THE HERALD Wednesday September 1W Pge Turner to fight for property owners rights Last week I told you about my changes resigning as a committee chairman in Ottawa so I can better represent middleclass concerns in Ottawa It seemed only logical to me after learning how this system of politics works for the past two years Half way through my time as an MP wanted to come back to the reasons I ever ran for office fairer taxes housing breaks for families and care for both the economy and the environ ment I went back to Ottawa last week and youd think I had done something in Canadian history Calls from reporters lit up my office phones ended up on national TV explaining why the resignation took place Some media interpreted what Id done a some kind of protest against the government And I kept getting why are you really do ing this The real reason is too simple to be interesting For years I was a critic of politicians and now I am one Id like to be a bridge between government and average people Id like to put the middle class back on the national agenda right up there with Bouchard and the Mohawk Warriors Parliament has resumed sitting and by coincidence this is the week in Ontario when people in the real estate industry celebrate the fact home ownership and private property are so important to us But did you know there is no con stitutional guarantee in Canada about owning property Theres no law saying a government cant come along and take your house away For the last eight years its been that way ever since the Constitu tion was brought back to Canada in 1932 Before that the Canadian Bill of Rights which established in 1960 said this It is hereby recognized and declared that in Canada there has existed and shall continue to exist the right of the individual to life liber ty security of the person and en joyment of property and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law But that right to own property was dumped from the Charter of Rights which we got when the Con stitution came back mostly because at the time the NDP ob jected to it So now according to constitu tional expert Peter Hogg the Charter affords no guarantee of compensation or even of a fair pro cedure for the taking of property by government It means that the Charter affords no guarantee of fair treatment by courts tribunals or officials with power over the purely economic interests of in dividuals And I object to that EAGLE offers scenic walk Want to enjoy the fall colors Come joine EAGLE Ecology Awareness Group Landscape and Environment on a scenic walk on Niagara Escarpment lands Sun day Oct 14 1990at2pm EAGLE will be leaving from the Acton quarry lookout heading down the Third Line and joing the Bruce Trail to eventually complete the walk through a sensitive area threatened by quarries Guides will point out the historical significance of the area Donations and pledges are welcome and all proceeds will go the EAGLE in the groups effort to protect the Niagara Escarpment as a unique natural area recogniz ed world wide as a Biosphere- Reserve A bring your own barbecue wilR be held at the thome of Mr Mrs Coffee and barbecues will be awaiting your arrival Details and pledge sheets can obtained by phoning or Layered clothing and com fortable footwear is recommend- To me it should be a right any Canadian can own property and have some protection that government wont take it away The Americans have this constitu tional guarantee and we should too So I am raising the matter in the House of Commons and asking the government to do more than just give lip service to private property rights Nothing will happen quickly of course After Meech Lake failed the whole issue of changing the Constitution collapsed It will take a long time before passions cool enough that we can start talking again But when we do this item should be on the table right beside the future of Quebec the rights of native people recognition of women and minorities and every other special interest group de mand Two years ago the Tory MP from Kitchener John in troduced a motion in the House of Commons which said the Constitu tion should be amended in order to recognize the right to enjoyment of property and the right not to be deprived thereof except in ac cordance with the principles of fun damental justice That motion passed and yet after two years nothing has hap pened During the last round of constitutional talks the issue wasnt even mentioned Once again the middle class was left off the agenda because were all too polite and patient Were easy to ig nore in a country where the ex tremists and the zealots and the lobbyists get all the attention No more You and I should have some fundamental guarantee that nobody will come and take our houses away It may be a small point but its important In a coun try where home ownership is a basic fact of life this only seems to be common sense So why has politics denied it Lets try to find out And then fix NutriSystem added 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