THE HERALD Wednesday September MM- Bowling season rolling for players of all ages RECREATION REPORT Power skating improves skills Junior Champions The two junior champions of the North Golf Club display their trophies at the club on Sunday morning Chris ting Carter was the overall girls champion and Eddie Powers was the champion of the boys side The winner of the Juvenile section was Greg Sinclair while the winner of Bantam A was Mark and the winner of Bantam was Kevin Shapcott The closing day champion for the junior to urn a ment was Peter Armstrong Herald photo by Robert Risk The Seniors are off lo a roaring start as they were led by Christina Lane who rolled a 786 306 triple Following close behind were Mark 686 Brian Bell Dave Ridley and Robert Harrison 260 All of this top notch bowling is warming up the Seniors for their first tournament of the year the Senior Mixed which will take place Saturday October 27 or Sun day October 28 al a location to be announced later Starting next week the teams will be in place and the Strike Pot will be ready to go We are still looking for more bowlers in order to make this year the most successful yet We offer a supervised league where you can learn the fundamen and the fine touches from two Master Bowlers Ralph Miller is the senior of the two coaches with a Sr Boys Stiver Provincial medal a Bantam Boy s National Silver medal and he is in charge of the boy teams Dee Dee Haynes who is looking after the Senior girls has lots of experience as she moved up Skate harder faster and learn to slop sharper The Halton Hills Recreation and Parks Deparlmenl will help young hockey players in crease their power agility speed coordination The inslruclors are very skilled For more information call ext YOUTH ACTIVITY NIGHT Every Wednesday starling Oc for in weeks the Hills Recreation and Parks Depariment offers an evening of and entertainment for youth in grades 6 and Play basketball vollejball floor hockey go lo the movies watch your favorite videos go on trips share in some Sepcial wilh other kids your own age For more in formation rail 2600 QUILTING Join Halton Hills Recreation and Parks Department a the Hob by Horse and create a beautiful wail hanging If interested call exl as program begins September 26 STRESS WORKSHOP Relax your way In a stress free day This week workshop will help you develop technique that will help you to relax and manage stress in a positive way Call the Halton Hills Recreation and Parks Department at 2600 ext 268 IN SPORTS Enhance your athletic per in golf tennis figure skating hockey baseball and many other individual and learn sports This one day workshop will leach you how to apply the techni of menial imagery visualization to your game The Halton Hills Recreation and Parks Department runs this program on Saturday October 13 ID a at the Georgetown District High School DEFENSE All women are invited register for this practical self defense course The program deals with learning the right altitude dealing wilh every form of attack and how lo counter these attacks This four week program begins Oc 2 For more informalion call 268 GEORGETOWN CUSTOM CAR SOUND THE CAR STEREO EXPERTS SINCLAIR AVE GEORGETOWN 877 2425 SAVE YOUR BODYl NORTH END NISSAN 878 Martin SI MILTON DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC TRENTON DT 18 CHURCH STREET GEORGETOWN ACROSS FROM LIBRARY AND CULTlIRAL centre 8772359 SHOPPING SPREE VALUE STORE NOW AVAILABLE HOCKEY EQUIPMENT TEAM UNIFORMS HOCKEY BAGS SALE 99 WINTER JACKETS BASEBALL AND SKATE SHARPENING HOCKEY CARDS through the ranks and is now in her fourth year of coaching Dee Dee was the coach of the 1988 com bo team Provincial Champion ships Ralph and Dee Dee along with the support of the alley owner Rose have lots of plans for this year s league so if you are in or want more informa lion please call or stop by Thursday evening belween 3 30 Hope to see you there GEORGETOWN HOT SHOTS League Bill Rob Hat Niters League Bnnley Hole Smith and Stone League Ace Bailey 718284 Wed Mixed League Dan Ligterink Ken Donaldson Georgetown Smurfs Jason 267113 Jamie Felton 275109 William Walker 271113 LisaClarke22l86 Pee Wees Gordon Everett 374134 Richard Gostlin Brendan Louth 351 Alex Foster 286107 Gordon Clarke 280131 Bantams Matthew Walker 468177 Paul Larocque Janice Somers Lynn Moreland 390136 Heather Sanderson 365150 Jen infer Doyle David King Juniors DflVid Leslie Cindy Clarke 599233 Ryan Martin Kevin Shapcott Julie 490183 Monica Beauparlant Black 457164 Nancy Larocque The Teen Age League is bowl ing on Thursday nights at 6 30 m at the Georgetown Bowling Centre The supervising staff will be registering new bowlers and set ting up the competing team roster for the coming season The first tournament coming up is the Mix Team Championship Every week there will be a draw and a try at a free money bowl All are urged to join now for fun and achieve ment CANADIAN CANCER I society du Cancer CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY ACTON UNIT ANNUAL MEETING and VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION NIGHT Tuesday October 2nd pm For Dessert Coffee at Knox Presbyterian Church Guest Speaker Carolyn Keyworth Living With Cancer Group Leader THE CORPORATION OF THE Town of Halton Hills 1 Holton Hills Drve PO Box HILLS Georgetown Ontaro L7G HOME COMPOSTING PROGRAM HOME COMPOSTED PURCHASE APPLICATION FORM The Town of Halton Hills in conjunction with the Ministry the En Muncpal ReductionReuse Program is making 500 Home Composer Units available to the residents of Town Hills at a cost of per unit Requests will be filled in order that applications are received Applicants will be notified when their home composlers are available for pickup Delivery is anticipated to the Town by m d October Conditions of Purchase please read carefully 1 Mad or Del the Completed Form to HOME COMPOSTING PROGRAM TOWN OF HALTON HILLS HILLS DRIVE BOX 128 HALTON HILLS GEORGETOWN ONTARIO L7G5G2 2 This Composter Application Form must be accompanied by a cheque or money order made payable to the Town of in amount of 00 Purchasers must be residents of Ihe Town of Hallon Hills living in dwellings in which home composting is feasible The composter purchased with this order form will be used only at the address shown above The composters are not intended for resale Only one will be provided dwelling 6 Purchasers agree to participate In follow up studies which will be conducted to evaluate the success of this pilot program I hereby acknowledge having read the conditions of purchase I certify that the information Is correct ami I win comply and abide with the conditions of pur chain I hereby acknowledge and agree thai In the event thai I fail to meet the conditions of purchase I will return the composter to the Town of HUls and my purchase cost win be refunded Sinned Date Kami Print Tnhinhonf Ho Evtfling FOR USE ONLY Date Contacted Receipt No Picked Up