Page THE HERAJJ f lfOp- by Joseph Farris BRIDGE JAMES I RANK ERNEST by Bob Thayes BOYS GIRLS EARN A REGULAR INCOME NO COLLECTIONS The following routes will be coming available soon ALEXANDER PARK CONFEDERATION Will earn you 46 per month MULLEN KAREN Will pay you 00 per week SUBDIVISION Is a route thai can be built up WEBER DRIVE Will urn you In excess of for your Christmas shopping THOMPSON RD oft streets This is a route that will In crease ACTON CHURCHILL Saving for that new bike Earn 00 a month with tMi route DANVILLE earn you S5 per week ACTON NORMAN Will pay over per month DONT DELAY CALL TODAY the HERALD 8772201 by Jimmy Johnson NORTH K2 YK9643 WEST j K J532 EAST 7 SOUTH AS Y A Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer South South West North East 2 NT Pass Pass 4 Pass 4 NT Pass Pass All pass transfer Opening lead Getting it right lames One advantage to transfer bidding in response to notrump is that often the responder can get a feel for the quality of openers trump support So when North transferred to hearts after South had opened two no trump the jump to four hearts made it easy for North to go to slam But the mirror image spade holdings made 12 tricks uncertain If North had one more spade or one fewer club the slam would be automatic Declarer won the ace of spades and played three rounds of trumps An ex round of trumps can sometimes get a helpful discard from a defender West discarded a spade and a low club East let a low diamond go South cashed A Q of diamonds and then cashed dummy s king of spades Now what In a vacuum it s right to play club ace and a club to the queen You win whenever East hold you also win whui West holds the doubleton king of clubs After win the king he would have to give a and a ruff But West had shown up with only one heart and two dia Declarer did not think a club king possible This time South got it right He played a low club from dummy When East played the seven declarer put in the eight West won the jack and had to lead away from the club king so the slam was made Note well that East should play low smoothly even when he holds the kmg of clubs That can cause a declarer to go wrong even though expert declar think they can read a defender in such cases James Jacobys books Jacoby Bridge and on Card Games written with his father the late Oswald Jacoby are now available at imukstores Both are published by Books newspaper r Birthday Sept 5 1990 In ihe year ahead be alert or an unusual venture where you be able to trans form something outmoded Into a profit able endeavor It will bo In your area of expertise VIRGO Aug Do not do- moan opportunities that appear to promise only small rewards today be cause they can be transformed into something larger One of your breaks might come from what another has cast aside Virgo treat yourself to a birthday gift LIBRA Conditions In general appear promising for you to day primarily because of your abilities to overcome difficulties You can compllsh the results you envision SCORPIO Oct 22 Don t let an associate slip in and try to assume con today of an arrangement you better equipped to manage It could prove undesirable SAGITTARIUS Nov Dec 21 Your innate business acumen could asset that will put you in the profit col today You be adroit at watching both the pennies and the dollars CAPRICORN Dec 22 Jan Others will find the example you set Is the prop one to follow today because you II take your responsibilities seriously This will encourage them to conduct them selves similarly AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb Be com passionate and charitable when dealing with persons today who are less fortu than you are However also be practical regarding the extend to which you are able to help PISCES Feb 20March 20 Don be surprised today if friends are inclined to lean on you when they have problems with which they can cope They picked the right person because you know how to resolve things ARIES March 21 April You II have a slight edge over your adversaries In competitive developments today How ever your margin for success Is rather thin so don t push your luck too far TAURUS April May 20 It could prove beneficial at this time to reestab I sh communications with an old friend who presently resides In a distant loca Something mutually advantageous might result GEMINI May 21 June 20 Your possl for achieving your objectives are likely to be better now than they will be tomorrow Don shelve Important mat ters that could be easily taken care of today CANCER June 21July 22 Pay heed to your mate suggestions today If a deci sion has to be rendered regarding a matter of mutual concern Your mate could have clearer perspectives than you LEO July Aug 22 Something in which you re presently Involved with an other has promising potential but both parties must be patient because the anticipated rewards could be slow in coming Send for your Astro Graph predictions today Mall to Astro- Graph co this newspaper O Box 91428 Cleveland OH 44101 3428 Be sure to state your zodiac sign CELEBRITY CIPHER Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people post and present Each letter In the cipher stands for another Today s clue A equals R R B RDCIBBRYVG Fl GMXIZ RQVRMU WMVGBB RB CVGMFZ IP SIEA 1 A op jo si 6unpi oi si sn0IA3Hd