THE HERALD Wednesday 1996 Page Boomtimes ahead in 1993 Business Page The beginning of a new decade is a boom time for writers of retrospectives and who tell us what the coming years will bring A global trend watcher by the name of Frank Feather thinks they will bring a minidepression followed by a super boom His analysis makes some sense at least with respect to economic and downs Mr Feather is author of a book entitled G Forces ReInventing the World Global Forces Restruc Our Future Following the theory that the economy moves in long wave like cycles Mr Feather believes we are sliding in to the trough of the old cycle We will languish in this trough until when a new cycle of will begin Diane Maley rhomuii Those who expect a soft landing are suffering from economic ll literacy he wntes The problem is debt Burdened by debt the North American economy will not grow at all this year and will shrink substantially in The impending slowdown will be slight worse than the recession he predicts DOWN DOWN DOWN Inflation and interest rates will plunge as will stocks property and oil he says Prices could fall so fast that deflation may cur in 1991 Unemployment will soar The cheer with which Mr Good service good coverage good price- Thats State Farm insurance 1 Gueiph St Georgetown Like a good neighbor State Farm is there heather makes these predictions can be traced to his vision of pro sperity that will follow in and beyond It a vision of high tech miracles with Japan and Southeast Asia driving the world economy into an unprecedented boom By the mid 1990s interest rates and inflation will be minimal with six per cent mortgages By sharing work unemployment will drop to three per cent he says Com that survive will be lean mean and debt free Most of all they will be flexible willing to reorient business to continually undergo change and renewal It will be a decade of flux ushering in a new age of op portunity for the freewheeling en Mr Feather is not alone in predicting that the 1990s will be a time of ferocious worldwide com petition for new markets Where he differs from other forecasters is in his high tech dream of the polyglot high touch whatever that means SHADE OF TRUTH In this new age the 1960s genera will finally come to power economically and politically he says Their values will drive the agenda According to Mr Feather the 60s generation will make itself felt in the environmen movement aging hippies in the boardroom will ensure that business adopts an environmental ethic But that s in the mid 1990s Bet ween now and then we still have the predicted minidepression to deal with How bad will it be The seventy of an economic downturn is subjective If you lose your job and can t find another it is depi If you work right through it it s recession If your house price falls by half it is depression if it falls by 20 per cent or less it is recession provided you don have to sell For the auto industry and On tano in particular the situation does not look good For British Col and Pacific trade things could turn out just fine Mr Feather advice repay debt and be flexible happens when you Advertise In the HERALD NORTH END NISSAN MARTIN STREET MILTON ONTARIO 8784137 MOBILE SOUND SYSTEMS AUDIO HOUR Monday Tud QUALITY STEREO SYSTEMS ACCESSORIES FOR HOME AUTOMOTIVE RECORDS TAPES A Sales Service MOUtfTAtNVKWItO TOWNOFCALEDON PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that on Monday the day of January at 7 clock In the evening or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard In the Council Chambers at the Town of Administration Centre Church Street East Ontario the Council of The Corporation of the Town of will consider a by law stop up a part of the original road allowance between Lots and Concession West of Huron tano Street Town of Caledon formerly Township of thai Is not travelled and to fix a price and to grant a right of just refusal lo Ihe abutting landowners AND TAKE NOTICE that Ihe road to be stopped up and to be sold is more particularly shown on a sketch being prepared by Ted Van Lank veld L S AND TAKE NOTICE that the proposed by law and description may be seen at Ihe office of the Clerk of the Town of Caledon East Ontario AND FURTHER T NOTICE thai Ihe Council or Committee of Council will hear In person or by his or her counsel solicitor or any person who claims that Ms or her land will be prejudicially affected by the by law who applies to be heard DATED al the Town of Caledon day December 19S9 Everyone Y Clerk OF 1000 200 Street Caledon Ontario 1E0 Main Street CIBC on top The Main Street branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Com merce has won the CIBC s Senior Vice President s trophy The Georgetown branch was selected from over 120 branches Dave branch manager the branches in Hills Oakville Burl Hamilton St Catharines Niagara Gueiph Cambridge and Kitchener were judged four categories customer service enhancement deposit sales loan sales and overall performance Mr Krause said the branch success is based on its customers We have excellent customers here he said Another part to the bank sue cess is the employees meeting the customers needs Mr said He also noted that the Main Street branch is the corporate and consumer lending represen for the Halton Hills area MP to talk to council about VIA OrJv after a heated debate among some town councillors did the general committee pass a resolution granting Halton Peel MP Garth Turners request to ap pear before council to explain the VIA Rail cuts Monday night Acton Councillor Gerald Rennie started off the discussion saying if the town allowed Mr Turner to speak then It might be obligated to invite Halton North MPP Walt Elliot on the same night But this only create a debate bet ween the two government representatives he said Mayor Russ Miller agreed with Coun They should be in vited one at a time or council will never get through its agenda he Georgetown Coun Cook Mr Turner t tell them anything council members didn t already know THE CORPORATION OF THE Town of Hills 1 Halton H lis DrvoPO Box 128 HILlS Ontario 873 NOTICE Christmas Tree Collection Public Works Is scheduling In urban areas ONE pick up exclusively for Christmas Trees They will NOT be collected with your regular refuse Please place at roadside on Monday January at P Town Engineer Town of Kills 1 H lis Drive 0 Box HIUs Georgetown 562 Most of us see the Wining turmoil in the eastern bloc Latin Central America Commun is dying Is our Capitalist system next In fact could well put millions of Canadians ticking Most experts off this wave as temporary Today I reality HERE What do you think To fuxJ out more about this crisis at tend our Evening of Coming To GEORGETOWN In forty FEE tf are unable to attend on Evening of Information SEND tptciat money order far 99 to Bex Terra Coaa Ont Allow for delivery Prepare yourself Mm