZDA RX7 only 17 km T BIRD Good miles good condition will cert best offer 1985 FORD F150 Explorer new lire DODGE 4x4 i tape deck km good condition titled 3335 MERCU COUGAR or glnalp well sell your vehicle out from under you Have an automobile truck motorcycle or van to sell Then turn to Herald Classified ads Price of the ads Is reasonable and results are so speedy that you II feel your vehicle was sold right out from under you 8772201 8778822 HONDA 4 door standard will ceriMy needs minor body work mechanical liter 873 needs smalt amount ol work lor safety SI 00 MAZOA Pickup long box 45 km with cap boy liner r board and more Like new Coll Tidy Car or 1203 MAZDA runs but needs clutch For Parts 1974 DODGE ton 31B automatic tires Asking FORD THUNDER BIRD great winter beaten obo 7538 before m or weekends ask for Chris Ma Ida auto door hatchback J Cert 2696 1971 Mans T37 km As Evening we 519 SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY rout frtandt nWw Anyone who thought could It a HAPPY THIS IS THE ACTUAL SIZE YOU GET FOR ONLY PHOTO GOES HERE Your Message Here II ampin black pro to Wo will place column lor only pro pad Regular no no the Monda SO GO the HE 45 Que 6771 nod and us your our ad In our Happy Ads to larger geei or Wednesday AHEAD DAY RALD phSt n CHURCH DIRECTORY NON DENOMINATIONAL PENTECOSTAL ALL PEOPLES CHURCH DELIVERANCE CENTRE Bible Study Worship Deliverance Sunday am Wednesday HOLY CROSS ft C CHURCH Mta Aw 1BB7 MASS TIMES DO m preceded by piBccded by M 0 Dtctmbtr23 Ho BOO am Mass 10 and 12 Noon CONFESSION TIMES Sat 9 id 30 Dec 2D Id Wed Doc ID Dec 8 Id Ft p Sat Ooc am to It p DEAR SANTA LETTERS Brought To You By Local Students and The Businesses Below GIFT BASKETS SWEET SEAFOOD SAVOURY COOKS SUNOCO UNDCQ SEASON S GREETINGS To From The Stall Street Georgetown aSigmtoBehoW lulom Dec UNIQUE GIFTS for young old alike A DOLLS BOOKS BEARS Accessories The Doll Emporium E ACTON EITEHOED CHRISTMAS HOURS EwUngi Mill SI Screen Printing Textile Printing Specialists GEORGETOWN i3 GRAHAM FAMILY 517 Main SI Glen Williams Santa Workshop North Pole OHO It s so nice to hear from all of you and Mrs and I are doing very well The Christmas spirit is all around ua here at the workshop and the elves are really doing a fine job We had the reindeer in for a tune up last week Blttzen was running a bit of a temperature and Dormer had a slight fever But Comet says we ll have them all cleaned up and ready for the big tnp on Christmas Eve Ho Ho Ho Santa sleigh will be ready to go too We ve had it into the shop and rotated the run It should get us through this Christmas but Santa may have to take a look at the models in the new year Well back to work I just as excited about Christmas as all of you are and it time to go check my list again Until next time Love Santa Santa What arc you doug Thank you for my brush that you brought me last year at Christmas Love Dear Sunt a wanl slinky for Christ in luviSonlu NIELSENS CLOTHING 8532280 1 would some I would like some books 1 would luu some llamas and Mould like slinky The I 1 would like bit pop pit would like a Thank you lor I the present you rough l me last I Christmas would also liki some slippers and a wallet Love Lisa Dear Santa 1 would just like to say thai all the boys and girls In the Kindergarten class at Public School have done their very best Our whole class soys Merry Dear Santa Thank you for all the presents you J brought me last year Thank you for f all the I would like a Barbie l doll set but If you don me to have it and if the elves can make It that tine me I also would like a play vacuum cleaner Love Crystal French Dear Santa would like tops I like transformers How are your reindeer doing Hows Mrs Claus doing Thank you or the gifts you brought me Inst Christmas Love Jeffrey Payne Dear Santa I have been a good boy 1 would like a new desk and a pick a guitar L Ryan Wcatherall Dear I would like a new pogoball I hope you have a good weekend My brother saw you last ymr Love Amy Sanderson Dear Santn Santo my Mom says have wait for Christmas so I tan see what she bought me for Christmas so I would like to know what your sent is going lobe Love Dear Santa Santa I a doll that talks walks crawls and changes clothes My brother wants a walch Could you pltase make a watch for him His name is Alex and my name Is Katie Knlie Please please please could my come true Dear Santa would like a tool set for l Christmas would like a lea party act How Rudolph Love Michelle Watson Dear Santa want Miss Makt up please I If you can not give Little Miss I Makeup maybe you could me I Barbie and Baron I picas and thank you Dear Santa How are you and Mrs Thank you for the gift last year This year I would like turbo hopper world globe Ghost Busters vehicle women Grade GKPSRm Dear Santa How arc you and Mrs Thank you for the gift last year This year 1 would like a computer Zaks Dear Santa Thank you for gift last year This year I would like Little MakeUp Tuba Now you re cooking Love Heather Grade2GKPS FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING 8777654 Georgetown Hobby Toy Inc 310 Guelph si E MERRY CHRISTMAS To All My Customers Thanks lor making our 1s year GREAT warn GREETINGS U Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce DearSania My name Mark I am in kindergarten I like a hi Thank you for all the gifts you me last year especmll truck Murk Haiti Dear Santa Thank you for the gift last year This year I would like chess game fake Christmas tree Snack Shop Love Chris Grade How arc you and Mrs you or the gift last year This I would like pottery craft work shop Now your cooking Indoor I will out some food tor you Love Alison Rm Dear Santa How are you and Mrs Claus Thank you for the gift last year This year I would like a crimp iron a dol surprise and going to give you a good shake Love Jessica Grade GKPSRm Dear Santa How ore you and Mrs Claus Thank you for Ihe nice gift last year This year I would like a Swatch- watch close and books Mammy and I hove put out a good recipe for the cookies for you A Love Dei tore Grade PS Dear Santa How are you and Mrs Thank you for the gift last year This year I would like Rabbit shirt Turbo Hopper computer Win Lose or Draw Cops From Jason 203 Dear Santa I want some trucks pleaic Santa and I more trucks please I Dear Santa Please could have a new 1 would like a pink 1 would likt a scary monster puppet Please could 1 have a pad with good things liki- dot to dol could I have new markers Love Christmas and I loved the skates I used them a lot Thank you for ever thing From Sharon Dear Santa How are ye end Mrs Clous This year 1 like a remote control car Can you soy to Rudolf I love Dear Santo How are you and Mrs Claus Thank you or the gift last year This year 1 would like Snack shop and f Rudolf a car From Michael saw you 11 the par wire in your sleigh love Thank you How ore you and Mrs Claus for the vacuum u Whal would you like for a snack this brought me lost year year I would like star com base big TtnMcfoslln one walkie talkies Love Patrick Dear Santa I a good girl wi has my sister and my baby brother are How are you and Mrs Clous going to the parade I would like a Thank you for the gifts last year box and baby doll lhat This year I would like crawls I would like baby popple Sound Cairo Bouncin earrings and some and bar Baby If you need to you may give relies some new shells or my them the Poor people bed some new new Jacket Love Becky and some slippers Grade2GKPS Love Sarah Connor Dear Santo Santa How ore you and Mrs Claus How arc you and Mrs Thank you for the gifts lost year Thank you tor he gift lost year This Portable T camera film camera year I would like a tuba ruba Little flash miss makeup Crayon Centre What From Sean McCormick do you want for your Knock when you to my house Katie Rowland Grade GKPS COPS us Dear Santa How are you and Mrs Thank you for the gift last year This year I would like skates Little Miss Makeup Baby Grows Daisy Love Jessica Dear Santa How ore you and Mrs Clous Thank you for the gifts last year This year would like Girl Mini Mountain Bike Jumbo Love Now You er Cooking How Is Rudolf feel ing this year Love Kristin Boyle Gr Dear Santo How are you and Mrs Clous This year I would like a little Miss Make- up end a tuba Grade 203 Dear Santa How are you and Mrs Thank you for the gift last year This year I would like Bob shorts please Study light please Watch please Love from Sarah Grode2GKPS Room Dear Santa I want a train set and a snack shop Can you make a Rudolf that v Iks and the nose lights up I will stnd you a letter after Christmas Santa low arc you and Mrs Claus Thank you for the gift last year This From Bradley Porter bike Love from Choris Grade PS Please and thank yout Cinderella for Juniors and animated construction set I will put out a carrot for Rudolf some cookie- Love Erin Dear Santa Thank you for the trig last year This year could you please bring me Makeup Little Miss MakeUp or Perfume Pol ace for my ponies My sister Paula wants a Bubble Bath Baby My sister Carrie would like a walking doll or Cabbage Patch Doll I II leave a carrot tor the reindeer sandwich for you Love Jenny Taylor Santa a How are you Mrs Claus Thank you for the gifts last This year I would like computer Lego Fun Say Hi to rolndcerforme Love Jennifer Grade Dear Santo How ore you and Mrs Thank you for the gift lost year This year I would like talking pec wee snow case machine water coaster CW