the HERALD- Pages Community News Friday July 1991 Seniors Halton Seniors Games wellreceived Wednesday June 26 was the final day of Halton Region Seniors Games for The games are held annually and every second year the tion is Provincewide This year the tournaments were regional and concluded in the Burlington Seniors Recreational Centre with a fine roast beef dinner and presentation of championship pins to the winning individuals and teams It was a friendly high spirited social event hosted by Lois chell Supervisor of the Burl ington Centre and organized by Norma Willis Coordinator with the assistance of Judy Lilly Recreation Supervisor of for the pCttunC winners from Halton Hills in future years However it isn t the winning that is important it the participation Oakville Robin Co ordinator Milton and Debbie Community Projects Supervisor Halton Hills Pat Glguere represented Halton Hills on the Ontario Senior Games Committee chaired bv Burl s Bill Dudgeon Halton Hills Seniors on the standing committees for the specific gamesactivities were pin bowling Pat Guiguere and Joyce Tilson Darts Alice Elliot and Jean Reid Euchre Chris Robertson and Monica Hancock Golf Dovie Horse Shoes Shel km Walk Eleanor and Mabel Hives Bridge Elsie Whitman Lawn Bowling Hobbs Other activities available in eluded Carpet Bowling Crib Shuffleboard Snooker and Swimming Winners from Halton Hills were Bowling Ernie Emile Shryburt Archie Zoe Greenspan and Fern Boisvcnue km Walk predicted lime Shel Lawr Many thanks to the Regional and Municipal Council staff members and volunteers who worked hard to make the games a meaningful success We expect a bigger representation and more Georgetown and District Seniors Association participated at the Canada Day celebrations in Glen Williams with a highly successful bake sale which made over for the Associations operating account Thanks art due to the Sons of Scotland for the use of their booth and also to Mike who provided his van and helped us transport the booth The Fund Raising Com mittee thanks all who helped by donating baked goods for the event and also to Wilcox who baked and decorated the pressive Canada Cake WERE YOUR INSURANCE BROKERS WE UNDERSTAND PAUL C ARMSTRONG INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 143 MILL ST Halton Hills Georgetown Ontario 8770133 Environment Cosmic magic saving our planet By JOAN DAVISON Cosmic Magic At the official opening of Wastewise on Saturday June 22nd Dr Paul Connett the guest speaker gave the young people in the audience a charge Save the planet What an order He made it funny Staggering around holding an imaginary earth in his arms he repeated That s right Go ahead and do it He didn t promise it would be easy but he did promise us that we would never be bored And that we could have fun doing it So how do you go about saving the Well you could begin by writing your address Jane or Jason Something number and street Georgetown and Acton Hills Ontario Canada North America the Western Hemisphere the Earth the Solar System the Galaxy the Universe That s your real ad dress For you are part of a vast and complex web of life that stretches beyond your brief time and place in this community to in elude past present and future and here and everywhere Once you done that think running around in circles wondering what on earth you can do to save the planet you discover that your special job will find you Its sort of like magic Cosmic magic Try it out ECOLINE SERVICES LTD FOR ALL YOUR MORTGAGE NEEDS CALL CAPTAIN DAVE KRAUSE 20 Years Lend ng Experience Personalized Service Great Rates 8734991 about it A lot Think about it different natural settings For in stance go out in the garden or park in your bare feet and feel the grass tickle your toes while you re thinking about it Or take the time to look at the evening light as it streams through tree branches and leaves Watch the sunset Go out and gaze at the full moon Or stars See the myriad flickers and shifts of light in the running water of a stream And while you re realizing that you are a very important part of all this breathe deeply and take some of that cosmic energy into yourself so that it reaches every cell of your body If you do enough after a while you ll begin to feel dif ferent More av are More alive 77 Main Street South Downtown Georgetown 8731470 26GuelphSt Georgetown Ont 8779896 That has its good points and its bad You II find your nose wrlnkl in disgust and avoiding the smell of the pesticide the neighbours have put on their lawn You II begin to taste the ad ditives and chemical junk that goes into so much of our process ed food Some TV programs you ve previously watched and enjoyed will begin to seem stupid and hollow to you That s the bad part Or is it Because now your perceptions have shifted to a space so that you can begin to experience where the real salvation of our earth lies While thinking about it is a solitary activity you won feel alone Not for long anyway Other people of like mind will come into your life seemingly out of nowhere You make new friends or rediscover old friends in a new way And the neat thing about ail this is that instead of Say I saw it in The Herald GET THE VIP TREATMENT VERY IMPORTANT PERSON Thats the way youre treated when you shop with your hometown merchants You rely on their honesty and you know they stand be hind the goods and ser vices they sell Support your local com m unity and keep the dollars you spend in Halton Hills Shop at home and youll be a VERY INTELLIGENT PERSON too Some of lifes difficult decisions are made easier at Acton Capital Ford Buying a used car Decisions are made easier when you choose from the vehicles we have available New car More decisions How fair is the dealer How good is his service How about financing Should you be leasing or buying At Acton Capital Ford we work hard to make it easy for you We don make promises we can keep and when your car needs service we have the parts and the people to take care of it Come by and see us you probably decide Acton Capital Ford is your kind of place STARTING FROM Air Conditioning power windows styled wheels cruise stereo cassette plus many other CAPITAL ACTON MAIN ST N 25 8532370