EDUCATION WEEK Wednesday May 1 1991 Page I Students are dead against drunk drivers In the past few years there have been a few events pertain ing to drunk driving in and around Hills A few weeks ago I was reading an article in a magazine about drunk drivers in PEI They have lowered the fatalities from 34 deaths to only in years First offenders are jailed from 3 days to several months this depends on their crime In On tario they either get fined or a warning I think we should en force our laws like they are doing in PEI In PEI after a second offence licences are taken away therapy sessions are started and fines and jail terms are made We are not nearly as strict on drunk drivers here as they are in PEI PEI is setting a good example for Canada I think we should follow their example I dont think there is anything wrong with drinking as long as you are responsible I think car- pooling and assigning a designated driver is a wonderful idea Whoever is smart enough to do this is every thoughtful and considerate I feel that drunk drivers are very inconsiderate to others In stead of getting a taxi or a drive these people go out and drive and risk killing or injuring others They even risk their own lives and maybe friends or relatives lives too There is no way to say you are sorry for killing somebody I think that the police should patrol more around bars and at night time The pro gram should be brought out more often If you drink be careful and dont drive A concerned citizen I dont find anything wrong with drinking as long as its done responsibly Many accidents are caused by drinking and driving each year No punishment could ever be enough to make up for the death of a victim when killed in a car crash caused by a drunk Some cases are just dropped if they arent brought to court by a cer tain time Therefore the drunk driver has got away with murder ing someone and may think they can get away with driving carelessly again The drunk driver should pay for what theyve done in any possible way even though nothing could ever bring the vic tim back With people driving around drunk it is a risk to everyones life Although many are not kill ed so many are severely injured and go through so much to recover I think each group that goes out to drink should be sure to nave a designated driver so that theyre not putting their own and everyone elses life in danger I feel that the pro gram is helping a lot yet should be done more often I dont see the point in getting drunk in the first place yet theres nothing wrong with a few drinks as long as you take the danger of Drinking and Driv ing seriously By Hemma Fight Waste Dear Drunk Drivers To all people who have ever driven when drunk or had way too much to drink Im very con cerned for the life of people that you may be wasting or throwing away I am writing this because I dont want to see someone get hurt for the wrong reason and so meones carelessness To everyone that drives when drunk you are taking a very bad step in the wrong direction Most ac cidents that take place now a days are because of drunk driv ing Im not saying all accidents are caused by drunk driving just half of them You may take drinking as an excuse for your nerves or other reasons but if you drink just make sure youre not driving Even if it is only a few drinks you may know a few may take so meones life evenyours To all of you may think this is a joke youre actually dealing with fire as the old saying goes I know for most of you people out there as soon as you get in the car you dont even think that you may be risking lives but you are If you have children you should think that you may never ever see them again or take another look at the world out there If youre one of these people with a drinking problem then you may get some help before youre in jail for killing someone or in a hospital because of a bad acci dent Well I dont really know how to say this but I myself am afraid of and I especially dont want my life taken from me because of a DRUNK DRIVER Signed Miss Serious SherryLynn Walsh ACTON