Autumn is here and leaves have fallen so quickly that his rake got lost in a pile of leaves Help him find it at the bottom of the leaf pile BOYS GIRLS EARN A REGULAR INCOME NO COLLECTIONS The following routes will be coming available soon ALEXANDER PARK COM FEDERATION Will earn you per month MULLEN KAREN Will pay you 6 00 per weak WEBEfl DRIVE Will earn you in excess of S115 for your shopping THOMPSON streets Tills Is a route that will In ACTON CHURCHILL Saving lor that new bike Earn a month this DANVILLE Will earn you S5 per week ACTON NORMAN Will pay over S28 per DONT DELAY CALL TODAY 8772201 is enoying a stroll in the crisp morning air of a beautiful fall day Try to find at least ten things in the picture which begin with too 1 Autumn is the season which comes after summer and before winter Autumn is often called fall because this is when most of the leaves fall from the trees 2 Trees that lose their leaves each all are called trees Most deciduous trees have broad flat leaves Examples include oaks elms and maples Trees that do not lose their leaves each fall ore colled evergreen trees Most evergreen trees have needle like leaves Examples include pines fin spruces Summer ends and autumn begins on either the or the of September Many important events have taken place in September over the years On Sept 8 the first European settlement America was founded in St Augustine Florida THE HERALD OUTLOOK Saturday September IS Page These riddles are sure to be a challenge am something that has three feet but cannot walk What am I occur twice in every moment once in every minute but never in a hundred years What I am I am something that can run but cannot walk What am I am lighter than a feather but harder to hold I What am I can run and I con whistle but I can neither walk nor talk What am I can be easily seen but I cannot be felt I have i size but no weight What am I 7 I am something that is always full of holes yet holds water am toujoioj o IV Kate Why do you go to bed every night Jack Because the bed won come to me Knock Knock Lynn Why did the girl walk Who s there striped socks Prylls Jim I don t know Why Phyllis who Lynn 5he find her shoes Phyllis in on HEY KIDS its and nothin but Fill out this page and bring it to PiZZA HUT 308 Guelph St Georgetown You will receive a FREE KIDS MEAL For Children 12 Under Accompanied By An Dining Room Only Personal Pan Pizza Sot Drink Ice Cream and your name wIR go in a draw for a FREE PIZZA PARTY FOR YOUR FAMILY Large Pizza Pitcher of Pop and Ice Cream tor a Fandy NAME ADDRESS PHONE NO