Outlook THE HERALD OUTLOOK Salunhy Februarys IMS Page a How many Vs appear below Make a Valentine card for someone special Simply color the picture below cut it out and paste it on a piece of construction paper You might also want to print that special someones name on the card VAR VA VAC VAL VA VAC VA VAR IO AL AN IE U CA RN NIL UA ATL NT LA BLE LEY ON US ISH UM TY XiapSA uinnOBA qsnnrA snopuA uohboba ifamiA aiqenniA enniBA uraaBA ushuba sjansuy Arrange thenumbers 1 through 9 so that the numbers on each side of the triangle add up to 19 There are many words besides valentine which begin with the letters Draw a line connecting one box from each column to form a word Write the wofd in the blank The example will help you get started 6 9 Z i 8 I No one knows exactly how Valentines Day got started but here are a few of the more popular explanations During the 200s the Roman Emperor Claudius II made it illegal for young men to get married The emperor was convinced that unmarried men made better soldiers However a priest named Valentine secretly disobeyed the emperor and married young couples According to another story Valentine was an early Christian who refused to recognize the Roman gods Valentine was eventually put in prison because of his refusal Because Valentine was so liked by all the children they threw loving notes to him through the prison bars This is one explanation of how the tradition of sending special cards on Valentines Day got started According to yet another Valentine story it all began in the 1400s with a Frenchman named Charles Duke of Orleans Charles was captured by English soldiers during battle and put in prison in the Tower of London One day February Charles sent his wife a love letter The letter was written in rhyme becoming the forerunner of the modern Valentine card Things to Make and Do for Valentines Day by Tomie Easy to follow instructions for games crafts and recipes to make any Valentines Day VALENTINES DAY BOOKS The Best Valentine in the World by Marjorie Sharmat Grs Although Ferdinand has worked on his valentine for since November hes sure that shes forgotten him on celebration complete ValentinesDay John A train just passed Don How do you know John I can see its tracks Math Teacher How much are Alvin- 10 Math Teacher Thats very good Alvin Very good Thats perfect Mother Did you sweep behind the door Son Oh yes I swept everything behind the door Joyce What is the father of a mother hen called Jay I dont know What Joyce A grandfather cluck