Saturday July 1990 The history of the rose dates to 3000 BC Rose gardens are a favourite of gardeners in many countries around the globe The World Federation of Rose Societies meets regular every three years At the last conference in Sydney Australia in according to the Canadian Garden Council some 15 Canadians attended including Freeman of Toronto who is a president If vou are interested in roses this would be a delightful wav to meet up with fellow rosanans from all around the world in a NRS affiliates with Royal Trust Vancouver based National Real Estate Service has ed that is has entered into an agree ment with Trust of Toronto provide The Residential Under the terms of the agreement Trust Canada s largest Trust will act the exclusive supplier of the Branded which will be marketed representativ across Canada Our finest and foremost is to provide our clients with the best possible products and services available said President Oswald Jurock aligning ith corporal ion it the capabilities of Trust both our agents and clients stand to benefit The NRS Branded features both competitive rates and a comprehensive package of flexible repavment options unmatched other financial institutions This includes the option of prepaving amount up to and including double the regular mortgage each and everv month with no fee or penaltv Homeowners who take ad vantage of this option can also miss a at time during the mortgage term ithout The NRS mortgage also allows homeowners to pa off up to 10 the mortgage principal once a In addition there an renewal option and the mortgage is both portable and The agreement with Trust also enables agents to approve mortgage applications computer a program tilled PC Lender developed Trust NRS agents can approve mortgage applreaions he spot and to for verification and processing This new svstem eliminates the need to applv for the mortgage at a institution and reduces turnaround time of having the ap plications processed Trust is committed to im proving the convenience for clients to obtain home mortgage ing said Chief Operating Canadian Opera tions for Trust in Toronto We recognize as an entrepreneurial organiza tion that will help Trust meet this goal Both National Real Estate Ser vice and Royal Trust are in he forefront of computer technology in their respective fields which makes this partnership a natural fit add ed Together we can offer home buyers a superior mortgage product faster and more conve niently than any other company in atmosphere Roses are known as far back as the 3000 B when the Egyptians planted them in gardens around their palaces The Greeks too adored the rose and called it king of flowers It is who tell the about Eros God of Love who once while admiring the fragrance of a rose was slung bv a bee which he did not know at work at the interior of the flower Apparently Eros became so angry that he punished the rose bush by shooting a number of arrows from his bow through its stems and these arrows forever becime the rose bush The rose is connected with many of the famous For example it is said tint used rose petals as a carpel for the floors of her The time is now to plant perennials Dominion Seed IIome Summer is upon us for most gardeners this is the time to the fruits of our labour Besides keeping the weeds down and the bugs off favourite don think about seeds or transplanting seedlings am more The next month or so however is in ideal time to start a lot of perennials from seed Perennial ire plants reappear in our garden without having to be reseeded or replanted Bv starting them from seed evervone can the pleasure and satisfaction of permwent perennial plantings at a verv modest cost In the last few perennials have become increiMngh more popular There are several reasons for this trend Perennials provide sense of per manence and stabihtv Most of the plants we would have found in our grand mothers garden would have been perennials The delphiniums tin familiar the colourful lupines are all from that en provide a sense of wonderment Nothing is as fascinating as watching the rebirth of growth each spring from last garden treasures Perennials provide There are perennials for shade sun wet and loca Thev have a wide range of size height form and flowering season Perennials also provide economic advantage The flower clumps enlarge each season for an ever increasing colour displaj These dumps ma also be used for division and transplanting to new beds Seeds can be started indoors or outdoors Conditions tan be more controlled indoors and therefore might be the more favourabk option Chick seed packets some perennials such as Bleeding require i told treatment before ire reidv io ite This in be achieved pining the seeds in Mink medium putting in i iitngti i few week Hit in tht medium mild hi maintained it mi suds such is and i light l i hi covered soil others not once if mi iheck seed pickets specific dim tic is Whin seedlings ire I irge I irmsphnt to a perm me k r i limponrv bed growing until fill or spring is critical this High temper and the underdeveloped rooi svstem make the seedling dependent on water to ensure its chimes est Mike the moisture if soil at It in tin evening In hoi protect the seed I Tom direct for It duvs will putt it or shingle To htlp minimal i fertilizer mediate ifitr lor suite This help i r and in ihur hi m Willi i littie bit of planning id mi now tan to colour i tar wi inform ition pi mini Ms mi hi nonunion Si til Ituusi Mil National Real Estate Service move into the mortgage market is just one step our long term strategy to become the number one real estate firm in the country said Installed at NO EXTRA COST OSBORNE DECOR LTD 509 STREET ONTARIO palace And supposed to have had at least books on the culture of rose bushes There is still another story about rose petals that is hard to believe but persists nevertheless ft is about the Nero and since there are questions about him in other regards perhaps this story is plausible It is said that Nero spent the current equivalent of over 000 on roses for one banquet It was apparently his desire to have rose petals fall from the ceiling like rain II was later reported hit a few of guests were unlucky they were smothered as a result of weight of the falling petals A modern day almost fatal event is said to have been prophesied by Nostradamus In the 16th century he wrote When the rose blooms in then will be blood in the Jubt three days before Pope John Paul was shot France elected a new whose Socnlist parly is a red rose It is believed that the world s oldest living rose is 1000 ytars old grows on the wall of the in Hildesheim just south Hanover German According to reports received bv the Garden Council it stilt blooms every year The Americans lay claim to the largesl rose bush in the world but it not in Texas It was brought to the S from Scotland as a young plant in 1885 It still grows in Mrs Burl in s garden located in Tombstone Arizona The diameter of its stem now exceeds 15 cm 6 Its branching head covers an area large enough to shelter some people from a sudden rain shower Now that s a big rose bush by anyone standards The Canadian Garden Council says that the reason roses smell so nice at least some of them do is that flowers have to rely on aroma and colour to attract insects and bees for pollination One of he items which rose are working hard at in in their new being introduced is a stronger perfume A new classification of roses now becoming popular in England is the English garden rose all of which have large flowers produced throughout the season and with an excellent fragrance Two examples for which you may wish to look out are St Cecilia a delightful light pink and Graham Stuart Thomas a bright yellow What are you swimming in pool spa tan be a haven for bacteria Hut with proper treatment vou dont have to what a swimming in gets wastes out Burn Out to use that leacs pool sparkling clear md Burn Out t ikes cart of swimmer and bacteria that and regular leaves behind del Burn Out And get the wastes out We make swim mmg Bring your pool to BioGuard ACADIAN POOLS 134GuelphSt GEORGETOWN Ontario 8733320 8779562