HIE HERALD Wednesday November Page IS Annual Craft and Bake Sale a great success By BETTY Scores upon scores of people came out to the Community tre on Sunday for the Annual Craft and Bake Sale Here they found many fine items to admire and to purchase The vivid colors that caught your eyes upon entering the sale were exceptional A total of 31 tables held a of some very ingenious crafts as well as the old such as beautifully knitted and crocheted items A great many very talented in displayed their wares ranging from jewellery folk art painting gift baskets woodwork ing Christmas tree ornaments dough work quilting and pain tings There was something for everyone Draws were held to guess how many candles in a jar and a chance to win a Christmas cake The lunch served was a big hit with homemade chili vegetable beef soup and Dessert and snacks were homemade pies muffins rice knspies etc Two bake tables were set up to hold all the goodies such as pies cakes cookies and squares All items were donated Many thanks to all those numerous peo ple who were so kind and generous to contribute With the bright beautiful sunny days parents were able to leave their children in the park where they played contently in the playground equipment A big round of thanks go to the three chief organizers of this event who were Mabel Hoare French and Marlene Burnett These ladies spent many hours of planning and coordinating to make this function highly sue cessful The artists and crafts people are appreciated for their participation and for donating an article for sale at the Community Centre table Numerous volunteers too many to be named here in this column need to be thanked as their pitching in the load and added to the success Recently the Jim Dandies at tended a League Dance It was wonderful to see all those familiar faces again the ceremonies a new League trophy was presented to Marion Lumbers of the Jim Dandies This trophy donated by Bruno Carnelos is the Vivian Bremner Memorial Award It is to be presented yearly to the players who best displays ability sport manship leadership and will to help and instruct others Congratulations also go out to Sharon Marshall who was voted the Most Valuable Player of the season for the Jim Dandies A beautiful sugar maple has been planted in the Jim Bailey Park in the honor of the memory of BUI Smith The Jim Dandies donated this tree with the hopes that bUl with his outgoing per kind ways and hand some face will always be remembered The three groups meeting this week are the U C Hall Board andthe4H MY FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST RALPH LAUREN MOCK TURTLENECKS Youth Sizes VAURNET Long Sleeve T Shirts Office Magic Farmitun Office SappIIn 136 ST GEORGETOWN 8772300 TRZSHfAFFIR BALLPOINT PENS