Page 16 THE HERALD OUTLOOK Saturday September 15 1990 Religion Reverend Carol Skidmore believes in open door policy There was a of years when the church was not the focus of Reverend Carol Skidmore s life But she maintains the experience has made her realize how impor tant that spiritual missing piece can be As the new reverend of St Alban s Anglican Church in Glen Williams Rev Skidmore has a mandate to make the church more visible and to encourage more peo ple to attend Even if it means making a simpl phone call to a family who hasn been to the church to see how the family is do Coming from a large Burlington St Luke family parish Rev Skidmore is impressed at the level of activity shown the family parish Glen Williams Church com Only children of the 1000 families who attended the Burlington church went to Sunda School Rev but of the families in Glen Williams who attend her church about children attend Sunday School As she began introducing herself to the community Rev Skidmore noticed people who lived the area for several years weren even aware the church existed As part of her mandate the make the church better known Rev Skid more plans to initiate a dropin centre for Glen Williams seniors and those in surrounding com mum ties Were realizing we do want new members and we are encouraging more people to come said Rev Skidmore We have an open door polity that hopefully makes people feel comfortable Rev Skidmore would like to see more teenagers attend the church but at 18 ind 18 there ire so things to draw vou away from the church that unless the church takes an active Clergy Comment role and invites you teens tend to leave it Everyone goes through phases explained Rev Skidmore During the first years of marriage couples put emphasis on material gains she said continuing to say there comes a time when everyone begins looking inward searching for spiritual values When this time comes the church must be available to help those whose spiritual part needs to be nurtured Rev Skidmore said If people want to talk you re there she said The church has to be sensitive to people s needs After graduating from high school Rev started her professional career with positions such as clerical typist and secretarial work Although she attended church while raising her three children Rev Skidmore said she was not ac live in the church Heed Gods election call I m minuet 1 uthrr in I Ontario As I write this it is still election and the results just come out as to who will form the next provincial government Those who are supposed experts are beginn ing to whv things turned out in such a that majontv government is being formed with such a low total popular vote The results being out the question of what reallv happens when gin is elected or w hen people cast their ballots for c in Looking at some of the individual ridings shows that the fringe par tics ma have had significant feet in drawing votes iwav from mai line candidates hi voters rted these parties st likeh did so thiv inted to see i government which supported certain imp rtint principles which three r partus filled to support even supppnss other fut might hive bun that mam people wanted to send the previous government verv strong message ibout their dissatisfaction with the government had been working or not working It is a strong theme perhaps not onlv in but in other provinces as well as on the federal level People do not feel that their personal interests have been properh addressed bv the government so they to vote it out of office In a wav this is whit voting is all to choose the one who will act in v our best interests on of issues that comi up But we know what is in our best interest and what ibut our government Would i hum in government ever be f ting in the best rests ill citizens the If v of someine like would v Ih who believe in Christ is their el urn to f such The ilks Mini is ire f ill if needs is ting in test interest the situition Yet others have a fimlt time with that I use have experiences which don seem so pleasant and so they vote out of their life However God is not a politician who goes back on His promises nor is He capable of making mistakes even when it seems like it to us He also different from politicians and bureaucrats in be able to sa how something is going to come out without needing studies and long committee hear God plan for this world and for each of us allowed the problems of sin evil to trouble us for a while But then His solution was to take on our guilt punishment to free us from the consequences The end result is that accepting His pi in we citizens a much bet rid God does ni t ill in election it isn netessirv but He is ill nc d We need Him I into the future should livi Him He f to tiki in of us ind trust Him to d whit Ik his miscdus HALTON HILLS COLLISION RR 1 ACTON 853 2860 St Ma n Streel South Downtown Georgetown 873 1470 Clothing Mens todies Childrens ALTERATIONS I REPAIRS 877- Georgetown PROBLEM Contaminated drinking water SOLUTION THE WATER DEPOT St Georgetown 8731090 There in open door pulley in SI Anglican Church in GUn and all are welcomed hv the parish new Rev larol Skid Skidmon has been introducing to tht during the past months and the has tin oil lit r photo DRIVING SCHOOL J NEXT CLASS SEPT Oct 3rd MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS 6 For Information About Courses or Private Lessons phone 8772671 SHOPPING SPREE VALUE STORE Designer Eye Glasses Soft Contact Lenses Coloured Contact Lenses Gas Permeable Contact Lenses At Affordable Pnces Limited Time Discount Offers Available Eye Examinations Arranged Call 8733050 FAMILY OPTICAL St Unit 8 GEORGETOWN