Teen THE HERALD OUTLOOK Saturday February 11 1989- age high school report Results are in on the latest round of exams Hello once again Its a new semester time to turn over a new leaf academically so Ive been told repeatedly and Im back to give you all the skinny as to the go ings on within the hallowed halls So were there many surprises Monday How many people let out a surprised howl stating to the ef fect Oh my God I thought Id failed that credit Or conversely OXrrll I thought Id passed the exam Fortunately I found myself in the first group though 1 am acquainted with the latter of Welcome an experience By participating in Canadas year hosting program area families can enjoy rediscovering the beauty of their world as seen through the eyes of a young person from another coun try Canada a not-for- profit charitable organization ad ministering International ex change programs has officially launched its 198990 host family recruitment campaign Close to students from as many as 30 different countries are on their way to Canada for an entire school year These ambassadors of friendship aged between and look forward to fully experiencing Canada by living with a Canadian family and studying in a local high school Thanks to Interculture Canada those who welcome a student into their home can expect to live an in- terctdtural adventure tailored to their family profile Interculture Canada carefully selects students from a large pool of applicants and through a sensitive family- matching process makes every ef fort to ensure a positive climate for exchange This way families and students not only discover their similarities but also grow from the richness of their differences The program is open to all fami ly types two parents with children singleparent families childless couples all are welcome The pleasures of hosting largely rest on the acceptance of the stu dent as a true member of the fami ly Explains one parent hosting a Furnish student Weve let her become part of the family and now its as if she always lived with us Its going to be tough when she goes home In July Host families are not asked to absorb any outstanding expenses for the student beyond the food housing and incidental expenses they would for their own teenager Both student and family benefit from the support of Interculture Canada staff and volunteers throughout the experience Families wishing more informa tion about hosting and individuals interested in becoming culture Canada volunteers may call Judy Barker at 416 or tollfree 18003617248 BRIAN G00DLET Mutual Funds Annuities RRiFs MUTUAL GROUP OF COMPANIES GDHS News Jamie Harrison the two groups from years and credits gone by Have you fried the excuse couldnt possibly have been absent 27 times It must be a computer er ror Did it work Not likely eh Is Period lunch more crowded this semester than it was last Cer tainly seems so A vast sea of humanity stretching from one caf bench to the next each lamenting about the quality of the lunch they packed or bought This past Thursday the Rebels swim team took off to the Etobicoke Olympian to compete in the Halton championships swim meet The have consistently placed high in the ranks and this year should be no different Un fortunately due to deadlines details were unavailable at press time see the blueberry pan cakes being served in the caf last Tuesday Those who ventured a bite claimed them to be quite edi ble some even suggesting that they were good no really This was done to observe Pancake Tuesday the first Tuesday in February Why is it February seems to have so many dopey holidays and special days anyhow We start off the month on a truly ridiculous note by observing Groundhog Day Personally unless Willy can promise me weather from March to November I couldnt care less if he sees his shadow or not Then we have Pancake Tuesday the furst Tuesday of February This may make the folks at Aunt Jemima happy but it confuses me to no end Is there some special significance to this wonderful day Is it a ceremonial ritual for some culture of which I am unaware Then we come to St Valen tines Day This is alright I sup pose I fail to see the romance however in cutting off ones ap pendages to send to a loved one This must only appeal to the truly traditional romantics at heart Lastly we come to Feb 29 a day which appears but once out of every fouryears The sheer com plexities of this overwhelm me however I will not focus on that My one question on this though is not an original one Whose bright Idea was it to tack an extra day on the year during the month which most people detest February is cold grey bleak and miserable It Is the shortest month of the calen dar for a very good reason Everybody hates it I Why not make the leap year during the summer months I have no pro blem with a July 32nd I really could not foresee anyone complain ing about this In my mind as warped as it may be this idea seems to make more sense than ex tending the excruciating extra day of winter Anyhow Thats about all for this week but have no fear I will return in just seven short days to rant about something else See yall in WHY PAY MORE 88 MUST GO NOW EXPIRES FEB 18th FINANCING ON ALL IN STOCK 88 VEHICLES LIMITED TIME ONLY SIMILAR SAVINGS ON ALL OTHER MODELS 1500 max to be financed over 36 months OAC PDI TAX CASH 530 ELIZABETH STREET GUELPH ONTARIO N1E 5197634241