Page THE WEEKEND OUTLOOK Friday May Seniors- Interesting and informative information By FLORENCE WILKINSON I am sitting here writing this on May l It was just a year ago on May 3 that Bob Malcolmson came to a joint meeting of the Ex- ecutive of Georgetown and District Seniors Association and of the Public Relations Commit tee of that organization to suggest to us that we should be responsi ble for a weekly column in the Herald This morning the Public Relations Committee had a meeting at which it discussed the ongoing need to find writers for this column and agreed that as well as trying to report on what kind of seniors events were going on around this area and the cur rent work of the above Associa tion we should also cover sub jects in which seniors are in terested I must admit that I am not a very good chairman for we covered all kinds of things in which seniors are interested as well as the business of the day and did it in a friendly conversa tional manner rather than in an orderly businesslike manner We discussed for instance the wonderful opportunities available to those who join Elder Hostel We talked about how im portant it is for all people to get a long range view of how history was made in Canada whether it has to do with the struggle of the Natives to take their rightful place in the development of this great land or the indignities that French Canadians have had to suffer if they were to get work We heard of how people who mov ed from Quebec to S A a cou ple of generations ago had to change their names so that they could work there We realized that sad state of human relation ships applied to other language and cultural groups in Canada as well Well believe it or not these are some of the subjects in which that small group of people were avidly interested and they are all wat ching with great interest the fin dings of the Citizens Forum on 9kk CELEBRATE MENTAL HEALTH WEEK MAY 6 12 1991 Canadas Future They are wan ting to see the interviews with Joan Scannell on her trip to Japan and Siena VanHoeklen on her experience as citizen of the year in Georgetown which are to appear on the May program of Seniors TV Productions Get talking to a group of seniors and you are apt to get in teresting and informative input on any subject under the sun Well here is some information which you need to know about Georgetown and District Seniors Association The Annual General Meeting is to be held May 29 at 730 pm in St Andrews United Church on Mountainview not Ho ly Cross as usual This will br ing annual reports from each of the committees and the whole organization but most im portantly will offer a change in the bylaw which deals with the needed quorum for holding an an nual meeting Our committee discussed the need for getting this information to everyone especially those who have made a donation which puts them on a membership roll With around 800 such people on the list we realized that we do not yet have the mailing or delivery pro cess in hand to get the report to them by the 29th However was decided that such a delivery pro cess must be arranged so that members could get information and updates into their hot little hands at least once a year Eight hundred mailings is very costly so I expect it will be a delivery system The Association is look ing for people who wish to work on committees or on a once a year venture Most of you know how hard it is to keep com munications going in these times so any offers of help would be gratefully received Any who are interested in how far toward a seniors centre this association has progressed should be present at the Annual Meeting If you are not a member come early enough to make a donation to the cause small or large so that you will have voting privileges Hope to see you at the Annual Meeting of Georgetown and District Seniors Association held May 29th in St An drews United Church Fight Waste Sea EXCELAWN A- ROYAL- DOULTON SPECIAL- EVENT Michael will personally sign any Royal 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