THE HERALD Wednesday MO Page 25 Martin movie plot is slow but leaves you smiling By DIAHANN NADEAU Herald Special What if the FBI had a wild and crazy guy in the witness protection program who was kind of a pathological liar and thief but in the nicest way and transported Mm from the Italian subculture in New York City to suburban Nor thern California Thats the premise of My Blue Heaven Herbert Ross latest directorial effort starring Steve Martin and Rick Light- hearted and a little loopy My Blue Heaven is a pleasant film not headed for any awards but worth viewing nonetheless Martin plays a lowlevel Mafia crook who turns state witness and is trucked off to Nor thern California to hide until the trial- His wife leaves him within minutes of arrival he gets bored quickly and in days is diving back into his old ways stealing a car and some liquor Hannah the district attorney Joan Cusack doesnt buy his wildly im provised explanations and he is rescued by agent Barney Coopersmith These two provide the sane foil to Vinnie fighting over his body Stubbs wants him in jail needs him in New York Vinnie just Choral Society season is fast approaching Its back towork time for the Georgetown Choral Society as the new season approaches fast Com mittee work has already begun as the executive puts the plans together to try and make the 19901991 season as successful and exciting as last year which you will all recall ended with a musical tour of Holland The new executive comprises of the President Bill Hyde Vice- President Sid Micdcma Secretary Jerry Treasurer Sandra and PastPresident Barb Kozler An initial planning meeting was held recently and although summer vacations restricted attendance to three of the executive plus Publici ty Chairperson Maureen Burgoyne a good head start was made The Committee and the general membership are pleased to welcome Dale Wood back for another season as Director All are agreed that following the fantastic level attained by the Georgetown Choral Society in conjunction with the Choral Society during the European concert tour everything possible will be done to work even harder and continue the growth in the future Difficult as it is at this time of the year to think of September and the Fall season it has to be done Anyone interested in joining or re joining this friendly dedicated group of choristers all intent on achieving a high level of com petence in the execution of beautiful and exciting music should consider joining the Georgetown Choral Society Our first meeting of the season will be our rehearsal on Monday September so feel free to come out and join us at p at the Knox Presbyterian Church in Georgetown All you need to bring with you is your best singing voice The Choral Society fully ap preciates the dedicated work of the members of our Library Commit tee These three ladies Debbie Snook Pat Grasby and Lynn dy have the onerous task of first making sure that everyone has the music for each concert and then ensuring that it is all collected and filed at the end of the concert Their work does not end there Often the GCS rents music from other choirs which the three source care for file and return for future use All this additional work for three members who are already very busy people Debbie has a young family to keep her occupied Pal is the receptionist at the Georgetown Medical Centre and Lynn works at Sheridan College Over the months we hope to in troduce you to several of the other members of the Choral Society and the work they do behind the scenes addition to singing VIDEO PLUS Weil Georgetown Fruit BRING HOME A STAR NOW IN- Holls Gats Earth Day Special Joe Volcano The Handmaidens Born on the of Blue Steel Tale July Much Gwrgttown Ontario QUICKPIK THE QUICK PLACE TO SHOP BAGGED MILK Carton Cigarettes Cigarettes pkg Weekend Now Movies All Older Movies All The Time NINTENDO Machine 3 Games Weekend Special 3 Games for3Nighls15ci wants to make a living and have a good time And maybe match up these two squares The plot takes a while to get off the ground moving far too slowly at first However as the movie progresses the situations become funnier and Vinnie becomes more endearing less grating His in credible lies combined with an ex traordinary de vivre drag and into his orbit loosening them up a little making them more human and happier Martin plays it heavy as there is nothing subtle in his per formance He relics on his facial expressions for a lot of his laughs Martin has always been good a physical comedy plays his usual schmuck a short guy who needs to learn to have fun Joan Cusack is the one who brings the movie to life she outshines the others m her role as the straight repressed Hannah a woman whose footwear is the perfect ex pression of her dull tight stodgy life Her performance has more shadings more underplayed humor Other actors include lovely Melanie Mayron as a cop who falls hard for Vinnie and Carol Kane as the kewpie doll who marries him Kane is vastly underused here she has almost no screen time which is a terrible waste William Hinkley brings his lizard voice and wrinkled face to the role of another turncoat Mafia crook it seems this little town is rife with govern ment witnesses Home of The Best Country Music For 25 Years ALL THIS WEEK SCOTTY WELLS Queen St E Brampton COUNTRY LANE SUMMER SPECIAL Round Mini Putt Small Bucket Balls Rounds oil Baseball new baiting cage Hot Dog Drink Try Our New Batting Cages Softball Hardball Country Lane Line River from Osoraslown 8772254 ARE YOU A COUNTRY VIDEO MEMBER IF YOU ARE YOURE INVITED TO OUR MEMBERSHIP APPRECIATION CORN ROAST SEPT 15 9 am9 pm COUNTRY LANE 10th Lined River 8772254 free mini golf free driving range free batting cage free corn drink prizes games fun for the whole family AVOID THE LINEUPS REGISTER EARLY My Blue Heaven takes what can be an incredibly traumatic situa tion and plays it strictly for laughs The plot never intends for a second to reflect reality Vinnte is the worst person on the face of the earth at hiding himself There is a slightly disjointed feel to the film and it does take a little too long to take off On the whole though My Blue Heaven leaves you smiling and humming and features a ter rific soundtrack GEORGETOWN CINEMAS 235 GUELPH STREET 8731999 CINEMA 1 NOW PLAYING STEVE RICK MARTIN MORANIS MY BLUE HEAVEN Evenings at 700 91 5 pm Matinee Sat Sun at 200 CINEMA 2 LAST DAYS Lavage Evenings at 5 pm 6th SMASH WEEK CLASSIC Jungle Book Hi FAMILY I Sat Sun 200 pm CINEMA 3 NOW PLAYING CARE OF BUSINESS lull who to lit Evenings at 700 91 pm Matinee Sat Sun at pm COMINOTHISFRlE GHOST TUESDAYS PASSWORD This Weeks Password Is THURSDAYS I BEUEVE IN GHOST